I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1431: Final reward

The power of death has a very strong corrosive power, not only eroding, but also eroding the mind and soul, so those who work as a Necromancer and other professional players will ultimately end up transforming themselves into undead creatures, and no one is spared.

But now, Song Jian discovered from a single person that the power of death and creatures were perfectly integrated, regardless of each other, and there was no sign of corrosion.

Perhaps he noticed Song Jian's gaze. Guo Zhiqi turned his head and showed a simple smile at Song Jian. He took out a black ball from the parcel tray and swallowed it into his stomach.

Song Jian was taken aback. The meatball that looked a little strange in color was full of the power of death. If ordinary people dared to put it in the mouth, no, even if it was touched, it would become a force of death due to infection. An undead creature!

But the person in front of him threw it directly into his mouth, with a look of enjoyment on his face. This simply subverted Song Jian's previous common sense!

After waiting for a while, no passengers returned to the ghost ship. At this time, Captain Swan seemed to wake up, staring at the six returning passengers and said: "Lucky guys, I think you have all got what you want. Congratulations. Now, it’s time for you to receive your rewards!"

After that, the entire ghost ship began to vibrate, and streamers appeared on the deck, flying around the six passengers.

"Hahaha, the final reward is them. These streamers are all condensed from the essence of amethyst. With different colors, the essence of amethyst contained in the streamer is also different. The darker the color, the more essence of amethyst contained. How much you gain depends on your ability!" Captain Swan laughed.

The essence of the amethyst in these streamers is actually obtained by every passenger hunting monsters in the time and space nodes. The ghost ship has actually intercepted a part, and only about 70% of it is released.

This is equivalent to a team hunting monsters, and eventually being distributed by several people. These people will naturally take advantage of them, but how much they can gain depends on their own ability in the end.

Song Jian’s eyes lit up. After he leveled up to more than one hundred, he needed to hunt a large number of monsters or obtain a large amount of amethyst. Sometimes, Song Jian even wanted to return to the previous amethyst mine. Go and plunder, but most of the amethyst in that amethyst mine has been swallowed by the abyss magic vines, even if there are leftovers, they are just leftovers, and there is the abyss human guardian next to it. The gain is not worth the loss. In the end Song Jian gave up this idea.

Now that he had the opportunity to quickly improve his level, Song Jian naturally wouldn't turn it over. He looked at the streamer closest to him and reached out to grab it.

However, these streamers are like slippery fish. When Song Jian’s fingers touched them, the streamers seemed to have been frightened. He twisted his body and quickly slipped away from Song Jian’s fingertips. .

The other five people were not to be outdone, and grabbed them one after another, but after a few minutes, no one could grab one.

The seemingly clumsy movements of these people made the skeleton crew laugh. It seemed that this was a repertoire of the ghost ship. Although several passengers were angry, they had no choice but to work harder to grab the streamers.

At this moment, Guo Zhiqi suddenly took out a string of emerald green candied haws from his arms and swayed towards one of the streamers. The streamer that had escaped from his palm suddenly froze for a moment. There is a tendency to be attracted by candied haws and want to fly towards it.

Guo Zhiqi's face flashed with joy, quickly reached out and grabbed the streamer in his hand, and laughed.

I saw this light yellow streamer, after being caught by Guo Zhiqi, it quickly merged with him, and after a while, it was completely integrated into his body.


The white light flashed on Guo Zhiqi, and he went up to three levels in a row. This scene made several other passengers envy, and he went up to three levels in a row, which was enough to save him a few months of effort.

After Guo Zhiqi attracted a streamer, the emerald green candied haws in his hand suddenly turned light red, and the top one even turned red.

Guo Zhiqi looked at the bunch of candied haws in his hand with a look of regret on his face, opened his mouth to bite the top crimson candied haws and chewed, and then carefully took the candied haws with only three fruits into his arms.

"These streamers have their own will!" After seeing Guo Zhiqi's entire process of capturing streamers, Song Jian's mind suddenly flashed.

That bunch of candied haws should be a prop to use a certain temptation skill. Since the temptation skill can be used on streamers, it shows that those streamers have self-awareness!

The discovery of this is actually of no use to Song Jian. He did not master a similar skill, but Song Jian possessed a more powerful skill than seduction skills.

Staring at a streamer, Song Jian stretched out his hand to grab it, and Captain Swan stared at Song Jian enthusiastically, as if Song Jian was embarrassed and made him happier than others.

At this moment, Song Jian stretched out his hand again, but this time, he did not stretch towards the streamer closest to him, but towards a position more than one meter away from the streamer, that position, and There is no streamer.

At this moment, a player next to him was struggling to capture one of the orange-red streamers. Just as he was about to catch the streamer, the orange-red streamer suddenly accelerated and escaped from his fingertips.

The player stared at the streamer with a regretful expression, but was surprised to find that Song Jian actually stretched out his hand to grasp it tightly. It seemed as if Song Jian just casually stretched out his hand, and the streamer got in automatically. The palm of his hand is just like that.


I can foresee what will happen in the next three seconds, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sees what will happen in three seconds!

Looking at the struggling orange-red streamer in his hand, Song Jian felt a little emotional. This supernatural power skill is too powerful. It is just a magical power law, just a consolation prize given by the law of time without comprehension. Being able to control the law of time, how strong he will be at that time, Song Jian is full of expectations!

Huh, brush~

The orange-red streamer only struggled for a while, then gave up completely and integrated into Song Fitness. In an instant, a large amount of combat experience swarmed in, directly raising Song Jian's level by two consecutive levels, reaching level 105.

This orange-red streamer contains much more capital essence than the light yellow streamer captured by Guo Zhiqi before, but after all, Song Jian's level is too high, so it has only been improved by two levels.

"Unfortunately, this skill can only be used three times a day, and there are only two opportunities. For these two opportunities, I must capture the two streamers that contain the most amethyst essence!" Song Jian's eyes were full of excitement, staring at the sky. The flying streamer secretly said in my heart.


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