I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1319: Holy Warrior

Gulu's intelligence is not high, and he can only understand some simple instructions, but he still understands the order after the surrounding rock wall is melted.

Throwing this amethyst mine aside, Gulu pressed his hands on the surrounding rock wall.

Seeing the amethyst ore hanging softly in this way, Song Jianxin mentioned in his throat, these jade-like roots almost lost the flexibility of creatures and were easy to break. Once broken, Song Jianxin Jian can only hide in the kingdom of God, or quickly escape from here.

These jade-like roots have lost the ability to attack weapons and can only be used as alarms.


The surrounding hard rock walls began to turn into rubble and rolled down, while the amethyst embedded on the rock wall lost its support and hung like fruits one by one, and the abyss magic vine connected them. Roots.

Fortunately, although these roots have been semi-jade, they are tougher than Song Jian imagined. Some amethyst ore fell from the top of his head and swayed, but never fell, and the amethyst mine was close to the ground. , Has fallen to the ground, looking around, the ground is full of fist-sized amethyst ore.

You know, although these amethyst ore is not as good as the ore in the core area, but the quality is also extremely high, otherwise it will not appear in the depths of the mine.

The problem that Song Jian faces now is how to collect all these amethyst ore into the parcel or the kingdom of God within a second or two.

Only by putting away these amethyst ore in a very short period of time, can they escape here safely while alarming the abyss magic vine.

"With my current strength, within three seconds, I can only pick up dozens of amethyst raw ore at most. Even one-fifth of the amethyst raw ore in this pit cannot be picked up. If this is the case, it would be too wasteful. That..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

The stone man next to him grunted, already a little impatient, he kept making low "grunts" in his mouth, as if he was urging Song Jian to ask if he could swallow the raw amethyst ore.

Song Jian showed a bitter smile on his face and asked Gulu: "Can you collect all these amethyst ore in a few seconds? The shorter the time, the better?"

There was a look of confusion in Gulu's eyes, as if he didn't understand, but it still tentatively reached out and grabbed an amethyst ore.

Song Jian hurriedly stopped, gestured to the amethyst raw ore in the pit and said: "All, all, take it, take it quickly..."

There was a daze in Guru's eyes, and his two hands were pressed on the ground of the pit. After a while, Song Jian saw the amethyst raw ore on the ground and began to shake slightly.

A look of surprise appeared in Song Jian's eyes, but soon he became disappointed again. Song Jian discovered that the raw amethyst ore that Gulu could control only accounted for one-third of the number of raw amethyst ore on the ground, which was not half empty. Amethyst raw ore hanging in the middle.

"Is there still no way to take away all these amethyst ore?" Song Jian thought disappointedly.

You know, this is just the amethyst raw ore in a mine in the mine. This mine is extremely deep. I don’t know how many similar mines are. If Song Jian can occupy this mine, he may be able to directly enter the legendary realm, but now He couldn't even take away all the amethyst ore in a mine.

At this moment, Song Jian's mind suddenly flashed, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

In the broken kingdom of God, Song Fitness Ying floated in the air, overlooking the entire land of the kingdom of God. At this time, a large area of ​​farmland is densely growing with snake vines, dozens of abyssal puppets are working in the farmland, and in the dense forest on the other side, countless fist-sized points of light surround each other. The trees swirled slowly, and from time to time a green breath oozes out from the tall trees and enters the body of these dryads. After a while, there is another translucent breath floating from the dryads. Come out and seep into the big tree.

The tree spirit and the ancient tree are in a symbiosis state, which can promote each other and grow together, but if you want the tree spirit to help him pick up the amethyst ore, I am afraid that there is no way to do it. After all, the tree spirit has no limbs and has weak strength. He didn't even have the power to move the raw amethyst ore.

Although the abyss puppet beasts can also help, the number is too small after all, it can help pick up a part at most, and Song Jian has to divide a part of his mind to control them, which is not worth the loss.

Soon, Song Jian’s gaze fell on the newly built Holy Spirit Temple. At this time, there were vaguely screams of killing in the Holy Spirit Temple. Song Jian’s eyes shone slightly, and the walls of the Holy Spirit Temple suddenly changed in his eyes. It has to be transparent, and the scene inside comes into view.

At this time, there are not many holy spirit soldiers bred in the holy spirit hall, probably only a dozen, but this is not the limit of the holy spirit hall, the upper limit of a first-level holy spirit hall can be bred is 100 soldiers, now it's just because there are no Enough soul energy, so there is no way to quickly breed the Holy Spirit Warrior.

You must know that the soul power absorbed in the Holy Spirit Temple is part of the soul power obtained by Song Jian after killing the monsters. If there is sufficient soul power, the number of soldiers in the Holy Spirit Temple will quickly hide.

"If there are a hundred holy spirit fighters, one person collects two amethyst ore in an instant, plus the golem and me, should be able to collect all the amethyst ore within a second or two..." Song Jian calculated in his heart Suddenly, a look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

With a heart move, the soul power stored in the kingdom of God was broken, turned into a beam of light, and fell towards the Holy Spirit Temple.

The energy of the soul is drastically reduced. As soon as the speed of the divine kingdom environment, which is slowly improving, has dropped, golden light spots emerge in the Holy Spirit Temple. These golden light spots are transformed into a human form at an extremely fast speed. They were all wearing simple leather armor, holding a spear and a round shield, and a big red cloak behind them, hunting and waving in the Holy Spirit Temple, looking like a Spartan warrior.

"War~www.ltnovel.com~War, war!"

A hundred holy spirit soldiers lined up automatically to form a simple battle formation, raising the spears in their hands and shouting loudly.

A strong qi and blood and fighting spirit rose to the sky, and Song Jian in the stimulating midair had small lumps on the skin of both arms.

"Holy spirit warriors, born for battle, never retreat in a hundred battles, never regretted a hundred deaths!" Song Jian's eyes beamed, such a fighter, compared with the NPC guards hired by the City of Hope, I don't know how strong it is. Such an army is definitely Song Jian's biggest hole card!

"It's a pity that the first battle of the Holy Spirit Warriors was just mining with me. It was a bit..." Song Jian shook his head, but when he thought of the raw amethyst ore in the mine, Song Jian's heart suddenly became hot.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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