I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1404: Ghost ship

"The long-awaited doomsday cruise journey is about to start, passengers, do your best and live!" Skeleton Captain Swan laughed, pulled out the matchlock gun from his waist, and pulled the trigger towards the sky. .


A ball of flames spurted from the muzzle, and the originally calm sea suddenly boiled. Pale skeleton hands came out of the sea, firmly grasping the wall of the steel giant ship, and slowly moving towards The deck climbed up.

In a short while, the hull of the entire huge ship was densely covered with skeletons in ragged clothes. Their eyes were burning with dark red flames, and it looked like the demons in **** had recovered and returned to the world. general.

Song Jian narrowed his eyes, staring at the skeletons that had climbed onto the deck, looked at their clothes, and said in his heart: "These should be the crew on this huge ship..."

"Hahahaha, you are welcome back, my children, you can follow your old Swarm again, shuttle through time and space, and complete a great time and space journey!" Skeleton Captain Swohaha laughed and tied the fire rope The gun was inserted between his waist and his arms opened to greet the skeleton crew who climbed onto the deck.

In a short while, three or four hundred skeleton crew members climbed up. They stood behind Captain Swan and slapped each other's shoulders, looking very excited.

"Papa Swan, how did you make the hard bones look like this, cold and hard, it's too tasteless!" A skeleton crewman with a machete and a much stronger skeleton than other skeleton crew members stood in Sri Lanka. Captain Wo said with dissatisfaction behind him.

"Hahaha, this is just a simple disguise. Otherwise, how could it attract so many passengers on the ship!" Captain Swan laughed and shouted, looking very proud: "The hard bones are our best. Love, but I'm afraid to scare these lovely travelers. What if they don't dare to come up when they see the hard bones!"

"Haha, Captain, you are really a little clever ghost. There are a lot more passengers on board this time than last time. This time, we will have many companions joining..." A skeleton crew member waved the bend in his hand. Knife, shouted loudly.

Captain Swan's head suddenly turned one hundred and eighty degrees, the eye sockets burning with scarlet flames, staring at the skeleton crew member who had just spoken, directly took out the matchlock gun, and pulled the trigger at its head.


A spark of spark emerged from the muzzle. The skull crew member who was talking before exploded, and countless pieces of bones flew around, and his body "crashed" and scattered on the ground.

But soon, these scattered bones, including the smashed skull bone shavings, were all controlled by a mysterious force to reconsolidate, and restored to the appearance of the previous skeleton crew, but this skeleton crew just recovered , Looks a little sluggish, even the dark red flame in his eyes is a circle smaller than before!

"Shut your stinky mouth, don't frighten our lovely passengers!" The Swan crew yelled at it.


At this moment, the siren on the giant steel ship rang fiercely, and Captain Swan laughed loudly, drew his scimitar and waved forward, shouting: "Tough bones, set sail, we are going to set off!"

With an order from Captain Swan, the entire steel giant ship began to slowly emit strands of black smoke. The smoke became larger and denser, and finally wrapped the entire ship.

Everyone was in the smoke, and they couldn't see their fingers. Some people couldn't help letting out an exclamation, but they fell silent again soon.

Song Jian could feel that the deck beneath his feet seemed to be moving slowly, as if he was standing on the back of a giant beast, and he could feel the jitter of the beast’s muscles and the flow of blood in the blood vessels. This feeling was really weird. People have a creepy feeling.

But soon, all the black smoke around it dissipated, and the original steel giant ship had completely changed its appearance, becoming a ghost ship built entirely of large and small white bones.

Viewed from the front, the entire ship looks like a lying skeleton, with a grinning smile with its mouth wide open. The original neat and flat deck has also become a lapped skeleton, which looks very rough. There were finger gaps in many places. Through these gaps, Song Jian could even see the sea water under the boat, constantly rippling.

Hula la~

Five masts of varying heights, tens of feet high, violently unfolded black sails. These sails are like black flames, hunting in the sea breeze, and black tail flames are blown by the sea breeze to the stern of the ship. , And then slowly disappeared.

"Set sail! Hahaha, all passengers, the end of the journey is about to begin. Below, I, Captain Swan, specially prepared appetizers to welcome you. Endless hunting. I hope you can enjoy it!" Skeleton Captain Swohaha laughed. Then, behind it, hundreds of skeleton crew members began to laugh, and a strange breath filled the deck of the ghost ship.

Song Jian frowned slightly. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Looking at the Skeleton Captain in front of him and the crew behind him, each figure suddenly became illusory, as if a gust of wind could blow away. .

"Illusion?" Song Jian's eyebrows opened sharply, only to find that he was alone on the huge deck, whether it was the Skeleton Captain, the crew, or the player who boarded the ghost ship with him or NCP, all gone!

"This, what is this situation, when did they disappear, or when did I move here?" Song Jian was horrified in his heart. You know, he has already advanced to Tier 3 combat power. He, even facing a legendary realm powerhouse, can contend with it, but he didn’t notice any abnormality in the previous changes. He didn’t feel it until the abnormality happened. If it was in battle, it would be equivalent to The enemy's weapon had already been pierced into his body, and he only noticed that the opponent's attack was average, which was so incredible!

Click, click~

At this moment, there was a sound of bone rubbing from the cabin door that was originally opened. In a short while, a skeleton soldier holding a machete came out of the cabin.

These skeleton soldiers were like war machines. When they came to the deck, they immediately waved their machetes and rushed towards Song Jian.

"Skeleton crew? No, they have no saneness at all. They are like puppets. If they are not the previous skeleton crew members, then what are they?" Song Jian's thoughts flew.

However, at this time, the skeleton soldier who rushed out first had already rushed in front of him, swiping the rusty scimitar in his hand, unexpectedly blooming with dazzling white blades.

"What the **** is going on!" Song Fitnessying retreated sharply. After avoiding the blow, several other skeleton soldiers continued to rush up. Suddenly, Song Jian fell into the siege.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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