I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1324: Mining

The entrance of the Amethyst Mine was in a mess, and there were many corpses of goblin miners and abyssal human warriors lying horizontally and vertically, seeming to vent their anger. These corpses were torn apart by the abyss demon vine, looking very miserable.

Most of the Amethyst Mine has collapsed, which made Song Jian's face a little ugly. The Abyss Demon Vine is in the depths of the mine. Is it necessary to dig another mine?

Gulu the Golem was falling into a deep sleep of promotion. Although the black dragon had already woken up, it was obviously impossible to let it dig a hole.

Song Jian looked at his hands and tried to dig a mine. After simply carrying a few stones, he heard a loud noise coming from behind him.

Looking back, it turned out to be a group of abyssal human players. After they completed the mission, a small number of players left, but most of the players were frantically searching for information in the town.

In the end, these players finally got the information about the Amethyst Mine, and they added surprises one by one, passing ten to one hundred, and the remaining players all knew that there was an Amethyst Mine.

At this moment, they couldn't sit still anymore, and started pouring towards the amethyst mine.

Song Jian frowned slightly. These players are quite strong. The highest level has reached level 94. It seems that many players have gained a lot in this mission. After all, the mission reward is amethyst. As long as they work hard to cause damage to the abyss magic vine, The task can be completed, and the higher the accumulated damage value, the richer the task rewards will be. Some players have even obtained more than a dozen or dozens of amethyst, which has increased several levels in a row.

"Amethyst mine, I didn't expect such a remote small town to have amethyst mine. It's a pie in the sky!"

"I said why the task reward is amethyst, it turns out that there is an amethyst mine here, haha, my mining skills have reached the expert level, should I be able to mine amethyst ore?"

"Hey, I said you guys should be careful. It is the territory of the Abyss Demon Vine. Although it has been seriously injured, it is still a BOSS that we can't resist at all!"

"What are you afraid of? They have been digging here for so long and nothing happened. Let's dig some in the edge area. Just don't go deep!"

"Yes, we will dig some in the marginal area. As long as I can reach level ninety, I won't dig anymore!"


A group of people happily walked toward the mine. Behind them, five hundred Abyssal Terran warriors with dark purple magic vine juice still remaining on their armors looked at them coldly, as if they were watching a group of dead people.

These players dare to want to mine in such a big way because the abyss magic vine and the three venerables in the town have suffered defeat. You know, the amethyst mine is the forbidden of this group of abyss human races, don't say they want to mine, just know With this news, none of these people will survive.

For the abyss human NPCs in the town, they are just a bait to die. On the one hand, because the goblin miners are dead clean and short of manpower, they cannot repair the collapsed mines in a short time. On the other hand, they are also Save and let these people test the Abyss Demon Vine to see how badly it hurts and whether it can continue to fight!

If this group of players reopened the mine, and the abyss magic vine did not kill them, then what awaited them would be the thunder strike of five hundred abyss warriors.

The abyss players only left more than a hundred people. If a battle really takes place, it is impossible to be the opponent of five hundred well-trained abyss fighters.

At this time, Song Jian had already used the concealment technique to hide from the side, watching the group of abyss players happily carrying the stones that blocked the mine entrance.

Song Jian at this time had already noticed the neat formations of human warriors in the abyss in the distance. The harsh killing intent emanating from them made Song Jian's eyes look at these players strange.

"How could they not feel such a targeted killing intent, why would they re-dig the mine like a fool?" Song Jian was a little puzzled, but soon he realized that this group of players must have left quickly. The method is similar to using something like a teleport reel.

The teleporting scroll is not omnipotent. The immediate teleporting scroll is to teleport people to anywhere within a hundred kilometers. Sometimes it may just teleport you from the front of the enemy to the back of the enemy, and sometimes even directly teleport you In the nest of the enemy, it is very unreliable. Only at the beginning of the game, when players have no money, will they buy one or two gambling luck.

The most commonly used teleport scroll by players is the city return scroll, which locks the teleport scroll at the destination of the teleportation. The only drawback of this teleport scroll is that it is expensive and has a limited range of teleportation.

The lowest level City Reclamation Scroll can only be effective within a range of one hundred kilometers. Beyond this range, the City Reclamation Scroll is useless. The higher the quality of the City Reclamation Scroll, the greater the range of teleportation.

As for the City Return Scrolls above the golden quality, they are all sky-high prices, and they are not something that ordinary players can use.

This group of abyss players cannot buy the City Reclamation Scroll in any city in the main plane of the game. Most of the City Reclamation Scrolls in their parcels are purchased in the abyss hell, and they cannot be used on the main plane of the game.

"It looks like there should be a similar hole card, otherwise they would not be able to ignore the group of soldiers behind them!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

The biggest possibility now is the previous mission. After completing the mission, they should have a chance to return to their previous location for free. After all, they are all temporarily recruited players and their locations are different.

In half a day, more than one hundred players finally dug through the collapsed cave entrance, revealing the deep mine tunnel inside. The rock wall in the amethyst mine cave is very hard. If it weren't for the grunt of the stone man, Song Jian would not A channel may be dug again.

At this time, there are cracks everywhere on the rock wall in the mine tunnel, and a lot of rocks can still be seen in the tunnel. It seems that it is about to collapse soon. On the ground of the tunnel, The corpses of goblin miners were everywhere, and the bones of these corpses were shattered, all crushed when they were chased by the abyss magic vine.

The abyss players seem to see no danger at all, and after a cheer, they all rushed towards the various pits in the mine.

"Amethyst mine, so many amethyst mines!" Some players exclaimed.

"Get rich, get rich, so many amethyst mines, maybe it can raise our level to 100, haha!"

"Don't grab everyone, there are many amethyst mines here, and there must be higher-quality amethyst mines in the depths!"


Crazy laughs and cries of abyss players came from the mine. However, when they started digging, they suddenly discovered that the rock wall in the mine seemed to be much harder than they thought.



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