I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1432: Predict trajectory

Captain Swan stared at Song Jian, and when he saw that he had caught an orange-red streamer, he was surprised: "Huh, how is it possible?"

Song Jian seemed to stretch out his hand at will, and the streamer automatically penetrated into his palm. It looked like he was throwing a snare. Compared with other people, it was not too easy.

"Why is this and how did he do it?" The flame in Captain Swan's eyes suddenly became blazing, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

Song Jian squinted his eyes and stared at the streamer flying in the sky. Captain Swan said that the darker the streamer, the more amethyst essence it contains, and the more combat experience it can provide. Now there are only two. This opportunity to use magical skills cannot be wasted.

Song Jian stared at a dark purple streamer and a dark golden streamer. Of all the streamers, only these two streamers had the darkest color. No, there was also a pure black streamer, but that streamer looked lazy. It seemed to be fixed in the void, and it took a long time to move.

Moreover, this pure black streamer faintly gave Song Jian a very dangerous feeling, which made Song Jian give up capturing this streamer for the first time.

Song Jian stared at the deep purple streamer and began to use his supernatural powers.



Song Jian’s thoughts flashed like the speed of light, and the scene in the next three seconds appeared in front of Song Jian almost instantly. The use of supernatural power skills hardly required any consumption, but no one could bear it. The next three seconds The time of the clock is compressed for an instant. Even if an ordinary person acquires such a skill, his head will explode directly at the moment it is used.

Even if Song Jian stepped into the legendary realm, if there was no time rule imprint, and if he dared to use such supernatural powers, his body would directly collapse.

When Song Jian used this skill again, the imprint of the law of time on his chest suddenly turned red, like a soldering iron, instantly emitting a high temperature of thousands of degrees.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Song Jian couldn't help but screamed, with a painful look on his face, but he resisted the pain and directly used the Soul Walk skill, and his figure flew into the air like lightning.


The previous scene was repeated again, the dark purple streamer, as if deliberately rushing towards Song Jian's palm, was effortlessly caught in his palm.

This time, the struggling strength of the dark purple streamer was much stronger than the previous orange-red, and there was even a bite-like pain in the palm of the palm. The surface of the streamer seemed to be covered with a mouth full of fangs. Constantly gnawing at Song Jian's palm.

Song Jianqiang endured the pain. At this time, he had a splitting headache, and the smell of barbecue came from his chest, and his palm felt even more painful.

Song Jian's forehead was full of sweat, and his body stood still as if cast iron. Although his vitality was not lost, his mental pain was a hundred times as much as he was!

After a long time, Song Jian weakened his knees and knelt directly on the deck, but his right hand still held the dark purple streamer until it didn't move. Then, with a "bang", it turned into a sparkling light. Melt into his body.


This time, Song Jian's level was directly raised to level five, five consecutive white lights appeared on his body. This scene made the envy of other people's eyes red.

"Fifth level, he actually went up to level five in a row, I see his level now, it has become a skeleton level, my goodness, his level, has it risen to level 110?"

"Why is it so easy for him to capture these streamers? Why can't I catch one of them? It's so difficult!"


For the other five people, except that Guo Zhiqi was only slightly surprised, the remaining four people all stared at Song Jian's every move with envy. Some even gave up capturing the streamer and focused on Song Jian's movements.

At this time, Song Jian, his whole body weakened, kneeled on the deck, breathing heavily. Generally speaking, the player's state will be restored to the best state after the upgrade, whether it is vitality or mental value, or The sword energy value, no matter how much it consumes, will be filled up instantly.

But now Song Jian felt that his whole body was weak, as if he had entered a weak state, but his status bar did not have any bad effects.

"Could it be that he has mastered the power of the law? No, it is impossible. He has no power of the law at all, even if there is no trace, it is impossible to master the power of the law, but why, why can he see through the movement of the streamer? Trajectory?" Although Captain Swan seemed very calm, he felt like a magnitude 12 typhoon had set off in his heart, staring at Song Jian motionless.

Song Jianjian was sore and weak that he couldn't get a trace of strength, but this also made him understand that this supernatural power skill cannot be used continuously in critical moments, otherwise it can be successful, but the sequelae are too large. Use it twice in a row. If you do not kill the opponent, Then he completely lost the ability to resist.

"It doesn't matter, I still have a broken kingdom of God, unless I meet a strong person who can understand the laws of space, can use skills like time and space anchors, and block the entire space, otherwise I will never be killed!" Song Jian laughed. A trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

Captain Swan looked at other people staring at Song Jian, not capturing those streamers, and couldn't help but snorted and said, "You only have half an hour. When the time comes, these streamers will escape into the void. Going back empty-handed, it can be said that we didn't give you rewards for tasks!"

All those who enter the space-time node and the fragmented universe must divide the "treasures" they have obtained into parts and hand them over to the ghost ship in the form of "ships", and after the ghost ship obtains these treasures, it is impossible to get nothing, but Multiply the combat experience that everyone has gained by hunting monsters in the Fragmented Universe by ten times, in the form of streamers, and then feedback to those who can come back alive.

This is a win-win situation, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is also to reduce the grievances of these passengers who have returned alive. Otherwise, they will go back and promote, who else is willing to come to the doomsday cruise?

However, Captain Swar is obviously not willing to give them the streamer in this way. Instead, he uses this method of capture and distributes it to them. With the ability to obtain, he can be able to upgrade several levels like Song Jian, without the ability. I can only watch other people upgrade!

"He seems to be able to see the trajectory of the streamer, and even predict the trajectory of the movement for a period of time in the future..." Captain Swan was shocked in his heart, this ability has exceeded ordinary skills.

"The law of time. Only by mastering the law of time can he have such supernatural powers. It is impossible. How could this be possible? He has only Tier 3 combat power. If it is other common laws, he may understand it, but one of the three top laws. How could he comprehend the law of time!" Captain Swan roared in his heart, and the phantom of death behind him once again emerged. In the black phantom, a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Song Jian, trying to see him clearly. Every detail of the action!


PS: Thank you "Bread84" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

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