I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1358: Repel

Looking for meteorite fragments in the wilderness depends on luck, and going to the underground base of another large multinational company to find meteorite fragments depends on absolute strength.

"Damn it, this is called searching for meteorite fragments?" Song Jian glanced at the main mission and cursed secretly: "This should be called snatching meteorite fragments!"

"The Inhumans camp has discovered that underground base, but the base is heavily guarded, and they don't dare to stun the snakes. They can only collect information on the Cobalan Company and this underground base first, and see if they can get in..." Patsha continued. : "Almost half of the alien races are doing this, and the rest are not idle. They are divided into two groups to hunt the alien beasts, so as to improve the pass evaluation..."

Patsha told Song Jian all the information he knew, but it has been a while since he left the Inhuman Race. He doesn't know what the Inhuman Race has done so far, but seeing that they are still hunting the alien beasts, I am afraid it is nothing. progress!

After listening to Song Jian, he nodded slightly and said to Patsha: "Tell me about the situation of the nearby alien beasts. You probably wanted to use their power to deal with us before?"

A pair of eagle eyes revealed a complex look, and after a long silence, Patsha nodded slightly and said: "This area is most affected by meteorite fragments, and the alien beasts are also the most. The closer the meteorite fragments are, the stronger the alien beasts are. , A little further ahead, is the territory of the lord of the terrifying crocodile. It has the strength of the dominance level peak. Any creature that enters its territory will be attacked by it..."

"But..." Patsha glanced in the distance. The dark red mushroom cloud had begun to dissipate slowly, but there were still traces in midair: "The place where the explosion just now happened was the territory of the Lord of the Mutated Dire Crocodile. I'm afraid the Inhumane examiners from the other team have already matched it!"

Hearing what Patsha said, the examiners of the human camp suddenly became excited and eager to try, wanting to pick up the bargain in the past.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly turned his head and looked behind him. Soon, a group of people appeared in front of everyone. They were the examiners of the remaining part of the human camp.

"Song Jian!" After greeted Song Jian with a shield in hand, Tyre looked surprised at the ground where Song Jian and the others were on. Just by looking at the bumpy terrain, you can imagine how tragic the previous battle was.

"What a big monster, is this a strange beast?" One of them cried out in surprise as he looked at the mutant bone cow lying in a pool of blood.

"You encountered a strange beast and killed it?" Tyr asked in surprise.

The corpses of the Inhumans camp had all turned into white light and disappeared, so Tyre would have misunderstood, but soon someone explained to them what happened, and heard that Song Jian killed more than a dozen Inhumans and one by himself. After looking at each other, Tyre and Doya looked at each other, and they all saw deep fear in each other's eyes.

Yes, it’s not a surprise, but a jealousy. If Song Jian is only better than them, all they want to do is to make friends and win over, but Song Jian’s strength is too strong, so strong that it can kill more than a dozen with a single move. When an alien race was equal to their strength, their attitude towards Song Jian began to change.

But they concealed this emotion well in their hearts and did not show it.

Tyre said to Song Jian with a smile on his face: "Finally understand why the human camp is a strong camp this time. This time the assessment, I must rely on you, Song Jian!"

"Everyone work hard together..." Song Jian smiled.

"Tir, there was a big explosion there just now. It should be a battle between another team of alien races and a dominance-level peak alien beast. The battle is very fierce, maybe now..." Tesha's words were repeated again, and Tyre's eyes lit up.

From entering the world of assessment to the present, although the main task is continuing, Tyr has not received any chance to improve the evaluation of the pass, saying that he is not in a hurry, it must be a lie.

Looking at Song Jian, Tyre's eyes rolled, and he smiled at Song Jian: "Song Jian, why don't we divide our troops into two groups now. You go to explore the underground base and see if you can find a way to sneak in and look for meteorite fragments. Let's go. Clean up those alien races..."

Song Jian glanced at Tyre and the other human camp examiners. It was obvious that although they were both in the human camp, Tyre and the others were aboriginals in the game world. Those who are on guard, after Song Jian showed such a strong combat power, naturally did not want Song Jian to pass the assessment too high.

Song Jian glanced at the people of Tyre, smiled slightly, said nothing, turned and walked in the other direction.

Seeing Song Jian walking away, Tyre and the others exasperated, turned and walked towards the place where they had exploded before. Since Song Jian is in the same camp as them, as long as Song Jian successfully passes the assessment of the world, they will naturally pass. Now the most important thing is to suppress Song Jian, don't let his pass evaluation is too high.

Song Jian naturally understood the careful thoughts of these people. Before they entered the world of assessment, the assessors of these human camps were a bit repulsive of the identity of his favored ones. Although Tyre showed a certain degree of friendliness, Song Jian I also understand that because the human camp has too few people, it is at an absolute disadvantage compared to the alien camp, so Tyre just wants to win him. Once the interests of the two sides diverge, Tyre will abandon him without hesitation. It seems like this.


After killing more than a dozen examiners from the Inhuman race camp, Song Jian’s pass evaluation was raised by one level. If others pass the pass evaluation is B, Song Jian’s pass evaluation is not B+, but A. He has already left others far behind. In the back.

"Jie Jie Jie, it feels like being abandoned by a companion, isn't it?" Patsha's injury has almost recovered, and the look in Song Jian's eyes is a bit mocking, and at the same time there are some pity for the same illness. After all, he is treated as a stranger. The companions abandoned it once, although he chose the alien beast camp first, but he himself didn't feel that he had anything wrong, only that others had abandoned him.

"They are not my companions..." Song Jian turned to look at Patsha and smiled: "I am the favored one, and they are not!"

Patsha was at a loss for words. In fact, in terms of the attitude towards the Favored, there is no difference between Inhumans and Humans. In many cases, they will stand in the same camp as the human NPC in the game to resist the Favored.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Patsha asked with some curiosity, "Although I know where the underground base for studying meteorite fragments is, I am afraid that you can't break in and **** meteorite fragments by yourself. ?"

Patsha admits that Song Jian is strong ~www.ltnovel.com~ but doesn't think that he alone can break into the heavily guarded underground base, that is simply killing him.

"Who knows, I always have to take a look before talking!" Song Jian shrugged his shoulders and said, "First take me to understand the surrounding environment and see if there is a chance to sneak in."

"You must be crazy..." Patsha said speechlessly: "There are a few thieves of the Inhumans who have reached the full level of stealth skills, and even they can't go deep. You want to sneak in secretly, not at all. may!"

"How do you know if you haven't tried yet?"

"Is it a trial? Everyone else failed..."

"I'm no one else!"


One person, one eagle, while fighting, walked towards the underground base built by the Cobalan Company. In the sunset, their shadows were drawn very long...


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