I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1356: The camp changes again?

One move killed seven or eight Inhumane examiners, and the remaining undead were all seriously injured and lost the ability to continue fighting. Song Jian's strength surprised the NPCs in the human camp and felt threatened. .

After the initial surprise, the eyes of several human NPCs looking at Song Jian became complicated. This was a mood mixed with awe, envy, jealousy, and longing.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, you idiots, let you be hostile to me, let you besiege me, die, you want to complete the assessment, in another three months, hahaha!" Aside, he was blown away by the aftermath of the battle. The mutant Thunder Eagle Patsha who went out laughed frantically, his body was full of blood, and he was stained with mud and sand as he rolled, looking very embarrassed.

Some human examiners saw a few alien races entering a state of dying, their eyes lit up, and they took a few steps forward to kill them. After all, killing them can improve the pass evaluation and raise the first-level pass evaluation. , But it can raise more than a dozen free attribute points.

They had just walked two steps, they were pulled by their companions, shook their heads at them slightly, and their eyes motioned to Song Jian in front of them. These people are all Song Jian’s trophies. , Song Jian will inevitably be offended. If Song Jian is killed again, it will be a bit uneconomical.

Song Jian's heart was palpitating, and he secretly said: "I was too careless, and he was almost about to be killed in seconds, triggering the enemy of the death..., the power of that weapon is a bit too powerful, and it just destroys the balance of the game..."

After killing all the remaining Inhuman Race examiners, Song Jian walked towards the mutant Thunder Eagle Patsha.

Patsha was already severely injured and was able to survive the attack of Wan Jian Jue. On the one hand, he was on the verge of fighting and the impact was not large. On the other hand, it was also specially made by Song Jian, and the attack range was not limited. He was shrouded in it.

Although Patsha looked very embarrassed at this time, he had already drunk the medicine to stabilize the injury. He will not be bleeding to death, but it will take a long time to fully recover. After all, he is not only bleeding. In addition to his unhealthy conditions, there are five or six unhealthy conditions, such as fractures, serious injuries, and weakness.

"Ho ho, you, are you here to kill me?" Pat Shahaha laughed. Originally, he had some regrets in his heart for switching the alien beast camp, but now he is relieved, there is Song Jian. The chance of the Inhumans camp wanting to win this time is very small, especially after the opponent has killed one third of the Inhumans camp.

"Answer me a few questions, I won't kill you!" Song Jian walked to Patsha and said.

Patsha's eyes lit up, but then he understood, a mocking smile appeared on his face and said, "Do you want to get information on meteorite fragments? Haha, stop dreaming, I won't tell you, yes You kill me if you can, and I will apply for the assessment again in three months."

Song Jian suddenly felt a headache. The assessment world would not really die, which made him unable to threaten Patsha with his life, but the other party entered the assessment world three days in advance and transformed into an alien camp. The familiarity of the film area is definitely much better than those of them who have just entered the game.

"Do you want to pass this combat power assessment?" Song Jian asked suddenly.

Patsha was taken aback. He hadn't really thought about this. Ever since he switched the alien beast camp and discovered that the original alien race had begun to hostile him, and after he failed to attack the human camp, Patsa knew that his own The assessment may end in failure.

Switching the alien beast camp was originally a big bet by Patsha. Once successful, he can at least get a rating above S in this assessment. Unfortunately, it turns out that he lost the bet. Now both camps regard him as an opponent. , Don't give him a chance.

"Hehe, the main missions of the three camps are all competing missions. The missions of your human camp and the alien camp are to obtain meteorite fragments, while the main mission of the alien beast camp is to protect meteorite fragments. The missions of the three camps are basically competing and conflicting. Yes, as long as one party wins, the other two parties will fail. Are you willing to let your assessment task fail, hahaha!" Patsha felt that Song Jian seemed to be a fool and wanted to deceive with a few words Yourself.

"You don't just enter the game and you are in the alien camp, right?" Song Jian said lightly.

Song Jian's words were like a bolt of lightning hitting Patsha's head. He stared at Song Jian blankly, his already desperate heart once again showed hope.

You know, if you can successfully pass the assessment, who would choose to wait another three months? Who knows what will happen after three months? There are many people who have not passed the assessment in a few years, and those who have passed the assessment ahead of time have soared their combat power. Their strength has already taken Pat Sala a long distance and want to do it again. To catch up with them, I'm afraid it is only when they are in the legendary realm.

"You, what do you mean?" Patsha asked in a trembling voice.

"Since you can switch camps once, why can't you switch them a second time?" Song Jian smiled. Although this was just a guess in his heart, his face was full of confidence.

"You, can you really let me pass this assessment?" Patsha asked with an expression of expectation.

"Do you think that if there is a fight between the alien race and the human camp, who has a better chance of winning?" Song Jian asked with a smile.

Patsha suddenly became a little silent. If it were before, he would definitely say that it was an Inhumans camp. After all, Inhumans have an inherent advantage over humans~www.ltnovel.com~ plus the assessment world. The number of people in the Inhuman camp is almost three times that of the human camp. This advantage is placed in the previous assessment world, which is simply crushing.

But now, Patsha had to admit that if the two sides really broke out in fighting, Song Jian alone might be able to wipe out the Inhuman camp.

"Now I finally understand why the number of Inhumans camp is three times that of humans, and the result is still judged as a weak camp by the system..." Patsha shook his head with a wry smile.

"Let's talk about it, how do you guarantee that I can pass this assessment? As long as I can pass the assessment, I will tell you everything I know!" Patsha struggled for a moment, and the hesitant expression on his face gradually became firmer , Staring at Song Jian and asked word by word.

"Hahaha, if your camp becomes a human camp, will your chances of successfully passing this assessment be greatly increased?" Song Jian laughed, took out a pale golden scroll from the parcel box, and tore it open Then he threw it towards Patsha.



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