I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1317: Venerable Vine King

Song Jian at this time, after absorbing all the amethyst mines in that pit, is now exploring the depths of the mine along the mine tunnel.

So many amethyst raw ore, because of its lower grade and less energy, "only" allowed Song Jian to upgrade to level three, and now the level has been upgraded to level 92.

In less than three hours, he went from level 89 to level 92. The combat experience of these three levels was enough to make a level sixty player directly upgrade to level seventy.

"There isn't even one of the raw funds in the mine tunnel. Are they all concentrated in the mine?" Song Jian secretly asked while exploring.

There are pits distributed in the mines, which are connected by passages dug by goblin miners, and the amethyst ore is in those pits.

The closer the mine is to the entrance of the mine, the lower the grade of the amethyst ore inside, and most of them have been excavated. The deeper you go, the smaller the pit, the higher the quality of the amethyst ore inside, but also more Difficult to dig.

Song Jian walked through five or six pits in a row, but most of the amethyst ore in most of the pits had been excavated, and there were only a few pieces of extremely low-quality ore left in Song Jian.

I don't know how long he has been walking, Song Jian suddenly heard a noisy sound behind him, and several ragged goblin miners were slowly walking over with a miner's hoe.

Song Jian immediately used the concealment technique, and the figure slowly disappeared. The concealment technique had a very good effect on these goblin miners with only more than forty levels. Even if they passed by, these goblin miners did not notice Song Jian's existence.

"Ding Ding Dong Dang~"

Soon, the goblin miners who entered the pit began to dig. The miner's hoes in their hands kept smashing against the hard rock wall. Every time they hit, a piece of spark would be stirred up, and only a shallow line appeared on the rock wall. With a shallow white seal, digging like this, a goblin miner can only dig out one or two amethyst ore in a day. If it encounters a particularly hard place, even one amethyst ore cannot be dug out a day. There is no way to compare efficiency with Song Jian.

"I will go deeper to see if there are any higher quality amethyst ore!" Song Jian secretly said, the amethyst ore in these pits in front of him is similar to the amethyst ore that he had absorbed before, and the quality is not good. How much improvement, the rock wall hardness has increased a lot.

Continuing to walk more than ten meters forward, Song Jian suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, and quickly approached a recessed part of the passage and probed carefully.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps and the conversation of the abyss human race, they seemed to have found someone sneaking into the mine and looking around.

"Who is it that sneaked in? Where did he come from? With so many people at the entrance of the mine, they didn't find any trace of sneaking..."

"That guy is digging too fast. For a whole pit, more than two hundred amethyst ore mines were all dug up in a few hours. If we could have this speed, this mine would have been mined long ago. Tell me, what is he? How did you dig it?"

"Who knows, maybe it is the one who is the favored one. The favored ones are all gopher beasts. They escaped very fast. The Venerable passed by and didn't find anything. Maybe it was the one who sneaked into the amethyst mine. Favored!"

"Yes, the favored ones always have some weird abilities. It's not surprising that they can have such a high mining efficiency!"

"I don't know if he will break into the high-quality area, where there is the guardian of the Venerable Vine King. If he dares to break there, we don't need to come in and suffer. This mine is small and tight!"

"Hmph, here are some low-quality miscellaneous mines. The high-quality areas are the core, but with the protection of Venerable Vine King, we can't get close. The cultivation there is ten times faster than the mine entrance..."


The abyssal humans in the passage patrolled the mines in a perfunctory manner, while talking quietly.

After listening to Song Jian for a while, he knew that the place where he was located belonged to the periphery of the mine, and the real high-quality amethyst ore was still in a deeper place.

After waiting for a while, after the patrolling abyssal humans walked away, Song Jian came out of the hiding place, pondered for a moment, and continued to walk towards the depths of the mine.

The area inside the mine is very wide, and many mine passages are actually not specially constructed manually, but rather like underground cracks. It is just a little excavation based on these cracks.

The deeper you go, the fewer the traces of manual excavation, and some places can only accommodate one person bending through, and the deeper you go, the fewer the number of goblin miners and the higher the quality of the amethyst ore.

After a short while, Song Jian suddenly saw a section of crystals resembling plant roots in the passage ahead. These root-like crystals were crystal clear, like crystals. The roots were wrapped around the rock wall by a purple On the crystal raw ore, the top of the roots has penetrated into the amethyst raw ore, and a slight energy fluctuation is transmitted. The energy in the amethyst raw ore seems to be flowing out continuously through these roots.

"These roots belong to the Venerable Vine King in the mouth of the abyss human race?" Song Jian squinted his eyes and probed carefully. In the heart of the younger sister, the eyes of the **** of broken misunderstanding slowly opened a gap and looked at the roots.

Soon, the attributes of these roots appeared in front of Song Jian. Sure enough, these roots belonged to a BOSS named "Abyss Demon Vine". Each root has an independent vitality value. Cut these Roots can also gain combat experience and loot, just like killing a mob.

However, if you attack these roots, it will attract the attention of the Abyss Demon Vine. At that time, I am afraid that you will be fighting this king-level boss called the Abyss Demon Vine in this place.

This is the home ground of the Abyss Demon Vine. It is conceivable that there are thousands of such roots for the Abyss Demon Vine, even if they are all cut off, UU Reading www.uukanshuu. com can't cause fatal damage to the abyss magic vine, but will be trapped by these roots.

Just as the **** of Pomou was staring at the roots, the root entangled in the amethyst ore suddenly trembled twice, as if he was aware of it, Song Jian quickly closed his eyes.

He has just obtained the Deceptive Eye, and cannot fully control it. Every time he casts it, he will reveal the Dragon God's power contained in it, attracting the attention of the spied, but as long as Song Jian adapts slowly and completely controls it, such The sequelae will be resolved, and no one's attention will be attracted during the investigation.

Song Jian glanced at the entangled amethyst ore and continued to walk forward. This amethyst ore was of extremely high quality, similar to the trophies he had obtained before, and one could increase combat experience by at least 8%.

"There will definitely be higher-quality amethyst mines in it, but those high-quality amethyst ore mines are all near the main body of the magic vine. It is probably not an easy task to avoid it..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart. .



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