I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1345: Devil

The cruise ship slowly entered the magic city port. At this time, Song Jian's equipment bar was also completely unblocked, and his strength reached the peak state in the game.

The equipment on his body is in a hidden state, and the normal state will not show up. It will only appear on the surface of the body when fighting with all strength.

With his current strength, in the real world, even in the face of a formed army, there is no threat to Song Jian. The number of people is useless in the face of the huge gap in strength.

Using the Abyssal Concealment Technique, Song Jian quietly disappeared from the port, as if a drop of water melted into the sea, and entered the big city of Demon Capital.

Fangbin Middle Road, Modu.

On a slightly dated street, Song Jian carried a backpack, wandering around like a tourist.

There are shops on both sides of this street. It seems that for some years, the concrete road in front of the shops has been mottled, and there are obvious signs of repairs in some places. Even the signs of these shops have mostly faded and the wind is shaking. , Making a "crunchy" sound.

Song Jian walked into a shop with a "heart-warming intermediary" and looked around.

In this small room of only more than 30 square meters, there are leaflets everywhere, new real estate openings, second-hand housing transaction information, recruitment information, and Song Jian even saw a pink single male and female "Chenghuang Temple One" Promotional poster for "Day Tour".

"This little brother, what can I do for you?" A middle-aged man combing the center, wearing a pair of gold glasses, a greasy face, and a scent of a stock market, greeted him with a smile on his face.

"You have a wide range of business here!" Song Jian pointed to the surrounding posters and said with a smile.

"Of course, the service tenet of our heart-warming intermediary is to stand in the position of customers and serve them. The requirements of customers are our orders..."

With that said, the middle-aged man walked over, handed a business card with both hands and smiled: "Is this the first time the little brother has come to Magic City? Is it... to find a job?"

With that said, the middle-aged man looked up and down Song Jian, and judged Song Jian's purpose in his heart.

"I want to rent a house. It doesn't need to be too big, but it must be comfortable. In addition, I need to find a part-time worker who cooks and tidy up the room..." Song Jian smiled, took a business card and glanced at it, and continued: "I need Travel frequently, not at home, and take good care of the house when you are away!"

With Song Jian's current economic strength, it is still a bit difficult to buy a villa in Magic City, but there is no problem buying an ordinary house.

But he can't guarantee that he will stay here forever, so choosing to rent a house is the best choice.

The business card reads "Wang Chaoyang" in three large characters. There is no title after the name. Below are a few lines of contact information. However, on the back of the business card, the service content of the intermediary is written all over.

Song Jian found that the service range of this warm-hearted intermediary was wider than what he had seen in the room. It also involved a series of services such as housekeeping, unlocking, draining, running errands, and collecting express delivery.

It can be said that this small business card covers all aspects of living and life. Even if it is useless, most people will collect it carefully for emergencies.

After listening to Song Jian's words, Wang Chaoyang's eyes suddenly brightened, and he secretly said in his heart: "Big customer!" He couldn't help but become more enthusiastic.

"Come here, this boss, there are many neighborhoods in our neighborhood, in various locations, let's take a look at the pictures first..." Wang Chaoyang enthusiastically led Song Jian to the coffee table and made him a cup first. Hot tea, and then took out a thick booklet. After opening it, while pointing to the pictures inside, he began to introduce the location of the relevant lot, the area of ​​the house and various other aspects.

It took more than an hour before Song Jian settled everything. After paying the rent for one year, under the guidance of Wang Chaoyang, he finally settled in a community less than 500 meters away from Chenghuang Temple Square.

At the same time that Song Jian made the payment, a harsh alarm sounded in a room in a high-rise building in Shangjing.

A staff member who stayed behind was energetic and rushed to the computer monitor. After taking a glance at the information on it, there was a hint of joy on his face. He grabbed the phone on the table and immediately reported.

"Leader, the bank card that has been monitored, a sum of 53,000 yuan was drawn a minute ago, and the location is in the magic city..."


Because the little nanny introduced won't be able to come to work tomorrow, Song Jian can only order a takeaway to fill his stomach, and then stand at the window, overlooking the city.

The room that Song Jian rented was on the 27th floor. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the entire Chenghuang Temple Square had a panoramic view. At this time, the sky was a bit dim, but the Chenghuang Temple was brightly lit and looked very lively, which made Song Jian play. Of interest.

In the game world, Song Jian has been in a fighting state almost all the time. Even in the City of Hope, he has been dealing with the city's official duties. Few people are so casual in the real world.

This made Song Jian feel a little helpless. Ordinary people play games for leisure and entertainment, but when he plays games, he is in the midst of life and death every day, and he may lose his life if he is not careful.

But if Song Jian is given a chance to choose again, I am afraid he will still choose to enter that weird game world without hesitation.

"Is it really just a game?" A wry smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth. He shook his head slightly, and was about to go out to the Chenghuang Temple.

As soon as he reached the door, Song Jian suddenly stopped, sighed slightly, and stood in front of the door quietly waiting.

Ten seconds later, the door bell rang, and Song Jian directly opened the door, looking calmly at a man and a woman wearing casual clothes outside the door.

Although the two men were dressed in casual clothes, they exuded the special temperament of a soldier.

"City Lord Song, we meet again!" The man who appeared to be in his thirties smiled slightly and said to Song Jian.

Song Jian was taken aback, with a look of doubt on his face, and stared at his face seriously.

After watching for a long time, Song Jian did have a familiar feeling. He should have seen him in the game, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Seeing the look on Song Jian’s face, the man suddenly felt embarrassed. He glanced at the woman next to him, and found that the other party’s face had always been faintly smiling, and there was no change in his expression, and he couldn’t see the other party at this time. What are you thinking about?

The man stared at Song Jian~www.ltnovel.com~ and added: "My name is Guo Zhijun and I belong to the Fire Phoenix Army!"

Seeing Song Jian still looking confused, the man sighed in his heart, and finally said helplessly: "When the abyss invaded the plot, guarding the City of Hope, we met once in the city lord’s mansion. I am now from the Fire Wind Legion. A deputy army commander belongs only to the leadership of Luo Tianyu's army commander!"

Hearing Luo Tianyu's name, Song Jian's face showed a suddenly realized look. The other party should be a member of the City of Hope War League, who can be mixed into the position of deputy army commander, and already belongs to a relatively senior management.

A smile appeared on Song Jian's face, and he stretched out his hand and shook Guo Zhijun. Although it was a bit embarrassing, the faintly confrontational atmosphere before disappeared without a trace.

"Two people, come in and sit down. If you have something to talk about slowly," Song Jian smiled.


PS: Thank you "Uncle So Sleepy" for rewarding 1,000 starting coins~


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