I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1421: Phu Suo Fruit Tree

Song Jian can clearly feel that this area is suppressed by the force of the law. It is impossible for him to fly too high. He can only fly at a height of more than ten meters from the ground, and the area under his feet is constantly rising with heat waves, even though Flying to a height of more than ten meters, still feel the extreme heat!

"This is probably more than five hundred degrees. It is impossible for ordinary people to step into this area..." A wry smile appeared on Song Jian's face.

The power of the law affects Song Jian's defense and resistance. At this time, Song Jian feels like he is in a big steamer, constantly suffering from heat.


There was a soft noise in the distance, and a flame of more than ten meters high suddenly burst out of the black muddy ground, which instantly pierced the darkness. At this moment, the alarm bell in Song Jian's mind shook loudly, and a flashing pillar of fire , Song Jian felt a great threat!

"If you are hit by the pillar of fire, even if you don't get a spike, you will be seriously injured and enter a near-death state, right?" Song Jian trembled in his heart and couldn't help stopping.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly saw a figure running in front of him, leaping continuously, seeming to avoid something.

"Where is this little thing going and what is it going to do?" Song Jian looked back at the stone forest in the distance, and then at the little monitor lizard dragon who was constantly jumping and running ahead, gritted his teeth and continued to follow.


Another pillar of fire that came out more than before, sprayed out from a place less than five meters away from Song Jian. The hot breath made the ends of Song Jian's hair dry and curled, and there was a sound on his cheeks. A burning pain in the thigh.

"Damn it, how did that little guy predict the eruption time of the pillar of fire..." Song Jian looked at the little monitor lizard dragonman who was constantly jumping left and right, and even jumping back, his movements were agile and precise, and he avoided the fire pillars. He himself was almost about to be burnt into dried meat by the pillar of fire, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

In fact, the reason why the little monitor lizard dragon is able to predict so accurately is because it has been here more than once, dozens of times, hundreds of attempts, and it has already recorded every fire column eruption location. In my heart, at the same time, every time the pillar of fire erupts, the ground will tremble slightly, which is why it runs on all fours.

It is precisely because of these that the little monitor lizard dragonman now looks like a god-assisted, avoiding the jet of fire again and again.

Song Jian staggered and flew forward, putting almost all of his mind on the jet of fire on the ground. Fortunately, he was some distance away from the ground, and the height of each jet of fire was not more than ten meters. There were no dangers along the way, and at the cost of losing more than 5,000 points of vitality, he finally managed to keep up with the little monitor lizard dragon.

Soon, Song Jian saw that this little monitor lizard dragon was actually in front of a small scarlet tree, knelt down in front of the tree, and started chanting in a low voice.

I saw this little guy kneeling on the scarlet ground, clasping his hands together, and piously turning his head toward the small tree that is only more than five meters high. He was still muttering words, and at the same time, it seemed to keep moving. Something is buried in the root of this tree.

"This is...Ancient Elf language?" Song Jian surprisingly discovered that what the little monitor lizard dragon population chanted was exactly the same as the words spoken by the elf in the forest of life. They were all ancient Elf language.

As the dragon head of the little monitor lizard continued to chant, Song Jian’s ears of the ancient elven language, from the previous incomprehensible, began to understand the meaning of one or two syllables, and at the same time the ancient elven language was proficient The degree also slowly increased.

Just as Song Jian was immersed in the joy of improving his proficiency in ancient elves, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance in his nose. If there is nothing, this fragrance is extremely elegant, but it seems to be scented in the heart, mind, and soul. go with.

Opening his eyes and looking forward, Song Jian saw that the small dark red tree suddenly blossomed with three emerald green flowers. Each of these three flowers was the size of a basin, and the petals were crystal clear, like emeralds. Generally, shining light.

The scent that Song Jian smelled was exactly the three emerald green flowers.

The flowers were in full bloom, and the little monitor lizard dragon man seemed to be very excited, with a joyful expression on his face, and he kept chanting something. This time, it was not an ancient elf language, but another language that Song Jian did not understand.

The ancient Elvish language is because Song Jian has learned Elvish language and has some connections with it, so it can be opened by listening to other people, but the language chanted by the little monitor lizard dragon population now has nothing to do with all the languages ​​that Song Jian masters. Contact, so the learning process cannot be started.

But after the little monitor lizard murmured quietly for a while, it began to change to the ancient elven language, and continued to pray.

"The great...law...gives...power..."

Song Jian could barely identify the individual words it said, and didn't know what it was praying for, but it could be seen that since this weird little tree blossomed, the little monitor lizard had become a little nervous.

Roar, roar, roar~

Suddenly there was a sound like a dragon roar in the distance. Song Jian saw that after the sound, the little monitor lizard dragonman seemed to tremble all over, becoming anxious, and chanting the prayer in his mouth. The speed has also increased a bit.

After a short while, Song Jian saw that this little monitor lizard dragon head cut his wrist directly with a sharp nail, allowing blood to flow under the roots of the small tree.

In a short while, the body of the little dragon lizard shook slightly, and the blood on its wrist was flowing like a faucet.

"It is watering this tree with its own blood, and it seems to be using it to ripen the tree to produce results?" Song Jian's mind flashed, and suddenly he thought of what the emerald python had said to him.

"This tree is the Pusa Fruit Tree, and the fruit it bears is a supreme treasure for me!" Song Jian became excited and could not help but slowly approached the Pusa Fruit Tree.

The little monitor lizard dragon was weakly kneeling under the whirling fruit tree, looking expectantly at the three emerald green flowers.

As you can see, UU reading www. Under the watering of blood, the flowers withered and curled up quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a dark red fruit slowly grew out.

This fruit was originally only the size of a bad, and finally slowly grew to the size of a fist, and at the same time a faint flame appeared on the surface of these three fruits!

At this moment, Song Jian saw that countless black shadows appeared in the distance. These black shadows ran unscrupulously on the hot ground. Some of them were hit by pillars of fire under the ground and flew out. They were seriously injured. But with a fearless appearance, desperately rushing towards the whirling fruit tree.

"Monitor dragon people, these are dragon dragon people BOSS. They also noticed that the fruit tree is blooming and fruiting, and now they are fighting for it!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, glanced at the fruit of the fruit tree, and gritted his teeth. Flew straight towards it.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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