I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1344: Unblock the equipment slot

The familiar system prompts flowed through Song Jian's eyes like a waterfall, which made Song Jian feel like he was entering the game again.

System: You are preparing to plant the seed of life in the real world, the world will feel your kindness, and drop the cloud of luck, you are contaminated with the cloud of luck in the real world, your own luck will be improved, and the value of luck will be +1 ;

System: You start to plant the seed of life, the world will feel your kindness, and you get luck +1;

System: The Seed of Life is coveted by marine creatures in the real world, please pay attention to protection, if the protection is successful, you will get luck +1;

System: The Seed of Life is coveted by marine creatures in the real world, please pay attention to protection, if the protection is successful, you will get luck +1;


System: The Seed of Life has begun to take root, the world rank of the real world has been upgraded, you are rewarded by the will of the real world, and the luck value is +10;

System: The seed of life has begun to grow, the world rank of the real world has been upgraded, you are rewarded by the will of the real world, and the luck value is +10;


System: The tree of life has begun to grow and has begun to absorb void energy. The real world rank has reached the promotion requirements, and the real world world rank has been promoted! The aura of heaven and earth recovers, the limit barriers of various creatures in the world are broken, the upper limit of the strength level is increased to 40, the world protection barrier is loosened, you are rewarded by the will of the real world, and all attributes are increased by 10 points;

System: The tree of life has completed its initial growth, escaped into the void, began to absorb the energy of the void, and the real world's world level was improved! The aura of heaven and earth has increased, the upper limit of the strength of various creatures in the world has been raised to level 50, the world protection barrier has loosened, you are rewarded by the will of the real world, and you start to complete the docking with the game world, and the docking is complete! You will also be assisted by the game system in the real world! Note: This bonus attribute is unique!


Song Jian looked at a series of system information prompts, feeling a little complicated.

Planting the seeds of life seems to have considerable benefits for the planet Earth, otherwise it will not attract the attention of the will of the world, and even directly lower the luck.

Most of the Qiyun cloud group is to protect the smooth growth of the Seed of Life. Song Jian only divides it slightly, especially in the early stage of planting the Seed of Life, which requires protection. Song Jian did nothing at all. It was the protection of the cloud of luck, but even so, every time he resisted a marine creature, Song Jian still got a little bit of luck.

In general, Song Jian’s luck value has exceeded 100 points. It can be said that he is already one of the luckiest people on the planet, the kind who can win the first prize by buying a lottery ticket...

The earth has also benefited greatly because of the tree of life. Originally, the earth was just a low-level planet lacking in aura. It was impossible to have too powerful creatures. However, as the tree of life grows on the earth, the aura on the earth is due to life Because of the tree, it has also begun to recover, the biological level limit has been increased, and the highest strength can reach the level of first-order combat power.

And as the tree of life continues to grow, the earth will gain more benefits, and Song Jian, as a planter and owner, will naturally gain more benefits in the future, which is beyond doubt.

Now, the most significant benefit that Song Jian has obtained is that the real world and the game world have completed the docking. At the same time, as a reward for planting the tree of life, Song Jian has also become the only player on earth who can obtain the assistance of the game system.

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn’t help but open the parcel box and check it out. Previously, only the parcel boxes with golden borders could be used. Now the seals of the entire parcel box are all unlocked. At the same time, there is a countdown to the seal of the equipment box. After a while, all Song Jian's equipment can also be used in the real world.

This is undoubtedly good news for Song Jian. Song Jian, who has reached its peak strength, can already be unafraid of most of the weapons in the real world, ordinary firearms, and I am afraid that even the defenses equipped by Song Jian can't be broken.

"Unfortunately, there is still no way to open the Broken Kingdom of God, otherwise, even if it is a nuclear weapon in the real world, I can ignore its power!" Song Jian tried to communicate with the broken Kingdom of God, but he still couldn't connect to it. regret.

For Song Jian, the most dangerous thing about nuclear weapons is the first explosion and impact. As long as they can avoid the first wave of the most damage, the radiation damage and aftermath of the attack have exceeded 300 points for the physique and can be briefly in the magma. For Song Jian, who was staying, it would not pose a life threat at all.

Song Jian felt the state of the tree of life and found that it had entered a state similar to sleep. In this state, the consumption was minimal.

Although the earth has revived aura, it is still somewhat impossible to support the growth of the tree of life with the aura of the world at this time, so the tree of life can only enter a dormant state.

"If you want to cultivate a tree of life, even a **** will feel stretched. I am only the second-tier peak combat power, and I have not even reached the legendary realm. I want to cultivate the tree of life, it is really overwhelming!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, and at the same time made him make up his mind to speed up the assessment of Tier 3 combat power, and then quickly upgrade his level to enter the legendary realm as soon as possible.

You should know that once Song Jian passed the third-tier combat power assessment, he could use the liquid amethyst to quickly upgrade his level, and it would be very easy to reach the 120th level and enter the legendary realm.

"Fifty catties of liquid amethyst should be able to guarantee my promotion to level 120, right?" Song Jian glanced at the parcel rail and asked inwardly.

At the same time, Song Jian’s gaze fell on the seed of life that was bursting with the three-headed demon. Since he has left his own brand aura on a tree of life, then this life with stronger vitality The seed is no longer useful to him, so it is more cost-effective to refine it into a potion that enhances talent skills.

After some rest and recuperation~www.ltnovel.com~ Song Jian plans to return to China. When he sets foot on China’s land, the seal of the equipment bar should be completely unlocked. At that time, with his strength, it will be effective for the national machinery. Not so afraid.

Just when Song Jian was about to leave, he suddenly saw a cruise ship in the distance, slowly approaching in his direction. The vast sea is boundless, even if you want to find a cruise ship, you need a great deal. luck.

As a result, Song Jian just had the idea of ​​returning to China, and immediately a cruise ship appeared in his vision, and Song Jian was sure that the ultimate destination of this cruise ship must be China.

Time comes, the world is the same force, luck heroes are not free! Song Jian also tasted some of the benefits of the son of luck on the earth.

With a slight smile, Song Jian flew toward the cruise ship Yujian.


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting currency of "Fried Potatoes Dipped in Tomato Sauce"~


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