I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1357: Sign a contract

Battle pet contract scroll!

When a golden light shrouded Patsha's body, Patsha immediately understood what type of scroll it was. At the same time, several system prompts appeared in front of him in bright red fonts.

"War, battle pet contract scroll?" Patsha was stunned, but then, a deep sense of humiliation came to his heart.

"He dared to capture himself as a battle pet!" Patsha furiously said in his heart, shaking violently, and a restraining force gradually poured into his body, making him involuntarily rebellious and struggling. Struggling.

The golden light turned into a rope and bound to Patsha's body, but soon, due to the violent struggle, the golden rope began to tremble, and after a while, the golden rope collapsed and dissipated in the air with a "poof".

Capture failed!

Song Jian frowned when he saw the system prompt that appeared in front of him, and the look in Patsha's eyes became unkind.

"You, you actually treat me as a battle pet!" Patsha struggled, trying to stand up, but couldn't stand up anyway, so she could only look at Song Jian with an angry look.

"You don't want to transform into the human camp anymore. You don't want to pass this assessment smoothly?" Song Jian's eyes sharpened and asked: "This is the only opportunity to transform you into the human camp. If you give up, then I have only Killing you will at least improve the pass evaluation!"

Patsha trembled, and the shadow of failed assessment enveloped him again, with a hesitant look on his face.

"But, but, if I become your favorite, even if I pass the assessment, I will pass the worst evaluation..." Patsha hesitated.

"That's better than failure, right?" Song Jian smiled and said, "Besides, there are still so many people in the Inhumans camp, and you should be familiar with the location of the alien beast in this area. Don't tell me you will take us here. It’s because you know that the alien races are here. If that’s the case, you wouldn’t be beaten so miserably... when the time comes, kill a few alien races, and kill a few alien beasts. Uplifted?"

"What you said sounds so reasonable, I don't even know how to refute..." Patsha showed a helpless look on his face, and said in his heart.

Seeing Patsha's silence, Song Jian narrowed his eyes, and a faint killing intent suddenly emerged from him. He has already said everything that should be said. If the other party does not know how to promote him, then he can only be killed. , First improve some pass evaluation.

Feeling Song Fitness’s killing intent, Patsha suddenly panicked and said quickly: "I, I am willing to join the human camp..."

Song Jian stared at Patsha expressionlessly. For a long time, just when Patsha's face was pale, thinking that Song Jian was about to cut him off, he saw that he took out another battle pet contract scroll from the parcel box. Said to Patsha: "This is the last one left, please be happy, the signing is successful, if you fail again, I can only kill you!"

Battle pet contract scrolls can only be signed with monsters in the game. Inhumans belong to NPCs in the game. They cannot sign battle pet contracts, but can only sign follower contracts.

But now in the world of combat power assessment, Patsha has changed the alien beast camp. In this world, he is just an alien beast, no different from the monsters in the game world. Naturally, he signed the battle pet contract. Within range.

The previous failure of Song Jian's scroll was just a reminder of "contract signing failure" instead of being unable to sign a contract. This shows that in the world of combat power assessment, strange beasts can also be signed to stand successful contracts.

This time, Song Jian tore the scroll of the battle pet contract and threw it at Patsa, Patsa no longer dared to resist as before. After all, once people have hope, they will never give up, and they will catch it. Live the last straw.

Feeling the **** of the power of the contract and slowly blending into his body, Patsha felt the humiliation from the bottom of his heart.

What is a battle pet? Someone that sounds good is a combat partner, and some that sounds bad, are they pets and cannon fodder? As an alien, he is particularly sensitive to this aspect.

"I just want to pass the battle strength assessment and bear the humiliation..." Patsha gritted his teeth secretly in his heart.

In a short while, the power of the contract was like a golden chain, which locked Patsha's soul. At the same time, Song Jian also felt the contract was successfully signed. At the same time, Patsha's transformation into the Thunder Eagle attribute had no reservations. Appeared on Song Jian’s battle pet interface!

"Temporary battle pets can only be effective in the battle power assessment world?" Song Jian glanced at the newly-launched battle pet interface, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly: "The intimacy is only 30 points. Edge!"

Song Jian glanced at the seemingly submissive Patsha, and didn't care about the intimacy between the two, after all, once he left this world of war pets, the contract would automatically become invalid.

"Well, now I can ask you a few questions, right?" Song Jian smiled.

"Of course, as long as I know it, I won't have reservations about you!" Patsha said respectfully. At this time, he has become Song Jian's favorite. In the battle, if Song Jian wants him to become cannon fodder and rush to death, he must also rush upwards, otherwise, there is only one way to betray.

But being cannon fodder is a life of nine deaths, and there is still a glimmer of hope to survive, complete the task, and betrayal. That is really a dead end.

"Tell me where the meteorite fragments fell!" Song Jian asked. This question is the most critical one. The other examiners from the human camp have deepened their breathing a bit, and involuntarily approached Song Jian.

"Meteorite fragments are located in a col, less than a hundred kilometers away from here. There is an underground base of the Cobalan Company. They have obtained meteorite fragments in advance and are studying in the underground base!" Patsha has no reservations. Said.

"Keboland Company?" Song Jian frowned~www.ltnovel.com~ has been acquired by a company, so what's the point of searching here?

You know, they now represent Handak Company, while Inhumans belongs to another competitor, Shenandoah. The business scope of these companies includes biotechnology.

After entering the world of combat power assessment, Song Jian also used the Internet to briefly understand the background of the world, especially the information about their Handak company and several companies that could compete with him.

If Handak and Selangor are among the three or four hundred of the world's top 500 companies, then Coppelin is definitely a company that can rank in the top ten of the world's top five hundred. The two are not at the same level.

"This is a bit tricky..." Song Jian muttered to himself, and at the same time, he also understood why the Inhuman Race obviously entered this world before them, but was not in a hurry to find the meteorite fragments, but instead caused these strange things. Attention of the beast.



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