I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1323: 2 lose all

The Broken Kingdom of God was rewarded by Song Jian after passing the assessment of combat power. It was exchanged with points. Such gods are generally difficult to be exchanged for. Only Song Jian who has obtained a large number of points in the assessment of combat power Have a chance to get.

Before Song Jian did not take the Broken Kingdom of God too seriously, after all, he was still too far away from the realm of the gods, and repairing the Kingdom of God required a lot of divine power, which he could not obtain at all.

But after discovering that the soul power can also slowly repair the kingdom of God, Song Jian began to slowly focus on the kingdom of God. You must know that the broken kingdom of God is not a city of hope. It must be fixed in a certain place, broken. The Kingdom of God was carried by Song Jian, and as long as he had soul power, he could enter and leave at any time.

Before Song Jian only used Broken Kingdom as a larger storage equipment, but slowly, Song Jian discovered that although Broken Kingdom was incomplete, its effect was stronger than he thought.

Avoiding attacks from powerful enemies is one of them, but after hiding in the kingdom of God, Song Jian knows nothing about what is happening in the game world, and can only rely on guesswork to make the next move.

After throwing an amethyst ore with the breath of the abyssal magic vine into the abyssal human town, Song Jian hid in the kingdom of God. At this time, in front of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, each of the 100 Holy Spirit Warriors held two Pieces of large or small amethyst ore.

After stacking these amethyst ore, Song Jian discovered that, plus what he had obtained, there were at least two hundred and sixty amethyst ore.

"Unfortunately, the raw amethyst ore collected by the Stone Man Gulu was swallowed by it..." Song Jian thought slightly regretful.

The Stone Man Gulu took at least one third of the amethyst raw ore in the mine. At this time, in the pet space, Gulu fell asleep again, seemingly consuming the amethyst raw ore that had been swallowed.

I don't know whether it was the problem with his order or Gulu had misunderstood something. It actually thought that the amethyst ore that Song Jian asked it to collect was for it.

Song Jian didn’t know whether the Abyss Demon Vine had begun to attack the town or retreat in front of the three legendary Abyss Human Race powerhouses, but whether it was an attack or the negotiation and compromise between the two sides, it would take some time. Song Jian was not in a hurry. Sitting cross-legged in front of the raw amethyst mine, he began to work hard to absorb the energy inside to improve his level.

The amethyst ore was held in Song Jian's hands, and the energy inside was quickly absorbed by him. After a while, this ore that originally exuded purple light completely turned into a translucent crystal.


With a cracking sound, this amethyst ore that had lost all its energy shattered directly and turned into countless crystal shavings, slipping from Song Jian's fingertips.

Looking at the improved combat experience, a smile appeared on Song Jian's mouth. It was too fast to raise his level like this. An amethyst raw ore could save him at least two or three months.

Continuing to grab another amethyst raw ore and absorb it, after a while, Song Jian's level rose by one level, all his conditions were restored to the peak, and a little more skill points were added.

I don’t know how long it took, a thick layer of shimmering debris accumulated in the center of the square in front of the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Song Jian glanced at the three fist-sized amethyst ore beside him, and a touch appeared on his face. Surprised smile.

At this time, Song Jian's level has been raised to a hundred, even in the entire game world, this level is probably no one can surpass.

At level one hundred, the threshold of Tier 3 combat power has been touched. As long as he can pass the Tier 3 combat power assessment, Song Jian will be able to possess a large number of attribute points and at the same time increase to Tier 3 combat power.

After level one hundred, the level is locked and can no longer continue to improve. Unless it passes the third-order combat power assessment, otherwise, whether it is killing monsters or using amethyst, it will not continue to increase the level.

Song Jian put three fist-sized amethyst ore into the parcel, stood up, looked at the 100 Holy Spirit soldiers in front of the Holy Spirit Temple, and thought to himself whether he could rely on them to attack this abyssal human town.

"It would be great if the Abyss Demon Vine and the three legendary Abyssal Human Race powerhouses were both defeated!" Song Jian secretly said, this situation is the best one expected, but it is more likely to deter each other. Afterwards, each retreat.

The Abyss Demon Vine is powerful. In order to build a town here and continue to mine amethyst mines, the Abyss Human Race must compromise with it. As long as the Abyss Demon Vine cannot find Song Jian’s breath, it will only rely on an amethyst raw ore that contaminates it. I am afraid there is no way for it to continue attacking the town.

Song Jian waited patiently for more than two hours, and finally decided to leave the kingdom of God and go out for a look.

At this time, the human abyss town is full of corpses, not only the abyss human NPC, but also the corpses of many abyss players.

Song Jian's figure slowly emerged from the shadow of the city wall. As soon as he appeared, Song Jian entered a state of concealment. Looking at the town that had almost destroyed most of it, Song Jian showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Abyss Demon Vine, actually attacked the town?" Song Jian secretly asked. Looking at the corpses all over the floor, and the large sections of the leftover vines of the abyss magic vine, Song Jian couldn't help but be speechless.

It seemed that this war was going very fiercely, and it had just ended. I just don't know the current situation of the three legendary realm powerhouses in the abyss human town, whether they were seriously injured or died directly.

At this moment, the two abyss players who were cleaning the battlefield slowly approached in the direction Song Jian was, and they were talking quietly as they walked.

"This guard battle was really fierce. What is that monster, it was so terrifying that it destroyed most of the entire town."

"It seems to be a king-level boss. At that time, I didn't dare to show up. The president of the Flame Meteorite Guild, an 83rd-level abyss mage, was hit by a cane and killed him immediately. The damage was so horrible. !"

"Fortunately, we have three powerhouses of the Abyss Human Race. If they hadn't killed most of the canes, I am afraid our mission would have failed!"

"Three amethysts, hehe, can at least increase my combat experience by 40%, this time I won't lose..."

"Such a guardian task can only be done by paddling. Regardless of those who have rewarded a dozen amethysts, it is simply a struggle with one's life, not worth it..."

These two abyssal human races were chatting and carefully digging through the cane that was chopped off the abyssal magic vine. Most of the cane is of no value, but there is a very small chance that a cane with material properties will appear. The rattans are at least of golden quality. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is lucky and can sell a lot of money.

Hearing the two talk, Song Jian's heart moved and couldn't help but look towards the Zijin Mine.

"It seems that the abyssal magic vine seems to have been seriously injured. I don't know if I can pick up something cheaper in the past!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

You know, at this time, there are at least a few hundred NPC guardians in the abyss of the human town, and most of the abyss players did not leave immediately after receiving the quest rewards. Now they will sneak attack on the three legendary powerhouses. Some are unrealistic, but the Abyss Demon Vine is just a lonely family. Although it is the pinnacle of the legendary realm, listening to the conversation between these two Abyss players seems to have suffered a lot of injuries during the battle. Otherwise, it would not take the initiative to retreat.

At this time, it is the time to pick up the bargain!

Thinking of this, Song Jian glanced towards the town and immediately ran towards the Zijin Mine.



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