I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1422: Po Suo Guo

The fruit at this time was not in the direction of Wanquan City. Even though the little monitor lizard dragon was anxious in his heart, he did not mean to pick it off immediately, but Song Jian could not wait long, and flew down directly towards the three fruits. .

Seeing a black shadow flying down and rushing towards the wissuo fruit tree, the little monitor lizard dragon was stunned. It did not expect that someone would **** the wissuo fruit at this time.

Just after Song Jian picked a saury fruit, the little monitor lizard dragon person suddenly reacted and became angry immediately. It avoided the adult monitor lizard dragon people, using a special method to ripen the fruit tree, and even used it. Having a lot of blood is not to let others take advantage.

"Thief, thief, roar~" The monitor lizard dragon yelled in an ancient elf language, stood up, did not know where he pulled a long whip, and slammed it towards Song Jian.

At this time, Song Jian had already put a Posuo fruit in the parcel tray, holding the second Posuo fruit in his hand, and was about to pick the third Posuo fruit. He suddenly felt the wind in the back of his head. He originally planned to be hard. Spelling this blow, and also picking off the third sacred fruit, suddenly a strange picture appeared in his mind.

He himself appeared in the picture, holding a fruit in one hand and picking another one in the other. At this moment, a long whip hit him. His whole body was like glass. "Bang" broke into pieces.

At the same time as he broke into pieces, the picture in his mind suddenly disappeared. It appeared before and after, not even a second, but Song Jian was scared to sweat and his clothes were soaked!

"This is... my future in a few seconds?" Thinking of this, Song Fitness Ying retired, and no longer had the idea of ​​picking the third fruit.


As if a gust of wind had blown, the long whip swept across, but there was no sound. It was like a shadow stroking the fruit tree, but Song Jian knew that if the whip was drawn on himself, it would immediately explode with the greatest power. , Kill yourself directly!

"What's wrong with me? Why do I suddenly have the ability to foresee my future?" Song Jian floated in the air, with a look of horror in his eyes. He didn't think that what he had seen before was an illusion. With his current strength, It is impossible for him to be deceived by hallucinations.

Suddenly, Song Jian's mind flashed, and he lowered his head to look at the Psuduo fruit in his hand. Sure enough, the crimson fruit that was still beautiful before, now it seems to have been left out of thin air for a long time, losing its moisture and becoming dry. stand up.

"This whistling fruit has such a miraculous effect?" Song Jian was stunned, looking at the shriveled whistling fruit, after hesitating for a while, he was still not willing to throw it away and returned it to the parcel compartment.

"The shriveled Po Suo fruit, quality: debris, attributes: Po Suo fruit that consumes all the power of the law, can be used to make alchemy potions above the sixth level;"

Although it is a discarded fruit, its value is greatly reduced, but it is still a bit useful, but in Song Jian's heart, there are still some regrets and regrets. You must know that he has the passive ability "Enemy of Death", even if he died Once, there will be no damage. Not only has the third wasa fruit not been picked now, but the one that has already been obtained is used up, which is simply a huge waste.

At this time, the third giant lizard dragon was plucked by the little dragon lizard and swallowed it directly into the stomach. The little giant lizard dragon who ate the giant lizard dragon stared at Song Jian with a hateful look and then fell on all fours. It started to flee quickly. The direction it ran away was the opposite of the group of monitor lizards. It seemed that this little monitor lizard would not be able to return to his tribe in the future, and would go out to wander.

And because of Song Jian's sake, the fruit that caused this little monitor lizard dragon to swallow was not fully mature, and there was only one, it might be difficult to achieve what it thought.

Song Jian didn't care about the hatred of a little dragon lizard. He glanced back at the whirling fruit tree. Song Jian waved his wings all over the sky and quickly flew towards the distance.

In the area covered by the laws of scorching fire, pillars of fire continued to gush out, exuding endless horror power. Song Jian is like a light bird, quickly turning around among the pillars of fire to dodge, as if foreseeing every pillar of fire in advance The eruption time is average.

Song Jian’s attributes have not changed in any way, and he has not acquired skills such as foreseeing in advance, but whenever a nearby pillar of fire is about to erupt, Song Jian can always know, just like the intuition of a beast. There is no reason. Able to detect!

"Is this the power of the law contained in that sacred fruit?" Song Jian guessed in his heart and couldn't help taking out the first sacred fruit from the parcel tray.

"Unripe Posuo fruit, quality: superb, attributes: after taking it, there is a certain chance to understand the law of time; explanation: the power of the law contained in the fruit is immediately, only when the flower decays, the fruit forms the power of the law! Because the fruit tree urges the fruit to germinate in advance, there is not enough time to conceive, so it is not yet fully mature. The effect is one-tenth of the mature fruit!"

"Divine product!" Song Jian couldn't help twitching his cheeks slightly. This was the first time he had encountered a divine product. Such a fruit, even if it was not yet mature, would have an effect of only one-tenth of a mature fruit. If it is known by other people in the game world, even those who are legendary realm will be jealous, and even kill others to win treasures!

"The law of time, this is the fruit of the law of time..." Song Jian couldn't help being a little excited.

The power of law is the key to breaking through the legendary realm. With the power of law, for ordinary people, it is like a god-like existence. In front of the people who control the power of law, even the strong of the legendary realm is like a bare-handed child. Generally, there is no ability to resist at all.

Just like those dragon lizards, the general dominance-level peaks exist. No matter how many dominance-level peaks are there, Song Jian doesn’t care. The karma red lotus sword formation is enough to kill hundreds of dominance-level bosses. In front of a group of dominion-level bosses who have mastered the power of the law, Song Jian can only retreat. He can only rely on sneak attacks, killing one by one, and not even daring to fight. He can only use the trump card at the bottom of the box and pay the opponent. Kill the opponent before he reacts.

The strength of the laws is evident, but with so many laws, UU read www. uukanshu. Com is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the law of time and the law of space are the top existence in the power of law.

"It would be great if I could master the power of the law of time..." Song Jian thought excitedly, "Unfortunately, it's just an immature fruit. It would be great if I could get a mature fruit."

Just when Song Jian was about to swallow this fruit, he suddenly thought of something. From the parcel box, he took out a diamond-like fragment that glowed brightly.

The law fragment, this is the trophies that killed a dragon lizard who mastered the power of the law. It is also a law item. Song Jian does not know whether this fragment can have some effect on the fruit.

"Try it, there's nothing to lose anyway!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, leaning the only fragment of the law towards the fruit.


PS: Thank you "Half Dream Huangliang" for rewarding 200 starting coins~


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