I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1359: enter

Two hours later, one person and one eagle came to a mountain col.

There was a very obvious crack in this mountain col, it looked like a sharp blade had directly split the mountain, and even the ground left a long crack.

Patsha pointed to the front and said, "That's it. The underground base that Cobalan has built here has been at least 20 or 30 years old, otherwise it wouldn't be of this scale!"

Song Jian squinted his eyes and looked forward. The entire mountain col has been built with reinforced cement soil into a fort-like building. On both sides of the mountain, you can see dark artillery barrels. If you build another one in front of the col Walls, blocking the entire mountain col, then here is completely a small military town.

"Why don't they build a wall?" Song Jian asked, pointing to the front.

"Who knows?" Patsha combed the feathers on his shoulders with his long beak, and said nonchalantly: "That's all already strict enough, and then build a wall, and still give others a way to survive? "

Song Jian frowned and shook his head slightly. Could it be that when the Coppola Company built this place, it would have expected that meteorite fragments would be obtained decades later, and then a group of examiners would come here to **** it, in order for them to **** it successfully, so Decrease the difficulty deliberately and not build walls?

how can that be!

If he is the master of this base, even if the internal facilities of the base are not perfect, the defensive walls must be built. As the master of a city, Song Jian knows that the walls are the most profitable defense among all the defense facilities. building.

"It seems that there are no people in the base?" Song Jian suddenly found that the surroundings were very quiet, and there was no movement from the base. Could it be that the base was specially equipped with soundproofing facilities?

"All the automatic defense facilities are installed here. Maybe their people are inside the base, and the security on the ground is very weak?" Patsha shrugged and said, "When we got closer, we were warned. They didn’t dare to go deeper, and they had to retreat. Even those who had reached the level of stealth, at most only approached the buildings above the ground. They found a passage leading directly to the crack in the ground, but as soon as they approached that passage, they were I found out that the other party seems to have very high-tech scanning equipment!"

Song Jian nodded. The stealth technique is simply to hide the body, use light to deceive other people's eyes. There are many things including sound, taste, and temperature that cannot be hidden. In modern society, it is easy to prevent it. What's more, what's more, in this evaluation world where the technology is obviously much higher than that of modern society, a simple infrared detection can make the thieves profession's hard-practice stealth technique abolish.

"Meaning, can't you go deeper?" Song Jian asked.

"No way..." Patsha shook his head and said, "But I just listened to what other people said. As you know, I am not in a high position in the Inhumans camp. There are some particularly important information, they will not tell me……"

Song Jian nodded, and said to Patsha: "You wait for me here first, I'll go in and have a look."

"You can still sneak?" Patsha asked in surprise.

You know, stealth is the core skill of thieves, and other skills and medicines such as invisibility, invisibility potion, etc., cannot be as effective as thieves' full-level stealth.

"Try it, I won't work, I will quit!" Song Jian finished speaking, and his figure slowly disappeared in front of Patsha's eyes.

Concealment in the abyss, in terms of invisibility, is not as good as stealth at full level, but its principle is to create an abyssal aura, which envelops the user's entire body, not only can deceive the eyes and taste of light , Body temperature will be hidden deeply because of the presence of the abyss breath.

It's just that the most suitable place for the Concealment of the Abyss to be used is the Hell of the Abyss, where there is an aura of abyss everywhere, using the Concealment of the Abyss is simply like a fish in the water, there will be no flaws.

But in the environment other than the abyss hell, the abyss breath can actually be detected by many professions. They don’t need to be able to see through the invisibility, they only need to be able to feel the presence of the abyss breath to determine Song Jian’s location. This is the abyss. The biggest flaw in concealment!

But for such a completely high-tech base in front of them, Song Jian believed that they could not detect the existence of the abyss.

Entering the hidden state, Song Jian easily approached the base. He found that in the periphery of the base, it was not that the city wall was not built. There were a lot of materials that were obviously used to build the city wall. They were all placed under the mountains on both sides. Obviously, I was planning to start building a wall from the mountain on both sides, but I didn't know the reason and it was delayed.


At this moment, Song Jian heard a sound of electronic activation coming from the base, and soon, a mechanically synthesized sound sounded around the entire base.

"This is the underground base of the Cobalt Company. All acts of intrusion without permission will be actively attacked by Cobalt. According to Article 367 of the Defense Law, the attack does not require advance warning..."

Song Jian's movements suddenly stagnated, but soon, he continued to walk forward. Patsha told him that this kind of warning should be set in advance, and it will be automatically played after a period of time. Really found someone broke in.

After approaching, Song Jian saw that there were many naturally formed stone pillars in the col. These stone pillars were smooth and straight, and there were carved traces on them, but these traces had been erased artificially, leaving only some faint marks. Can't see the content of the carving.

Moving on, under the rock of the mountain, Song Jian saw a huge artificial cave. The edges of the cave were very smooth. The walls inside were all made of cement hollow bricks, which looked rough and solid.

The cave is at least five meters high and ten meters wide. It can be easily accessed by a loading vehicle. On both sides of the artificial cave, there are obvious defense facilities. Two of the machine guns are still on standby at any time. The electronic equipment of the machine gun is still shining, but there is a thick layer of dust on it. It seems that it has not been maintained for a long time. There have even been some rust marks on the gun barrel~www.ltnovel.com~Song Jian's brows are slightly He seemed to have some bad premonitions. After observing for a while, he continued to walk in, and then walked forward, he had already entered the mountain.

Soon, Song Jian came to a hall. This hall looked very wide, as if the whole mountain was hollowed out. There was a hard metal bottom plate under his feet, and many material boxes were parked around, some of which were already opened. , Some are firmly bound.

Moving on, Song Jian saw a **** of five or six meters wide, leading straight to a deeper underground. There were emergency lights in the hall at this time. Although the light was dim, it was barely possible to see the surroundings clearly, but there was no light under the slope, and the darkness did not know where it led to.

Song Jian thought for a while, and continued to walk forward. Just as he stepped onto the slope, a sudden scream sounded. At the same time, several defensive cannons were suddenly turned out on the walls on both sides of the slope. , At the same time the red laser sight shot towards Song Jian's direction.



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