I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1414: Starfall

Seeing the golden holy lion rushing towards him, Elf Loss showed a look of surprise on his face. He could feel that the golden lion in front of him had no breath of life on his body and was not a living thing at all.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

In the blink of an eye, Luos shot five wooden arrows at the golden holy lion. You know, even Song Jian was surprised by the speed of the golden holy lion, but Luos was able to shoot out when the golden holy lion rushed over. With five wooden arrows, one can imagine how fast Loth can shoot arrows!

Facing these five wooden arrows, the golden holy lion did not dodge, and rushed towards the wooden arrows.


The first wooden arrow hit the head of the golden holy lion, the emerald green light flashed out and the whole wooden arrow turned into dust. Then, the second and third wooden arrows hit the golden holy lion one after another. Still no effect.

All five wooden arrows hit the golden holy lion, but couldn't even stop it for a second. For the first time, the face of Elf Ross showed a look of horror. He stepped on his foot, and his figure bounced back, and one was in the air. Backflip, the bow in his hand, once again shot a wooden arrow like a pouring rain.

Ding Ding Ding Ding~

The wooden arrow hits the golden holy lion continuously, and ripples on the surface of its body. Although the golden holy lion is not a life form, it is entirely composed of the power of the formation, but if the formation node is destroyed, it can still cause damage to it. .

In a series of attacks, at least hundreds of wooden arrows hit the golden holy lion, and finally, with a "bang", a ball of sparks exploded on the left shoulder of the golden holy lion.

Song Jian frowned, the attack of the golden holy lion bound demon seal was strong, but the defense was still slightly insufficient. Although it was said that as long as the core of the formation was not damaged, the golden holy lion bound demon seal could be repaired automatically, but with this The attack power of the ancient elves could not wait for the moment when the golden holy lion bound demon seal repaired itself, and it would be completely destroyed by him!

Seeing the effect of his attack, Elf Ross showed a smile on his face, and his archery speed rose another step.

At this time, the golden sacred lion also rushed to the top of the tree where Luos stood before, but in this forest, Luos’s movement speed is also extremely fast, and it seems that he has received a bonus from the entire forest. The speed is getting slower and slower. On the one hand, it is because of injuries. On the other hand, there is a mysterious force in the forest slowly invading its structure. Even Song Jian, who has been floating in the air, I can feel that a trace of mysterious power is constantly eroding his body. Once this mysterious power is eroded into his body, I am afraid that I will really lose my life in this strange space-time node space.

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but a murderous intent appeared in his eyes, he must kill the elf in front of him as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be.

Looking at his attribute interface, his sword aura had been fully restored, Song Jian's heart moved, and the Karma Fire Red Lotus Wan Jian Jue was immediately displayed.

A spirit sword with a dark red flame was floating around his body. At this moment, Song Jian felt that the mysterious power that had been eroding him seemed to disappear. It seemed that they were also very afraid of karma. Lian Wan Jian Jue this skill is average!

"No, it's not afraid of this skill, but the Red Lotus Karma Fire!" Song Jian's mind suddenly flashed, seeing the dark red flames emerging on the surface of the spirit swords around him, and said in his heart.

"Could it be that this mysterious force is the consciousness produced by the endless forest in front of you?" Song Jian looked at the endless green forest under his feet and couldn't help but guess.

The golden holy lion kept rushing towards the wizard Los, but with every impact, Loss would only leave more scars on it, but it could never get closer to Loss within five meters.

I don't know why, Luos dared to fight Song Jian close to him before, but facing the golden holy lion, he always kept a distance from it and kept the opponent from approaching. He seemed very afraid of the golden holy lion.

In fact, once the golden sacred lion is placed within three meters of Loss, it can use the power of its formation to besiege Loss. Even if it cannot kill him, it can give Song Jian a chance and cause fatal damage to Loss.

The stars fall!

Loss in the distance noticed that Song Jian seemed to be performing a big move, his face changed immediately, and he waved the bow in his hand and pointed at the golden holy lion.

Suddenly centered on Los, within a radius of several kilometers, the light suddenly dimmed, as if entering the night directly from day to night.

Stars also appeared in the dark sky. The stars were dazzling, shining with dazzling light. For a while, Song Jian lost the position of Luos, although he could clearly see the opponent standing a hundred meters away. But no matter whether it is spirit or perception, it seems that there is no such person. The previous mental lock-in has also disappeared inexplicably.

"This is..." Song Jian's expression changed. Although the Ten Thousand Sword Art could be released without being locked, he could only specify a certain area to be released without locking, and Loth could easily leave the range of his skills.

Just when Song Jian was uncertain, the stars in the sky suddenly shone brightly. One after another, the stars began to fall towards the ground. Their goal was to lock Song Jian and the Golden Sacred Lion.

Song Jian couldn't help laughing. The elf on the opposite side was too greedy. You could feel that his skill was extremely powerful. If you simply lock the golden holy lion, you might really be able to use the Chaos Sword Qi as the core of the sword formation. Destroy it completely, but he actually wanted to kill himself at the same time, it was too overwhelming.

With a thought, the Ten Thousand Sword Art that had attacked Loth all adjusted their direction and flew toward the falling stars in the sky. In the sky, stars like small suns fell, and on the other side, they dragged them one by one. The spirit sword with a long tail flame flies from bottom to top, like a missile that blocks the falling of a meteorite.

When Ross saw this scene, his face changed drastically. He couldn't help but look up with a nervous look. At this moment, the golden lion suddenly speeded up, leaving an afterimage on the spot, but the main body turned towards Ross rushed over.

At this time, Luos, with a heart mentioned in his throat, a skill collision of such a scale, it is easy to cause a devastating blow to the life forest at his feet. At that time, he will be driven out by the forest and go to the underground magic cave. Or to survive in the savage land, Lose couldn't help shivering when he thought of this.

At this moment, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, the golden holy lion pounced on him, his claws were raised high, a touch of metal-like luster flashed in Rose’s eyes, and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. , At the same time a strong force came, directly bombarding him from the top of the tree, and hitting an ancient tree fiercely.


Luos couldn't help but squirted out a mouthful of blood. He looked up and saw a golden light imprinted in his eyes. The golden holy lion continued to attack him without any pause, and Luoston was furious.

At this moment, a group of milky white objects shot out from the luxuriant branches and bombarded the golden holy lion as fast as lightning. This group of thick phlegm-like viscous liquid turned into a giant net. Keep the golden holy lion net, no matter how hard it struggles, it can't escape the shackles of this giant net!

"Hey hey, Luos, why are you so embarrassed, do you want to help you with Cassrollo?" A coquettish voice sounded, and Luos' face changed, and he turned to look into the forest.



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