I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1415: Detroit

Elf Loth squatted under a big tree with a pale face. Obviously, the blow of the golden holy lion caused serious damage to him, and there was blood on his chest.

Hearing Kathroro's coquettish voice, Luos's face became harder to look, turning his head and looking into the forest.

"Casrollo, this human being is a bit difficult, but it's nothing. It's only a matter of time before he kills him. As long as I..." Rose stood up and said loudly.

At this moment, there was a sudden thunderous explosion in the sky, and the flames from the explosions gleamed in the sky. It was the "starlight falling" played by Ross and Song Jian's Wanjian Jue. Together, an explosion caused by a collision!

"Giggle, if you didn't know that Luos, you are a person in the forest of life, looking at this look, you really think that human being is the most pious guardian of the forest of life!" Kasluoluo laughed, which made Luos face The gloomy was about to wring out the water.

"Casrollo, don't talk cold words on the sidelines, you know, my skills will not cause any damage to the life forest, but the human opposite, he controls a special kind of flame, this kind of flame even the life forest There is a feeling of fear, he is the person who hates the forest of life!"

"The forest of life will also feel the flame of fear?" Cassrollo's eyes lit up, and his face suddenly showed a gleam.

"Elf, this trick of yours doesn't work for me. If you have any other tricks, just show it..." A sneer appeared on Song Jian's face, and he turned to look at Elf Lowe.

At this time, the golden sacred lion seemed to feel the breath of Kasiloro, and let out a roar toward the depths of the forest, slowly retreating toward Song Jian's location.

"Humans, this is a forest of life. Outsiders are not welcome. You should leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are, you will die again!" The charming voice sounded again, and Song Jian saw that an almost scarce one The woman with her upper body and long black hair slowly walked out of the forest.

This woman has a very good figure, only a few leaves are pasted on key parts, her skin is as white as exquisite porcelain, and she has a charming face with a faint smile, looking like a goddess .

If it weren't for a huge spider body below her waist to destroy this beauty, Song Jian even had the urge to rush to take a picture with the other party.

Looking at the swollen spider body and eight spider legs that are like sharp spears, there is a strange contradiction with the upper body like a goddess.

"The Spiderman of Detro, there is a legendary powerhouse..." Song Jian's heart sank, and the opponent turned out to be a one hundred and twenty-fifth level legendary powerhouse, which made Song Jian suddenly feel a thorny feeling. .

If it’s just a legendary powerhouse in Elf Loth, Song Jian still has the confidence to deal with the opponent, and may even seriously injure or kill the opponent, but now there are two legendary powerhouses, and it is obvious that these two should be Knowing that, if they shot at the same time, Song Jian was not sure, and would retreat under the joint hands of two legendary realm powerhouses.

"Kasiloro, join forces with me to kill him. He destroyed the forest of life and burned at least a dozen ancient trees of life!" Elf Ross shouted with a look of hatred in his eyes.

Cassrollo’s face changed, his smiling face became difficult to look, and he said to Song Jian, “Although I really don’t want to fight with you, you have destroyed more than a dozen ancient trees of life. Crime, unforgivable!"

As he said, Casrollo let out a sharp scream, and Song Jian's face suddenly showed pain. In his ears and in his mind, there was like a burning iron rod, stirring vigorously, making people painful endure.


With the yelling of Casrollo, countless fist-sized spiders crawled out from the depths of the forest. These spiders are not high in level, only sixty, but the number is extremely large, densely packed, and it looks like black tide. Generally, it rushed towards Song Jian.

Soon, there were several spidermen who were half shorter than Kathroro, mingled in the tide of little spiders. They showed fierce faces, holding scimitars and daggers in their hands, and looked very fierce.

Song Jian snorted coldly. He who possesses the Ten Thousand Sword Art, is not afraid of being besieged. With a thought, thousands of spirit swords burning with dark red flames appear around his body. He is now, unless he hides in the broken kingdom of God. I have not come out, otherwise, it is impossible to avoid a war!

The seven-day journey of the doomsday cruise ship is placed at this time and space node. He has to stay here for at least seven weeks. It is impossible to hide in the kingdom of God forever.

Feeling the power of the flame on the spirit sword, Kas Luo Luo also showed a complicated look on his face, staring at one of the spirit swords, muttering to herself, but even the nearest Luos, did not know she was talking Something.

Perhaps because of the power of the spirit sword, the spider that Casrollo summoned also began to hesitate, making sharp neighs, but did not dare to step forward!

"You..." Song Jian was about to speak, but was immediately locked in by a cold killing intent. He looked up. I don't know when, on the tops of countless ancient trees, there appeared a one ten feet long, as thick as a bucket. An ordinary giant python, with its huge body, even if these ancient trees are hundreds of years old, it is impossible to support its huge body.

But what is strange is that these thousands of tons of giant pythons seem to have no weight, just walking up and down the treetops of countless ancient trees, without putting the slightest pressure on the ancient trees under them.

The whole body of this giant python was emerald green, and there was a faint green poisonous mist around the body. Song Jian could smell a sweet smell even though it was several tens of feet away.

On the top of this giant python's head, there is a bulge that is more than three inches long, which looks like a unicorn, but it has not broken through the skin and formed no real horns. Its scales shined with a faint golden light. , There is a powerful force in the body, UU reading www.uukanshu.com just looks at it from a distance, and it makes people feel a sense of fright.

"The pinnacle of the legendary realm..." Song Jian's heart sank, and his mind began to fly quickly. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered this time and space node, he would encounter such a terrible threat. Two in the early stage of the legendary realm, one at the peak of the legendary realm Boss, Song Jian didn't dare to make any changes at all. All his mind was on these three BOSSs. Once the other party had any changes, Song Jian would immediately hide in the Broken Kingdom of God. This was his last life-saving method!

"Even if they hide in the Broken Kingdom of God, as long as the three of them stay in place, it will be enough to trap me to death here!" Song Jian showed a wry smile on his face.

At this moment, the emerald green snake suddenly said: "Human, put away your skills, this kind of flame is very harmful to the forest of life, if you can guarantee that you will not release this kind of flame in the forest of life. , I can guarantee your life safety!"


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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