I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1403: Captain Skeleton

"Who am I, hahaha, who am I?" The Skeleton Pirate Captain seemed to hear a very ridiculous question. He laughed. He laughed and dropped his mandible and fell on it. On the deck, the mandible was still beating.

The skeleton pirate captain was like a false tooth falling on the ground, bent over to pick up the mandible, then pressed it up again casually, and sang loudly:

"I am a ghost"

"Shuttle in the gap of time and space"

"I have gone through countless sufferings"

"But I only get the curse of everyone"

"I am immortal"

"But always live in pain"

"I have witnessed the destruction of countless history"

"But others are treated as a lunatic"

"I shuttle in the endless apocalypse"

"I wander in the ethereal star realm"

"The blood killing has long numbed me"

"The precious treasures can't make my heart beat"


A song full of absurd and weird style was sung from the skull captain's mouth. With its singing, the equipment on the entire warship should be sung with others.

The military flag rises and falls with the rhythm, the cable twists like a snake, and even the whistle sounds different in length with the beat, giving Song Jian the feeling that the entire ship seems to be the same as in front of him. The Skeleton Captain is integrated and controlled by it!


"I walked slowly on the corpse of the sky..."

"I am slowly walking towards the sky of blood..."

"I walked in the wailing of countless dead..."

"I walked in the cheers of countless ambitions..."

"I am me, the lonely captain of the Doomsday Cruise, Svopat Clayderman!"

At the end of the song, Captain Skeleton took off his hat, bowed to Song Jian gracefully, stood up, patted the arquebus on his waist, and said, "Boy, you can call me Captain Swan. I’m in control. If you don’t want to be thrown off the ship when you travel through time and space, then you better treat me respectfully!"

Song Jian could feel that there was an inexplicable and strange aura in the undead who looked indistinguishable from an ordinary skeleton soldier. This aura made Song Jian's perception a little chaotic.

Sometimes Song Jian felt that the Skeleton Captain in front of him was a bluffing ordinary skeleton soldier, but after a while, Song Jian felt the aura of a legendary powerhouse from the opponent.

Song Jian didn't speak, with a faint smile on his face, and slowly opened the broken eye of the broken eye on his eyebrows. At this time, he had already upgraded to the fourth-level broken eye of the broken eye. The light is like an ordinary eye, except that it grows in the wrong position.

After opening his eyes, the **** of broken misunderstanding looked towards the skull captain in front of him. Suddenly, a black shadow with a height of one hundred feet appeared in front of Song Jian. The black shadow was enveloped in a black cloak, full of richness. The power of death, a sickle shining with cold light and dripping with blood, was held tightly in his hand.

"Reaper..." Song Jian's expression changed drastically, and he quickly closed the eyes of the goddess, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down.

"Even if the opponent is not a **** of death, it is similar to the existence of a **** of death clone. This kind of death power cannot be faked!" Song Jian's heart trembled, and the moment he opened his eyes, he felt the death power of the opponent. There is only a trace, but it is the real power of death, only the **** of death who controls the priesthood of death can possess the power of death!

The death **** is also a powerful **** that has existed for hundreds of millions of years. Even if compared to the dragon god, his strength is not weak, and even in some places, he is much stronger than the dragon god, even though Song Jian himself has a trace of the dragon god’s power, But in front of the **** of death, it was still not enough.

"Jie Jie Jie, kid, as a human race, you were blessed by the Dragon God. It's really strange. Could it be that you are a dragon in human skin?" Skeleton Captain Swan looked curious. , There was a burst of penetrating laughter.

At this moment, a few more white lights flashed on the deck, and a few players who followed appeared on the deck. Seeing other people coming, Captain Swan returned to his former cold and undead appearance. Staring at other people and looking up and down.

"Fogweed, why is there an undead monster here, is it the boss, is it the boss on the doomsday cruise ship?" Some players cried out in surprise.

"Idiot!" someone whispered.

"Don't talk, this skeleton looks unusual. It's probably an existence like a leader. If you anger it, be careful and throw you off the boat!"

Several people should know each other. Looking at Swan, there was a look of uncertainty in their eyes, and they started talking in a low voice.

And Swan looked cold, with scarlet flames in his eyes swaying constantly, staring at these people without saying a word, completely lost the state of Song Jianshi before.

After waiting for a while, there were more people on the deck. Song Jian found that not only the players from the City of Hope but also the players from the surrounding five or six cities, many of them appeared here, and Song Jian I also saw the players in the City of Sin and the City of Hymns six to seven hundred kilometers away.

You know, these two cities are thousands of kilometers away from the City of Hope, and six to seven hundred kilometers away from this giant steel ship. They can be here in half an hour. They are both elites among the elite. Of course, the number of people will be higher than the others. The cities are much less.

In addition to the players, Song Jian also saw many NPCs in the game world appearing on the deck. They were different from the relaxed and happy expressions of the players. These NPCs had serious expressions on their faces without saying a word, and their bodies were tight. Stretched, it seems that he is always guarding against danger.

After half an hour arrived, Song Jian saw that many people had already flown to the sea. It was estimated that they were only one or two hundred meters away from the giant steel ship. At this moment, the entire giant ship and its surroundings were hundreds of meters away. The calm sea began to become illusory. Some people rushed towards the giant ship faster, but they seemed to pass through a phantom. Song Jianming saw someone flying by his side, but they could only float in mid-air. , The two looked at each other, wide-eyed and small-eyed, as if they were in different planes.

Soon, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all those who had not boarded the giant ship in front of Song Jian began to disappear slowly. Song Jian understood that the giant ship should have left its previous position and entered another position. In the face, it seemed that there was no change in the surroundings, but in fact, they had already reached another strange plane.

"Guests, you are welcome to board the doomsday cruise. Here, you will have seven days of time travel. I wish you a pleasant trip here!"

At this moment, Skeleton Captain Swar suddenly spoke, and when it spoke, it caught everyone's attention.

"Next, let me talk about the rules of the doomsday cruise. You have to be careful, because..."

Skeleton Captain Swar suddenly showed a weird smile, and a black flame rose from its body. In the flame, there seemed to be millions of people struggling and wailing. Captain Swar laughed and said: " If you cannot master these rules, you will all die here!"



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