I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1360: Material box

Song Jian felt that he was locked, and he was still mentally locked. This kind of mental locking was only possible with those spells above the legendary level. Now these high-tech gadgets can be mentally locked, which made him take a bite. shock.

The concealment of the abyss actually failed in front of these defense facilities, which made him, who was full of confidence, suddenly revealed a look of panic on his face.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da~

Several machine guns fired at the same time. The finger-length warhead hit Song Fitness, splashing bursts of sparks. Song Jian quickly retreated, and when he hid in the blind corner of the artillery, he realized that he was in a short period of time. In a few seconds, he lost nearly five thousand points of vitality.

"This damage is too high?" Song Jian asked in surprise.

What surprised him most was that these defensive facilities, full of technological style, were able to detect the presence of the abyss, or in other words, they could ignore the presence of the abyss and perceive Song Jian's approach.

"No, with the range of those artillery pieces just now, there is no need for me to be so close to give a warning. You can give me a warning from 30 meters away..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart: "That is to say, here is the warning. Defense facilities, the scope of investigation is very close..."

After Song Jian waited for a while, no one came up to check. You know, the alarm was issued just now, and the people in the base must have noticed someone trying to break in. No matter what, someone will come up to check. , As a result, Song Jian waited for a long time, and no one came up, as if the underground base was already empty.

"How could this happen, and the prevention was so tight, but no one..." Song Jian was puzzled. It seemed that some thoughts had formed in his mind, but it seemed that there was a layer of gauze mist.

"I'll talk about it after passing the test..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

After pouring two bottles of advanced healing potions, Song Jian filled the blood value again, and then stepped closer to the ramp until he stood in front of the ramp, and there was no warning sound. There was silence all around, even the people in the tunnel. Those few machine guns are also hidden in the wall.

"Sure enough, the detection range is very short!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, and then cautiously stretched his foot and stepped on the ramp.

In an instant, the feeling of being locked in by the spirit came to my heart again, the harsh siren sounded again, and at the same time the machine guns around the wall were turned over again, aiming at Song Jian.

Song Jian immediately retracted his foot and stood on the spot. The sound of the siren stopped for an instant, and the countless red aiming rays swept wildly, seeming to have lost the target.

A smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth, and he looked towards the ground of the sloped passage.

"Gravity sensing?" Song Jian smiled.

With that said, he tried to step on the **** with one foot again, but he didn't receive any force, he just placed it gently on it, and sure enough, as Song Jian guessed, no alarm sounded.

Then, Song Jian began to gradually exert his force. When he almost reached the weight that an adult should have, the alarm sounded violently, and Song Jian also retracted his feet at this time.

"Sure enough, it is gravity sensing..." Song Jian nodded.

"However, there may also be multiple detection methods, but they are all shielded by the concealment of the abyss, only gravity sensing cannot be shielded!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

"Unfortunately, I'm not a magician profession, otherwise, I can solve it with a light trick!" Song Jian sighed and said to himself.

After thinking for a while, Song Jian turned and left. At this time, he found that Thunder Eagle Patsha had also entered the periphery of the base, and was struggling to untie the ropes of the outer material boxes. It seemed that he wanted to see the contents of these boxes. What is it, and is it cheaper to take advantage of.

But watching an eagle laboriously peck the rope with its mouth, tear it with its claws, and want to carry a large box, is really funny.

Song Jian stood aside with a smile, looking at Patsha, and didn't mean to step forward to help.

Patsha was pecking the rope with all his attention, trying to peck it off. He didn't notice Song Jian at first, but after a while, he inadvertently looked up and found that Song Jian was standing aside with a smile, as if watching a clown. Generally looking at herself, Patsha's movements suddenly froze, and she said angrily: "What to see, come and help. Anyway, you can't get inside. It's better to go back empty-handed than the materials outside."

"Are you sure these materials can be brought out of the world of assessment?" Song Jian asked with a smile.

You must know that most items in the assessment world cannot be taken out. If they can be used on the spot, they will generally be used on the spot. The materials in front of you are estimated to be related to the construction of underground bases or some supplies. , It should be of little value, and it is impossible to bring out the world of assessment.

"How do you know if you don't look at it?" Patsha rolled his eyes and said.

Song Jian just stepped forward and cut the ropes with the Heaven Breaking Sword. You can clearly feel that these ropes are particularly tough, and they seem to be mixed with metal wires, and you can feel obvious resistance when cutting. It's no wonder that Patsha worked for a long time and didn't break one.

All the ropes wrapping the material box were cut, and the army green curtain covering it also fell down, revealing a metal box more than two meters high inside.

On one side of the metal box, there is a switch device with a red light flashing constantly.

"It looks like a password is needed, do you know?" Song Jian asked, turning his head.

"Damn it, I said why those people didn't take away these material boxes, it turns out that they need a password to open it!" Patsha sipped bitterly and said disappointedly.

The alien races had also come here to explore before, but they stopped in front of the ramp, but these material boxes were all outside the base. It should be reasonable that all the alien races explored before should be removed.

Patsha was surprised before, but now he finally understands that all these material boxes are locked with a combination.

"It's not over with direct brute force..." Song Jian was a little strange. Although these material boxes were made of metal, it was not difficult for people at the peak of Tier 2 combat power to spend a lot of hands and feet to open.

"How did your previous assessment come, don't you know?" Patsha glanced at Song Jian with a little surprise. Seeing that he really didn't understand, he could only explain: "The treasure chest in the real world, UU Reading wwwww .uukanshu.com may still be dismantled violently, but as long as there is a password and locked treasure chest in the assessment world, if you dare to dismantle it violently, it will dare to explode!"

Song Jian took a look at Patsha and understood that the "real world" he was talking about was actually the game world. After all, these NPCs would not think that the world they lived in was a game.

"Will our real world be just a game world in the eyes of higher-dimensional people?" Song Jian suddenly had such a thought in his mind, but he soon put it behind his head.

After looking around the material box, and knocking it with his hand, Song Jian stared at the combination lock for a long time, and asked Patsha: "Is it really going to explode if it is violently dismantled?"

"Of course, 100%, I saw it with my own eyes more than once!" Patsha said surely.

"Oh, that's good!" Song Jian nodded, with an inexplicable smile on his face.



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