I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1339: 3 demons

Song Jian could feel that at this time Grant’s strength was at most the peak of the dominance level or just stepping into the legendary realm. Even if its strength in the game world has broken through the legendary peak, this is the real world. Under the suppression of the power, Grant could not exert its strength in the game world.

At this time, Song Jian, except for the loss of equipment bonuses, his personal attributes dropped by about one-third, but neither the weapons nor the skills in his hand were weakened at all, so the power of the Karma Fire Red Lotus Wanjian Art, It has only dropped by about 8% to 12%, and the impact is not great.

"With your current strength, I am afraid that you can't escape the shackles of the sword formation at all!" Song Jian stared at the red lotus industry fire sword formation in the distance, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

What he was most worried about was that before the spirit sword evolved into a sword formation, Grant fled directly. At its speed, he could definitely escape from here before the formation of the sword formation, but Grant did not do so.

On the one hand, because Song Jian's strength is only the pinnacle of Tier 2 combat power, and he also knows that after players return to the real world, their strength will drop very sharply because of equipment, so he didn't put Song Jian in his eyes.

On the other hand, from his memory of searching Grant, he learned that there is no high-end combat power in this world. Even if it is suppressed by the power of the world, there is nothing in this world that can pose a threat to it, even if the world’s Top weapons, nuclear weapons, for Grant, unless it is at the core of the explosion, it will pose some threats to him, but once he perceives the emergence of nuclear weapons, Grant only needs to leave temporarily. At its speed, nuclear weapons are fundamental. It was impossible to threaten him, which led to its arrogant psychology and didn't care about Song Jian's attack at all.

However, when the sword formation was formed, Grant was still aware of the threat. If it is in the game world, the Abyss Demon is notoriously cunning. As long as he feels a slight threat, he will escape thousands of miles. But in the real world, Under the suppression of the power of the world, Grant actually had a slight hesitation, and it was this hesitation that ruined his hope of escape at last.

In the sword formation, Grant roared frantically, the death sickle in his hand, exuding a strong atmosphere of abyss and killing intent, constantly hacking in the sword formation.

The sound of "rumbling" resounded like thunder in the sword array. Wherever the blade passed, even the flame lotus leaves that had stacked the sword array were torn apart. In the narrow cracks, strands of black exuded. Breath, but soon these cracks were automatically healed by the sword formation.

With Gran Ge's current strength, it is impossible to break the sword formation and break free from the sword formation.

The Karma Red Lotus Sword has begun to condense in the sky, a long sword of more than ten feet, lying in the air, exuding infinite power.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly turned his head and looked to the left. A small black spot appeared in his field of vision. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be a large passenger plane. Their fighting position was right here. On the flight path of a passenger plane.

"Damn it!" Song Jian's face became ugly in an instant. If the battle is not over after the passenger plane comes over, then the aftermath of the battle between him and Grant can destroy the passenger plane!

"The battle must be resolved as soon as possible!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

With a thought, the solid speed of the Karma Red Lotus Sword floating in the air suddenly increased a bit, and within a short while, the long sword fell towards the sword formation below.


There was a crisp collision sound, and the sword seemed to be slashed on a hard rock, which made Song Jian frown.

The flame red lotus slowly disappeared. What appeared on the spot was an abyss demon with a height of more than three meters and three heads.

This demon is sturdy and sturdy, covered with a thick scaly armor, and a pair of huge fleshy wings behind him is five or six meters long.

The death sickle has disappeared, replaced by two beast-like claws, shining with a cold steel like light.

Song Jian stared at the devil's three heads. The three heads were the goat on the left, the dragon on the right, and the skull in the middle.

At this time, the red lotus sword with a length of more than ten feet was piercing the demon's chest, piercing through the front of the chest, and nailing the demon in the air.

"Human, you angered me, I will tear you to pieces, soul..." The skull in the middle said viciously.

"The soul belongs to me. I haven't tasted the soul of a strong human for a long time!" The goat head on the right suddenly said.


The evil dragon on the left exhaled a black dragon's breath towards Song Jian, and a look of doubt appeared in the black vertical pupils.

"There is a disgusting aura in this human being. He seems to have been blessed by the Dragon God!" The evil dragon head on the left suddenly said.

"The human soul that has been blessed by the gods is even more delicious, and its soul belongs to me!" The goat head's eyes lit up and said quickly.

At this time, Grant had completely restored the image of the abyss demon in the game, and Song Jian had never seen such an abyss demon with three heads of different species.

"Abyss Three-headed Dog?" Song Jian asked tentatively, knowing that in his impression, only the abyssal race of the Abyssal Three-headed Dog would have three heads.

The three heads of Song Jian who had been teasing each other suddenly stopped at the same time and looked towards Song Jian. The eyes of the three heads burst into unprecedented anger!

"Kill him, this reptile that humiliates us!" The three heads burst out roars almost at the same time: "Tear him, tear his soul into pieces, and throw it into the deepest part of the abyss hell, this..."

Song Jian shrugged his shoulders. Well, it seems that the term "three-headed dog in the abyss" is a taboo for them!

The three demons stretched out their sharp claws wrinkled like old bark, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com grabbed the Karma Red Lotus Sword in his chest and pulled it out.

Crunch, crunch~

The red lotus sword rubs against the bodies of the three demons, as if rubbing against a hard rock. As the sword moves, black and purple blood is constantly flowing out, dripping from the air into the sea, and in a short while, A layer of marine life with a white belly floated on the sea.

The moment the Karma Red Lotus Sword was pulled out, the entire long sword was completely shattered, leaving only a fist-sized penetrating wound on the chest of the three demon.

"Human, what other moves do you have, even if you use it, the human body was too weak before allowing you to take advantage of it. Now, let's start the second round!" The head of the goat on the left side of the three demon, full Said with a grin.

"Actually, the first round is not over yet..." Song Jian smiled slightly and pointed at the top of their heads.



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