I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1320: riot

In the pit, the stone man stood on the spot blankly, looking at the raw amethyst ore all over the floor, and the sound of "guru-guru" kept in his mouth. These amethyst raw ore was also very tempting for it. After swallowing and digesting it, it can increase its strength, but Song Jian's order prevents it from moving these amethyst ore. Although Guru wanted to swallow them, it dare not violate Song Jian's order.

After a short while, Song Jian's figure reappeared in the mine. Seeing Guru's grievances, Song Jian suddenly woke up and started to sweat.

If Gulu secretly swallowed an amethyst ore after entering the kingdom of God, he would definitely be discovered by the Abyss Demon Vine. Now that he came out, he would face the anger of the Abyss Demon Vine.

"Yes, after I go out, I'll give you a few to taste..." Song Jian patted Gulu's thigh and said softly.

With a thought, dozens of holy spirit soldiers appeared in the mine. Song Jian began to instruct every holy spirit warrior to belong to the area, every holy spirit warrior must take at least two amethyst raw ore, and he will leave the rest. Take it away with the Golem.

Soon, most of the amethyst raw ore in the mine was held in the hands of the soldiers of the Holy Spirit.

"Hold them tightly, don't let go!" Song Jian ordered.


There was a low shout, and all the creature warriors held the amethyst ore in their hands.


With a soft sound, Song Jian turned his head and looked, only to see the amethyst raw ore in the hands of a Holy Spirit soldier, unexpectedly split in two, and Song Jian's face suddenly collapsed.

"Wusao, brother Di, is your hand strength a bit too big?" Song Jian was surprised.

At this moment, the roots that were originally pierced into the amethyst ore suddenly trembled. Song Jian secretly said that he was not good, so he immediately moved his mind to bring all the Holy Spirit fighters into the kingdom of God.

In an instant, all the roots connected to the raw amethyst ore broke, and the cracks were as smooth as a mirror, just like a sharp sword split.


All the roots tremble, like a thin snake. In the distance, there is a sharp neighing sound, like the sound of two pieces of ground glass rubbing against each other, and then magnified a hundred times, it is like a needle pierced into the ear. .

"Guru, gather all the remaining amethyst ore..." Song Jian shouted.

Gulu's body began to sway slightly. The amethyst ore within a few meters around him all gathered towards it. Song Jian glanced at the amethyst ore that was constantly rolling towards Gulu. His figure immediately moved towards those far away from Gulu. It The uncontrollable amethyst ore ran away.

One, two, three,...

Song Jian kept picking up the amethyst raw ore in the mine. A few seconds later, Song Jian suddenly felt a terrifying sense of threat spreading over the surface, causing him to stop.

"If you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave!" Song Jian glanced at the dozens of amethyst raw ore hanging in the air, with a look of regret in his eyes.

Looking back at Gulu, Song Jian found that there was no amethyst ore next to Gulu, and he was taken aback.

"Guru, where's the ore?" Song Jian shouted.

Gulu opened his mouth wide, pointed his finger into his mouth, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Fogweed, you swallowed it all..." Song Jian's face suddenly became hard to look.


A purple-black rattan with the thickness of an arm suddenly broke out of the rock and pierced towards Song Jian. The rattan was covered with weird black patterns, and the surface was covered with tiny barbs. At the tip, a huge mouth full of fangs was cracked.

"Is this a plant or an animal? Why has it mutated into this way?" Song Jian was shocked, and quickly dodged to the side. The purple-black rattan wiped Song Jian's cheek and pierced into the rock wall on the side, the hard rock. The wall in front of the rattan, like fragile tofu, was pierced with a big hole, and rubble splashed.

There was a tingling pain on Song Jian's cheeks, and a faint fishy smell on the tip of his nose. This kind of smell can only appear on those ferocious beasts that eat raw animals.

At this time, Song Jian ignored those, raised his right hand, and collected the Golem Guru into the pet space, and immediately used the Soul Walk skill, rushing towards the outside of the mine.

However, as soon as he rushed out of the mine, countless half jade roots that had been pierced into the amethyst ore were all shaken, chasing Song Fitness Ying.


Numerous roots are entangled with each other. Inside the mine, it looks like a giant python is swimming fast, but the mine tunnel is too narrow, which restricts the python’s swimming. The rock wall has also broken and collapsed continuously.

In the abyss human town not far from the Amethyst Mine, the ground shook violently, and cracks appeared on the ground, making everyone panic.

"What happened, was there an earthquake?"

"Run, the house will collapse, and you will be buried if you don't run away!"


Two powerful men exuding a strong black atmosphere flew out of the abyss castle and floated in mid-air. One of the two men had a pair of dragon horns on their heads and a thick spindle tail behind them. The other person stretched out a pair of jet black wings behind him.

"Zach, what's going on, is anyone attacking us?" The abyss human with a pair of dragon horns on his head, with a solemn expression on his face, asked in a deep voice.

"No, I feel that it is the movement coming from the mine. It seems that someone has disturbed the Abyss Demon Vine, Thor, do you think it is the favored one..." The Abyss Human Race with black wings behind guessed.

"The gale is still searching for the favored one in Xuejing Lake. Do you want to send someone to notify him and let him come back?"

"No, let's go and see first. If it's just the Abyss Demon Vine riot, you and I will join forces to suppress it. If it is the favored one, can you and I still kill a favored one with only Tier 2 combat power?"

"Well, you and I will go over and have a look first!"


Soon, the entire town began to mobilize, and all the abyssal human warriors began to gather quickly, preparing to guard the unfinished town.

The two legendary experts flew towards the mine.


With a loud noise, the mountain peak where the amethyst mine cave is located suddenly exploded, and a thick dark purple cane emerged from the mountain. After a while, the cane covered the entire mountain range, looking far away , Like a giant tentacle monster ~www.ltnovel.com~ crawled out of the mountain.

"Abyss Demon Vine, it is the Abyss Demon Vine that has rioted..."

"Oh my God, is that the body of the Abyss Demon Vine? How could there be such a terrifying monster..."

The humans of the abyss looked at the distant mountain with horror and talked a lot.

The two abyssal humans of the legendary realm stagnated in mid-air. They glanced at each other, and they both saw a look of fear in each other's eyes. Even the strong of the legendary realm encountered such a terrifying monster. Know how to be afraid.

"Otherwise, when it calms down by itself, let's go there again?" Zach hesitated.

"Yeah, now in the past, its anger will probably pour on us. When the gale returns, let's go over..." Thor glanced at the abyssal magic vine that was waving in the distance and hesitated.



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