I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1322: Abyss Player

Abyss Demon Vine’s big move made Song Jian’s breath disappear without a trace. From Demon Vine’s point of view, it should have killed the little thief who had stolen the amethyst ore, but unfortunately, the little thief was not found. Where is the stolen amethyst ore, you must know that every amethyst ore has its roots, which can be sensed in a short time.

Just when the Abyss Demon Vine felt a little regretful, when he was about to retract into the Amethyst Mine, the breath of Song Fitness suddenly appeared. After the Abyss Demon Vine was shocked for a while, he suddenly became more and more angry. The countless vines seemed to be huge. The python, constantly wandering between the mountains and forests, chased Song Jian.

Song Jian entered the kingdom of God, escaped an attack, and saw the Abyss Demon Vine still chasing him, and hurriedly continued to rush towards the abyss human town.

When he was about to approach the town, Song Jian activated the concealment technique attached to the Abyss Necklace, and the entire figure disappeared. However, this could only deceive the ordinary abyss human race, and could not deceive the abyss magic vine that had locked his breath. , As for whether you can fool the three legendary abyss humans, you can only find out after you get close to them.

As the Abyss Demon Vine rushed towards the town, the legendary Abyss Human Race Gale, who had been patrolling the Snow Crystal Lake, also returned to the town because of the great movement of the Abyss Demon Vine.

Looking at the cane in the mountains, the three legendary powerhouses felt very tricky. At this moment, a teleportation formation suddenly appeared in the middle of the town, and the abyss human players slowly walked out of the teleportation formation.

"Why would there be a favored person here?" The expressions of the three abyssal human race powerhouses changed drastically. You must know that for the abyss human race players, these NPCs are extremely disgusting, and they have been driving them in their towns.

"There is a crisis in our town. This should have triggered the regional mission, because there are no Favors around, so the Creation God recruited Favors from other places to help defend the city!" Zach guessed with an ugly face.

These Abyssal Human Race players, after coming out of the teleportation formation, looked curious. Some people even stared at the weapons in the Abyssal Human Race, with a look of greed in their eyes.

Many of the weapons in the hands of the Abyssal Human Race are polished from amethyst raw ore. Players nowadays have generally improved their level a lot and have begun to come into contact with amethyst. They naturally understand what these amethyst weapons represent.

"It's no wonder that the mission reward for this task is Amethyst. It turns out that this town has a lot of amethyst weapons..." A player who exuded a light black aura exclaimed with excitement.

"These NPCs have not even established towns, why are there so many amethysts, and they are so extravagant to use them to make weapons..."

"Amethyst is extremely hard. In addition to improving combat experience, can you make weapons? Are there any brothers who learn to forge? Does this amethyst have any special effects for making weapons?"

"I'm already a master forging, and I haven't obtained the relevant blueprints, but if I can get an amethyst weapon, I can decompose the materials and have a certain chance to understand the relevant blueprints. Then I will know what effect these amethyst weapons have. !"

"Hahaha, with so many amethyst weapons, I am not going to leave after the mission is completed. There must be a lot of missions in this town, maybe more amethyst can be mixed!"


The number of players is increasing, but the task of guarding the town is also based on the size of the town to limit the number of tasks accepted. When the player's task waits for more than two hundred people, there will be no abyss players in the portal.

"These celestial benefactors have no good intentions..." Zach said with a gloomy expression, waving his black wings, staring at the abyss player coming out of the teleportation formation.

"Hmph, they have been staring at the soldiers' weapons, the familiar look in their eyes is disgusting!"

"Wait until the Abyssal Demon Vine is driven out, and then all of them are driven out. Our town does not need these favored ones!"

"Let them deal with the Abyss Demon Vine, huh, with their strength, they are going to die!"

"Isn't it better to die the last batch? It's better to die all of them!"


The three legendary realm experts talked unobtrusively, floating in the air and looking down at the Favored One below, with a look of contempt on their faces.

At this moment, someone among the players suddenly exclaimed. This was to discover that the Abyss Demon Vine was rapidly attacking the town, such a terrifying monster, they had never seen it.

You know, the task of resisting monster attacks is not open to all abyss players. Only those players with strong strength and high level are eligible to receive this task.

Therefore, the players who appear in the town are the outstanding players in the plot of the invasion of the abyss. The elite, everyone's level, is not lower than the eighty level.

However, due to their strength, they still rarely encounter legendary bosses, especially powerful bosses at the pinnacle of legendary levels like the King of Fire and Abyss Demon Vine.

Now seeing the dark purple vines that cover the sky and the sun hit the town, almost all the players' faces became scared.

"It's no wonder that Amethyst is used as a task reward. Is such a terrifying BOSS really something we can resist?" a player cried out crying.

"Don't be afraid, such a powerful BOSS is not something we can deal with. There must be strong people in the town. We are just attacking. Don't you see that there is an NPC army in the town!" someone shouted.

At this moment, someone saw the three legendary powerhouses of the abyss human race above their heads, and immediately pointed at them and shouted: "Look, are these three real guardians in the town? Their strength should match That abyss magic vine is almost right..."

The breath of the three legendary powerhouses is like the abyss like the sea. Although it is slightly inadequate compared with the abyss magic vine, at least it is in the same realm. As a player, UU reading www.uukanshu.com judges that the monster's strength is the best. Even if the basic skills cannot be precise and specific, the general strength can still be judged, otherwise it would be impossible to mix so well in the game.

At this time, Song Jian had already reached the edge of the town. Looking at the three legendary powerhouses above his head, he did not dare to continue rushing towards the town, otherwise it would be easy for them to discover his whereabouts.

"If you can't enter the town, how can you lead the Abyss Demon Vine to fight with them?" Song Jian frowned slightly, knowing that the Abyss Demon Vine's target is him. If he does not enter the town, the Abyss Demon Vine will not attack directly. There.

Thinking of this, Song Jian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, took out an amethyst from the parcel and held it in his hand, and then ran towards the unbuilt wall of the town.

Throwing this amethyst from the gap in the city wall to an inconspicuous corner, Song Jian turned his head and looked at the Abyss Demon Vine. When the Abyss Demon Vine was still five or six meters away from him, a trace of Song Jian's face was exposed. With a smile, the figure slowly disappeared.



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