I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1340: Human soul

The heads of the three demons looked towards the sky at the same time, and a huge palm in mid-air was about to solidify. This feeling of being locked in the soul was really familiar.

"this is……"

Song Jian glanced at the three demons and turned to look at the passenger plane in the distance. At this time, the driver of the passenger plane should have also noticed the anomaly ahead. He was trying to adjust his direction. It was obvious that the passenger plane's The flight trajectory has begun to traverse an arc.

"I hope I can avoid it!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

The palm prints of sword spirit in the air have been pressed down against the three-headed demons. Originally Song Jian thought it was too late to cast all the evolved sword formations on the three-headed demons, but now he saw the passenger plane at a long distance. At that time, he had already begun to adjust his direction, and Song Jian suddenly felt relieved, wondering how many levels the three-headed demons could survive in the various evolutions of the Karma Red Lotus Sword Formation!

Sword Qi palm prints directly wilted the breath of the three-headed demons. This level of skill does not mean that you can dodge tenderly if you want to dodge. With the soul locked, all surrounding space magic is banned, unless you have Song Jian similar to entering the Broken God Only by the means of the country can this blow be completely avoided, otherwise, the body can only resist.

The physical quality of the Abyssal Demon is powerful, and many high-level bodies of the Abyssal Demon are even comparable to legendary weapons and materials. Their bodies themselves are the most powerful weapons.

Even if the dominance-level boss faced the blow of the Sword Qi Palmprint, even if he was not killed by a spike, he would be directly beaten into a near-death state. After the three-headed demon sturdily withstood the blow, he just vomited blood. , And then continued to stare at Song Jian ferociously.

The three-headed demons felt that the surrounding space blockade was not over, and couldn't help but look over their heads. Once the Karma Red Lotus Sword Array was deployed, the surrounding space blockade would disappear only when it completely evolved. That said, once the formation begins to evolve, unless you have the ability to shatter the space, you must always resist the attack of the sword formation.

After feeling the damage of the sword-qi palmprints, the three demons looked at each other, and a look of mockery appeared in Song Jian's eyes.

"Reptiles, such an attack can't cause much damage to me at all. After your skills are over, it will be your death date!" Two purple-black flames gleamed in the eye sockets of the skull in the middle, staring straightly. Song Jian said.

Song Jian frowned slightly, and he could also feel that the damage done to the three demons by the sword qi palm print was not as great as he had imagined.

"The opponent's body is too hard, even the Karma Red Lotus Sword can hardly split it..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, as he was thinking, the Sword Qi Stone Tower had begun to quickly condense.

Feeling the power emanating from the Sword Qi Stone Tower above his head, the face of the devil's goat head changed slightly, as if he had sensed something, and a cautious look appeared in his eyes.

"Be careful, I feel the pressure on my soul..." the goat head whispered.


The Sword Qi Stone Pagoda, full of traces of the vicissitudes of life, was suppressed towards the three demons with unstoppable power. Originally thought that this blow was the same as the previous Sword Qi palm prints, but when the Sword Qi Stone Tower appeared, the evil dragon head Only with the skull head did he feel a trace of soul suppression.

"Why..." The three-headed demon said in surprise, knowing that there are few equipment and skills that can reach the soul. The death sickle in its hand is accompanied by a trace of soul damage. This is already a great soul weapon.


After suppressing the three demons, the sword gas stone tower did not disappear as before, but was firmly pressed on the three demons.

There are a total of seven-story stone towers, each of which starts to bloom. The gates of the first floor to the seventh floor are opened in sequence, and a strong suction emerges from the tower, towards the one who has been holding the sword-qi stone tower with gritted teeth. The three-headed demon rushed.

"This, this is..." The goat's head finally showed a look of horror, and yelled out loudly: "This is a soul eater, **** it, how can there be a soul eater here!"

The soul eater aura gushing out of the seven gates was turned into seven ropes, entangled in the body of the three demons. On the one hand, it must resist the suppression of the sword gas tower, on the other hand, it must resist the soul eater. The three-headed demon was suddenly stretched, and one could faintly see that a translucent phantom was being pulled out of its body by the soul-eater.

Seven soul-devouring auras were wrapped around the hands, feet, neck and body of this translucent phantom, pulling it out of the body.

The three-headed demons struggled to resist. It knew that once the soul was pulled out of the body by the Soul Eater, it would immediately be swallowed up and clean, and the body of the soul would be lost. No matter how strong it was, it was just an empty shell.

"Impossible, don't think about it..." The three-headed demons struggled desperately, and finally came to this new world. Although barren, it is a brand-new world without any smell of gods. This is a completely belonging to it. world!

"I will become the new **** in this world, the only god, how could I fall in this place..." The three-headed demon soul who had been pulled out of half of his body roared angrily, and the three heads kept moving. Biting at the seven chains that bound its soul, however, these seven chains are like phantoms, making it impossible to touch!

At this moment, the three-headed demons suddenly saw the passenger plane in the distance, with a hint of expression in their eyes;

"Soul, a human soul full of vitality and vitality, come over, come to me, blend into my body, and you can get eternal life!" The three-headed demon shouted loudly in the alluring words of the abyss.

The language of the abyss is like an irresistible spell for ordinary humans, even a tiny bit can make ordinary humans fall into an illusion.

After the three-headed demon roared, the airliner that had already turned its direction unexpectedly re-adjusted its direction and turned in the direction where Song Jian was fighting with the three-headed devil. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the cockpit of this large passenger plane, the eyes of the two pilots were confused, their bodies stiff, as if they were a walking corpse, only relying on instinct to control the plane and flew towards the three-headed demon.

Faced with such a weird scene, none of the other passengers and flight attendants in the airliner were surprised. They all sat quietly in their seats, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the airliner that turned around, Song Jian frowned. The soul of ordinary humans is a delicious and tonic for the abyss devil. If it really swallows the human soul of an airliner, I’m afraid Jianqi Shita. It cannot be suppressed.

"It must be stopped..." Song Jian stared at the flying passenger plane, with a fierce look in his eyes.


PS: Thanks to "Bread84" for rewarding 100 starting coins~


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