I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1318: Amethyst ore

Song Jian never thought that in the depths of the mine, there is a legendary BOSS guarding the mine. You know, the BOSS in the mine is not simply guarding the mine. It will also devour mineral resources, just like This abyssal magic vine, with its roots entwined on the amethyst ore, is consuming the energy of the amethyst ore every moment.

If this amethyst mine was owned by Song Jian, he would never allow such an existence in the mine.

"Perhaps this mine was first discovered by the Abyssal Demon Vine. As for those Abyssal Human Races, this mine was only discovered later, and they only dared to dig out some miscellaneous mines in the marginal area that the Demon Vine could not see..." Song Jian Secretly said in his heart.

Continue to explore the depths, and you may be confronted with the Abyss Demon Vine. You must know that the Abyss Human Race has three legendary powerhouses. They would rather only dig the miscellaneous mines on the edge of the mine than to drive this Abyss Demon Vine away. , One can imagine how powerful this abyssal magic vine will be.

With Song Jian’s current strength, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of Abyss Demon Vine at all, and once a battle occurs in the mine, it will definitely arouse the alert of the Abyss Human Race. When the time comes, when three legendary powerhouses arrive, Song Jian may even be able to run. Can't run away.

"It's really impossible, I can only dig out some ordinary amethyst ore..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

It is said to be of average quality, but it is also much better than the miscellaneous ore in the marginal area. It is only the amethyst ore in the core area that Song Jian has no way to dig.

Carefully avoid the roots of the Abyss Demon Vine. These roots have been energized because they have absorbed a large amount of the energy of the amethyst ore. This makes these roots more sensitive. If they are touched, they may be affected by the Abyss Demon. Vine found out.

Song Jian passed through a narrow crack in the ground, and his eyes suddenly opened up. There was a pit with an area of ​​about 100 square meters below. The pit was full of high-quality amethyst ore. The color of these amethyst ore was already It turned into a rich dark purple, exactly the same color as Song Jian had seen before in the hands of the Abyss Human Race.

A look of surprise appeared in Song Jian's eyes. If so many high-quality amethyst raw ore were absorbed by him, the level would probably rise to 100.

Level 100 has already touched the threshold of Tier 3 combat power. As long as players pass the Tier 3 combat power assessment, their strength will be greatly improved.

Song Jian couldn't help walking forward, and at this moment, it seemed that he had stepped on something under his feet, and he made a cracking sound.

Looking down, it turned out to be a few childlike skeletons.

"Goblin miners, these are the skeletons of goblin miners!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart: "Unexpectedly, the goblin miners have discovered this place..."

On the bones of these goblin miners, Song Jian saw the traces of the roots of the abyss demon vine. It seems that these goblin miners were killed after being spotted by the abyss demon vine.

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but sink in his heart, carefully looking at the surrounding amethyst ore.

Sure enough, on the surface of each amethyst ore, there is a thin magic vine root deep into it, which is continuously extracting the energy from the amethyst ore.

Song Jian couldn't help showing a disappointed look on his face: "This has been discovered by the Abyss Demon Vine. The original amethyst mine has become the private property of the Abyss Demon Vine, and it can no longer be excavated. It is a pity..."

Song Jian wanted to leave here, but he was not reconciled, and continued to explore the depths. I am afraid that the original amethyst mine was occupied by the Abyss Demon Vine, just like the mine in front of him.

"The most elite amethyst ore in the entire mine is probably occupied by the Abyss Demon Vine. The amethyst ore in a mine can be promoted to what realm? Does it want to use this mine to break through the legendary realm? "Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

You know, it is too difficult for ordinary creatures to break through the legendary realm. They need to absorb a lot of energy. Moreover, the legendary realm powerhouse who occupies a huge energy field is also very powerful, just like the flame king in the hot canyon general.

It occupies the entire magma lake under the scorching canyon, and is continuously pumping energy from the magma lake. If the flame king does not fall in the middle, it will be able to break through the legendary realm sooner or later and reach another realm.

The same is true for the current Abyssal Demon Vine, occupying an amethyst ore cave, and its strength is much stronger than that of the ordinary Legendary Realm. This is why the Abyssal Human Race has three Legendary Realm powerhouses, but there is no way to use it.

Looking at the hundreds of dark purple amethyst ore in the mine, Song Jian couldn't move his steps for a while, wanted to go, but couldn't bear it.

"There should be some distance away from the main body of the Abyss Demon Vine. If you can dig all the amethyst ore in a few seconds, there may be time to escape..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, and his thoughts flew in his mind. Turn, anticipating various possible situations.

Done it!

Song Jian gritted his teeth and thought: "If it's a big deal, I will hide in the Broken Kingdom..."

Hiding in the broken kingdom of God, he can only temporarily avoid attacks. Song Jian cannot stay in the kingdom of God forever. He will come out sooner or later, but after he comes out, he will still return to the original place. If the Abyss Demon Vine finds him, he will probably always guard him. it's here.

But for so many high-quality amethyst ore, it is worth taking some risks.

Thinking of this, Song Jian summoned the Golem Guru. The 10-meter-high Golem Guru seemed too large in this mine. He couldn't even straighten his waist. He could only bend down and squat on the ground.

Seeing Gulu looking at Song Jian with a grievance, Song Jian patted his body and was about to comfort him with a few words, but suddenly found that Gulu's eyes suddenly burst into excitement, looking at the amethyst on the surrounding rock wall. The original mine uttered a roar of joy.

"Fogweed, this amethyst ore should also be very attractive to stone elements. After all, they are all minerals..." Song Jian suddenly thought.

Before Song Jian's order, Gulu reached out and grabbed an amethyst ore ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com~ The hard rock wall, for Gulu, did not create any obstacles, just seeing it easily An amethyst ore was pulled down, but behind the amethyst ore, there was a finger thick and thin, already showing semi-jadeous roots, tightly entwined on the ore.

"Don't move, don't move, let go!" Song Jian quickly ordered.

Guru grabbed the amethyst ore, and looked at Song Jian with some doubts. It didn’t know why Song Jian gave such an order. However, because of the high intimacy, Guru stopped. The roots behind the amethyst ore collapsed. Tight, it seems to be about to break.

Once it broke open, the Abyss Demon Vine might immediately know that someone had broken into the depths of the mine. At that time, Song Jian could only escape, fleeing empty-handed.

"Guru, first destroy the surrounding rock walls. We will take away all these amethyst ore..." Song Jian ordered.



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