I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1321: Seed of Magic Vine

Song Jian turned on the Soul Walk skill, his figure became translucent, and he quickly shuttled through the mine. Along the way, he encountered many goblin miners and human guardians of the abyss, but because his figure became translucent, he was in the dim mine. It is not obvious in the cave, so no one can find him.

However, the time for the soul walk was only nine seconds, and the continuous effect of equipment and other skills was enhanced, and it only took less than twelve seconds. Such a little time was not enough for Song Jian to run out of the mine.

Puff puff puff ~

The sharp cane is like a spear, easily piercing the body of the goblin miner, as if wearing a candied haw, stringing them together, even those powerful human guardians of the abyss, the abyss cane at the pinnacle of the legendary realm In front of them, there was no strength to fight back, one by one, they flew out with spitting blood.

Song Jian ran all the way, and his figure slowly appeared as he ran. The Abyss Demon Vine seemed to have locked the aura on his body. Even if Song Jian entered the state of soul, he did not lose his goal, and followed him all the way.

Boom, boom, boom~

Every time it dodges, the sturdy cane of the magic vine will hit the rock wall of the mine violently, causing large holes to appear on the rock wall. At the same time, cracks began to appear in the mine and continued to spread. It did not take long. , The inside of the mine collapsed.

The collapse of the mine does not have much impact on the magic vine. After all, the hard rock wall is in front of the magic vine, and it is crispy like tofu. It has no effect on it, but it does not affect the goblin miners in the mine and the human guardian of the abyss. , It is a devastating disaster.

Even the goblin miners and the abyss human guardians who were hiding in other mines and were not attacked by the abyss magic vine were buried by the collapsed rocks. Most of the goblin miners and abyss humans were killed by the rocks, only A small part of them avoided the first wave of collapse by virtue of luck, but with their strength, there was no way to escape from the mine with their own ability, and they could only wait for rescue in a narrow area.

However, with the anger of the Abyss Demon Vine at this time, it is not known whether anyone will dare to come here to rescue them in the future.

Song Jian's speed is extremely fast. Behind him, there are already two pairs of wings, the effect of the sky full of wings, for long-range acceleration and sustained flight, not much better than flying swords, but within the range of dodge and short sprint, Winning Feijian, it was precisely with the wings of the heavens that Song Jian could barely get on the front line in pursuit of the Abyss Demon Vine.

"Intruder, there is an intruder in the mine, it's the favored one!" The human guardian of the abyss discovered Song Jian and roared loudly, trying to stop Song Jian, but was brandished by Song Jian directly. A sword flew out, and his body slammed against the rock wall.

Before he could stand firmly, he felt as if he was hit by a train. There was a tingling pain in his chest. When his eyes were dark, he knew nothing. His body was hung on a thick cane. , Constantly galloping in the mine.

At this time, Song Jian could not hide his figure at all in order to escape. Soon, the humans of the abyss learned about his appearance in the mine. However, the humans of the abyss who guarded the entrance of the mine were still in the mine even if they knew Song Jian. Inside the cave, he didn't dare to enter to capture and kill him.

At this time, the abyss human beings guarding the entrance of the mine were all staring at the top of the mountain dumbfounded. The abyss magic vines resembling tentacles showed fear on their faces.

"Escape!" A screaming scream sounded, as if pressing the key, all the humans in the abyss fled down the mountain in a panic, while the large number of magic vines gushing from the top of the mountain followed the rock downwards Flowing quickly, any animals and beasts encountered along the way were killed by the magic vine, and then entangled and slowly swallowed up by the magic vine.

At this time, Song Jian had seen the light ahead, and the mine entrance was right in front of him. As long as he could leave the mine, his chances of escape would be greatly increased, and his spirit was shocked.

Puff puff puff ~

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt a sense of crisis coming from behind him. He heard a sound like a bullet firing in his ear. Before turning his head, he felt something hit his back.

Song Jian's vitality value suddenly dropped by a large amount, and a sharp pain came from his back.

"This magic vine still has long-range attack ability?" Song Jian was shocked, but the attack from behind made Song Jian's speed a little faster. Like a cannonball, he flew directly into the sky from the entrance of the mine and escaped.

Song Jian, who originally thought that he had escaped from birth, had a joyful expression on his face, and he saw the whole mountain peak, with dark purple rattans pouring down from the top of the mountain. Numerous rattans seemed like tentacles, spreading their teeth and dancing claws, almost hidden. The sky above the entire mountain.

Song Jian at this time was still in the range of the cane, and it would not be long before the cane that emerged from the top of the mountain would spread to the mine cave at the foot of the mountain.

"Still continue to flee!" Song Jian stomped fiercely, and his figure rushed. At this time, he did not dare to fly into the air. He could only constantly shuttle through the mountains and forests. The cane behind him was in Song Jian. Immediately after escaping from the mine, they all changed directions and chased in the direction Song Jian was running.

"Damn it, it has locked my breath, unless it escapes from its cane, otherwise it will be chased by it no matter where it hides..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

With the strength of the peak of the Abyss Demon Vine Legend Realm, Song Jian didn't feel surprised even if these canes could spread for tens of kilometers. It was simply impossible to escape the range covered by the Abyss Demon Vine in a short time.

Thinking of this, Song Jian glanced at the abyss human town that hadn't been built in the distance, then immediately changed his direction and fled towards that town.

The disaster moves eastward, after all, the Abyss Human Race has three legendary powerhouses. With their strength, even if they cannot kill the Abyss Demon Vine, they will also have the strength to fight the Abyss Demon Vine together. Otherwise, they can't tell. Knowing that there is an abyssal magic vine in the Zijin Mine, I went to dig this mine.

Song Jian was thinking. Suddenly he felt his eyes dark. He looked up and saw that there were countless fist-sized black spots in the sky. These black spots seemed to be spewing out from the abyss magic vines.

"This, what is this..."


These fist-sized black spots in the air fell quickly toward the ground, and a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded in the air.

Looking at the place where they landed, it was exactly where Song Jian was, and it almost enveloped Song Jian within a 100-meter radius.

In the blink of an eye, these black spots were already very close to the ground. At this time, Song Jian saw clearly what these black spots were~www.ltnovel.com~ Here, these things are the seeds of the abyss magic vine? "Song Jian said in surprise.

At this moment, an abyssal magic vine seed fell on the ground, and suddenly smashed the ground out of a big hole. At the same time, after the seed hits the ground, it exploded directly, like a bomb, "boom." With a sound, the air wave rolled, the debris splashed, and the surrounding trees were directly blown to pieces by the explosion produced by this fist-sized seed, and the power was almost comparable to a missile.

Song Jian's expression changed suddenly, without even thinking about it, he disappeared in place and entered into the broken kingdom of God. Such terrifying power and the number of Seeds of Abyssal Demon Vine above his head made Song Jian immediately recognize and choose to escape.

After a while, a series of explosive roars sounded in the mountains and forests, venting the sky, the dust was flying, and a large mountain forest was almost razed to the ground.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second, remember: Booker House


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