I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1355: Assault

Song Jian’s Ten Thousand Sword Techniques had swallowed the souls of three demons. The original twelve-level Ten Thousand Sword Techniques had also been upgraded to the fourteenth level after entering the world of combat power assessment. The handle directly crossed two levels, and it was upgraded to 900 handles. The power of each spirit sword was also increased by 20%. For a while, the spirit sword falling from the sky seemed like a meteor shower, dragging a long darkness. The red tail flame fell toward the group of alien races besieging the mutant bone cow.

Boom boom boom~

A series of deafening roars sounded, explosions within a radius of several hundred meters, and the smoke and dust vented one after another, making it impossible to see the specific situation on the ground.

The examiners from the human camp in the distance stared at the battlefield in the distance with horror on their faces.

"This, how is this possible, how can the strength of the second-tier combat power peak be so strong?" An examiner of the human camp couldn't even believe his eyes. After rubbing hard, he screamed in horror. .

"It's horrible, are the favored ones so powerful? Damn..."

"What kind of trick is this, who of you knows? Also, do you have information about this favored one?"


The examiners of the human camp looked at Song Jian’s figure in mid-air as if they were looking at the gods. At this time, they finally understood why the human camp was judged to be the dominant camp after the start of the evaluation and was delayed to enter the world. The real cause of the day.

"This time, can we lie down and win this time?" A human camp examiner suddenly whispered, with a look of surprise on his face.

You know, in this assessment, after knowing that the number of people in the alien camp is almost three times that of them, many assessors of the human camp have already given up the possibility of winning in their hearts. They just want to add more in this assessment. Some experience, or more points.

But now, Song Jian's strong combat power made them all have a "we can win" idea in their hearts, and their morale boosted for a while.

"We have to do something too, we can't be degraded by others!" An examiner from the human camp stood up suddenly, clenched the weapon in his hand, and shouted.

"Yeah, kill them, I've seen this group of alien races not pleasing to your eyes, kill them!" Others responded. In their opinion, this is the best time to beat the water dog, and it is also the best time to improve the pass evaluation. good time!

This time Song Jian didn't intend to use the Karma Fire Red Lotus Sword Formation, but only used the ordinary Karma Fire Red Lotus Wan Sword Art, which consumed less than 800 points of sword energy.

But at this time, the level of the Karma Red Lotus Wanjian Art has been raised to the fourteenth level. Even if it is not fully used, the number of spirit swords has reached more than 800, and each spirit sword can cause more than 6,000 points of damage. Coupled with the attached flame damage of the red lotus industry fire, the damage of each spirit sword can easily break through ten thousand. For these alien races who only have the peak of the second-order combat power, it is almost as if the ground has been washed by a missile. The foot roared for more than three minutes before slowly dissipating.

After a long time, the hustle and bustle fell to the ground, and the entire ground sank more than a foot deep. There were large pits everywhere on the ground. The mutant bone cow lay horizontally in a large pit, and its whole body bones and outer armor were all shattered. Lying in a pool of blood, if it weren't for the slight ups and downs of the body, other people would think that this mutant bone cow had been killed in seconds!

Song Jian was floating in the air, high above him. At this moment, the system prompts in front of his eyes flowed down like a waterfall, which made him feel a little dizzy.

System: You killed Tuluca, an inhuman race of the opposite faction, and gained 3 points for the faction, and the evaluation of clearance was slightly improved;

System: You kill the opposite camp inhuman Casaladin, get 5 points in the camp, and get a slight improvement in the pass evaluation;

System: You kill the opposing faction Inhumane Onima, get 2 faction points, and get a slight improvement in the pass evaluation;


System: You killed Zola Katie, an inhuman race of the opposite faction, and gained 6 faction points, and the level of clearance evaluation increased by one level!


Song Jian took a look at the system prompts. With this blow, he killed eight outlanders from the opposing camp, and the rest were seriously injured or dying, and had lost the ability to continue fighting.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt a horrible sensation, as if someone was holding a long red needle, only one millimeter away from his eyes.

Song Jian almost subconsciously used the sword shadow clone skill, leaving the clone in place, while he himself quickly used the Abyss Concealment Technique and fell towards the ground.

This action was completed almost instantaneously. It didn't even take a second. Just as he had just fallen five or six meters, a roar suddenly rang from the top of his head, and a huge explosion sounded through the sky. Song Jian and Jianying immediately The clone has lost contact. You must know that the Jianying clone at this time has inherited more than 80% of his strength. It can kill the attack of the Jianying clone in seconds. Even if it can't kill Song Jian himself, it will definitely severely wound him. .

Song Jian was slammed on the ground by the burst of air above his head, and more than two thousand points of damage floated above his head, which surprised Song Jian.

"Is it just the aftermath of the explosion that caused me more than two thousand points of damage?" Song Jian was surprised.

However, just as he was struggling to get up, a sharp neighing sound suddenly exploded in his ears, and the sound seemed to have countless thin iron wires piercing into his ears.

Song Jian, who hadn't noticed for a while, was overturned to the ground again by the sound wave attack, his head buzzed and went blank, and even his ears slowly leaked a trace of blood.

A damage figure of more than 5,000 points floated from the top of his head. At this time, Song Jian's vitality value had directly lost more than half.

If it were not for him to act decisively, this blow would probably kill him immediately, triggering the passive skill of Enemy of Death.

In the distance ~www.ltnovel.com~ an examiner of an alien race, covered in blood, kneeled with one leg on the ground, and the other leg was five or six meters away from him.

He was carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder, and blue smoke appeared from the muzzle. Obviously, he launched the blow at Song Jian just now.

"No, didn't you die?" He stared fiercely at the location of the explosion in the air, his eyes full of hope, after waiting for a moment, a look of despair emerged.

He did not receive the system prompt to kill the opponent and get the improvement evaluation of the pass, and he naturally understood that he did not kill the opponent!

"Unfortunately, there is only one cannonball left, if there is another one..." A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he slowly fell to the ground, stopped breathing, his body turned into white light and disappeared.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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