I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1416: Scorched Wood Ripper

"Human, please leave this forest as soon as possible, you are not welcome here!"

The words of the emerald giant snake made Song Jian's mind flashed. He suddenly remembered that the elf seemed to have said the same before. The reason why he attacked him was because he destroyed more than a dozen old trees in the forest of life when he fell. .

"It seems that this forest has a special status and meaning in the hearts of these creatures!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

"Of course, I'm actually a pacifist, and I don't like destroying the environment!" Song Jian spread his hands and said loudly, but the spirit sword burning with dark red flames beside him did not disappear.

"You destroyed the Tree of Life in Lesson Thirteen, and dare you to say that you are a pacifist?" Elf Ross asked with a mocking look.

"That was just an accident!" Song Jian turned his head and stared at the elf and said, "I'm just a traveler. Because I got lost, I broke into this forest. I didn't mean to destroy the old trees!"

Elf Luos sneered, and was about to continue retorting, but was stopped by the giant snake.

"Humans, you are not welcome here, please leave the forest of life as soon as possible!" The giant snake swam slowly and said in a low voice.

The two eyes of this giant snake are like lanterns, emitting endless purple light, and the open mouth is one hundred and eighty degrees. The fangs in the mouth are shimmering like daggers, and ordinary people see it. , I’m afraid I’ll be scared to death at first sight.

Hearing it, Song Jian did not refuse, but slowly stepped back and made an appearance of leaving. Seeing his movements, Elf Loss heaved a sigh of relief and took the initiative to put away his battle. bow!

"Slytherin, did you let him go so easily? He is a human. If he leaves, he might bring more people here next time!" On the side, the spiderman Casrollo was somewhat dissatisfied. Said.

When Song Jian heard this, his heart suddenly shuddered, and the Heaven-Patching Sword in his hand became tighter.

"Casrollo, have you seen his strength, are you sure to kill him, without causing more damage to the forest of life?" The giant snake suddenly turned his head and stared at Casrollo and asked in a low voice Tao.

A smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth. If he fully used the Ten Thousand Sword Art to form the Karma Red Lotus Sword Formation, he was confident that he could at least destroy the forest within a few kilometers.

But this trick belongs to the death of the fish and the net is broken. If you really want to do this, you will definitely be pursued and killed by the other party endlessly!

Kasiloro glanced jealously at the flames emanating from the spirit sword around Song Fitness's body, snorted coldly, and stopped talking. In fact, Casrollo also wanted to obtain Song Jian’s red lotus karma fire. You must know that for the forest of life, ordinary flames are very difficult to cause serious damage to ancient trees. Only this kind of red lotus karma is similar. The special flame of fire can hurt the forest of life!

Song Jian smiled slightly and slowly backed away. The spirit sword next to him seemed to be surrounded by someone watching, and slowly flew back as Song Jian backed away.

The three legendary creatures stared at Song Jian in this way until he disappeared from the field of vision.

"Slytherin, I know you are afraid of his ability, but if you let him go, you will regret it in the future!" Elf Ross turned his head and stared at the emerald green python, whispered.

Without waiting for the giant python to reply, the wizard Luosi tapped his feet, bounced a few times among the treetops, and disappeared in the distance.

"That's a very interesting human being. I look forward to seeing him next time, giggle~" Kaslowro covered her mouth and smiled, slowly backing away. The dense spiders around him also followed it like a tide withdraw.

"Human, I hope you don't let me down!" Everyone left, only the emerald green python was left, staring at the place where Song Jian disappeared, and muttered to himself.

When the three Legendary creatures were not within the range of perception, Song Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief and removed the spirit swords around him. After all, maintaining the existence of these spirit swords would also require a lot of mental power.

"Huh, this place is really terrible. If it weren't for the red lotus industry fire, I'm afraid I would really die here..." Song Jian wiped off his cold sweat and muttered in a low voice.

Song Jian needs to live here for seven weeks, and then wait for the doomsday cruise ship to be recalled. If he survives, he should be able to get a good reward. Even a careful search in this time and space node can also get a lot of benefits. , But as soon as he came in, Song Jian encountered three legendary creatures, and they almost died. Now Song Jian just wants to find a place to take a good rest.


The forest of life is vast, and there seems to be restrictions in the sky. Song Jian’s Yujian can only fly up to a distance of more than two hundred meters, and then he can’t fly up again, but such a high doesn’t affect Song Jian’s journey. He flew for two days. Two nights later, Song Jian finally came to the edge of the forest of life.

At the edge of the forest of life, there is a piece of scorched earth. It seems to have experienced a forest fire. There are charred tree trunks everywhere, and the air is filled with a choking smell, and there is dead silence all around, with no signs of life.

Seeing this scene before him, Song Jian seemed to understand why the three legendary creatures would hate the destruction of ancient trees so deeply, especially when he was in control of the red lotus karmic fire, both jealous and disgusted.

"It seems that this place was also part of the Life Forest before, but it was destroyed because of a fire!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, a section of the tree was scorched, leaving only a five- to six-meter-high trunk, suddenly shaking, and the ground around it was constantly turning, and the thick roots of the trees rose from the ground and gathered together. Together, within a short while, a scorched tree man appeared in front of Song Jian.

"Scorched Wood Ripper (Carbonized Wood Element), level: 110, lord-level boss, vitality value of 3.2 million"

Song Jian raised his eyebrows and said in his heart: "There is no sign of life here. Could it be that all living things have been burned to death, and even those ancient trees have become this carbonized wood element?"

It could be seen that the monster in front of him had lost his self-consciousness and became a monster with only killing consciousness. It let out a low growl, and a right hand made up of branches violently stretched out towards Song Jian.

Originally, this monster was five or six meters away from Song Jian, but in an instant, there were countless finger-thick branches that shot at Song Jian's face like tentacles.

Song Jian was shocked, and his figure retreated quickly, avoiding the blow.

Duh duh~

A sound like a torrential rain fell sharply, UU reading www. The place where Song Jian stood before uukanshu.com is within a radius of three meters and is already covered by branch tentacles. These branch tentacles are like spears made of metal, submerged in the black soil.


With the sound of the explosion, some dirt fragments bounced away in all directions, and some fragments made blood marks on Song Jian's face.

The tentacles of these branches shook fiercely, and they were taken back by the charred wood ripper, leaving a huge pit in place.

"The attack range is about six meters, the damage is not bad, and it also has the effect of range attack..." Song Jian wiped the blood on his cheeks, judging the specific strength of the monster in front of him.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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