I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1455: Shushen Arrow

"Effective!" Song Jian's eyes were bright and scary. There seemed to be something wrong with the dragon genetic code lock in front of him, and he couldn't perceive the power of the bloodline, but if the smeared dragon blood is abundant, it can be forced to open, which is considered as insurance. .

Ao Tian's breath is a little sluggish, even if he is a legendary powerhouse, if he loses too much essence and blood, it will cause great damage to the body, and may even damage the foundation and cause permanent damage.

"Yes, did you find anything?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Ao Tian's mouth. From its point of view, Song Jian didn't understand anything at all. If he didn't feel like he couldn't beat him, Ao Tian would fight him hard now.

"Go on, sprinkle more blood!" Song Jian glanced at Ao Tian and said indifferently. If time is not too tight, Song Jian really wants to kill the little dragon in front of him and smear the blood on it.

Puff, puff, puff~

Ao Tian sprayed a few more blood, the light curtain rippling more and more violently, but there was no other change. Seeing Song Jian's increasingly cold gaze, Ao Tianyi gritted his teeth and cut the blood vessel directly. Suddenly, a **** arrow shot. Out, shot towards the light curtain.

Not only was the blood vessel cut open, but Ao Tian also had to control the wound not to heal. Otherwise, with the physique of a legendary powerhouse, some simple trauma would heal automatically in just a few seconds.

Three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds...

The blood in Ao Tian's body gushed for fifteen seconds. If he were replaced by an ordinary person, he would have died of excessive blood loss, and Ao Tian's breath became weaker and weaker, and even the scene in front of him became blurred. .

"Yes, are you going to die?" Ao Tian shook, looking like he was about to fall to the ground, his consciousness gradually blurred, and the wound on the blood vessel also lost control. He slowly healed, spraying pale golden dragon blood. Are everywhere.

At this moment, the light blue light curtain suddenly burst out with a golden light, a virtual shadow of a four-clawed golden dragon appeared on the light curtain, and a line of small characters appeared under the virtual shadow.

"Xihai Dragon King's bloodline, allow entry!"

Seeing this scene, Ao Tian, ​​who was originally weakened due to excessive blood loss, suddenly got a shock, looked at the light curtain with wide eyes, and laughed up to the sky.

"Hahaha, you can enter, you can enter, Dragon Palace Treasure, this is the real top secret treasure of our dragon clan!"

The light curtain disappeared, revealing a dark hole, which looked no different from an ordinary cave. Ao Tian glanced at Song Jian, looking eager to try.

"This is the real Dragon Palace treasure? It looks a little..." Song Jian frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "It's different from what I imagined!"

"Hmph, what do you know, the treasure of the Dragon Palace treasure is the treasure, not the place that carries the treasure. Let's go in quickly, the guys behind are about to come in!" Ao Tian finished speaking, and got into the cave first.

Song Jian was taken aback and dragged Xin Ling to follow. However, within a second or two before and after this, Ao Tian disappeared, only to hear the sound of footsteps, from near to far.

"This guy..." Song Jian was suddenly anxious, and he was slipped away by it accidentally. It seemed that Ao Tian still had many secrets about this Dragon Palace treasure.

"Leave it alone, let's go in quickly, Ao Tian must have entered the treasure, wherever he can catch it!" Xin Ling said while pulling Song Jian, and ran forward along the passage.

This cave is really not worthy of the words Dragon Palace Treasure. It looks no different from other ordinary caves. It is surrounded by damp rock walls with a thick layer of bryophytes.

These bryophytes exude a faint fluorescence, making the passageway not so dark.

Just after running more than ten meters away, Song Jian suddenly felt his scalp tighten, and quickly grabbed Xin Ling.

"Be careful!"

Whoosh whoosh~

Three long green-brown arrows that were more than a foot long shot towards Song Jian. These three long arrows were crystal clear, half-empty and half-real, and it was difficult to detect in the dim passage.

If Song Jian had a strong perception, I am afraid that he would not be able to find them if he was shot.

However, as soon as Song Jian's perception touched the three long arrows, the speed of the long arrows suddenly accelerated, turning into a gray light, tracing arcs in the air and shooting towards Song Jian.

Song Jian's scalp numb immediately, and even bursts of pain like shattering from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Will die!" Song Jian subconsciously pulled Xin Ling into the broken kingdom of God, disappearing in place.

After entering the kingdom of God, Song Jian half-kneeled on the ground, panting heavily with sweat on his forehead. The three long arrows looked inconspicuous, but the pressure on Song Jian was too much, just like before. In the dragon **** altar, the dragon **** is watching.

"God-level..." Song Jian was shocked. Those three long arrows actually had a blow from a god-level powerhouse, which he could not resist at all.

"If it weren't for the broken kingdom of God, I'm afraid I'm dead now, and even the sea of ​​consciousness has been completely shattered!" Song Jian said in his heart.

Although Song Jian died in the secret realm, Song Jian would not really die, but if the sea of ​​consciousness is really shattered, even if he leaves the secret realm to recover, it will probably take a year and a half.

"These three long arrows seem to have the function of tracking and sensing. If they hadn't touched them before, they wouldn't burst out suddenly..." Song Jian guessed in his heart.

The passage is very dim, and most powerful people do not rely on their eyes to observe the surroundings, but use perception to explore, and the three long arrows are specifically for perception. Once touched, they will launch endless attacks.

After a short rest, Song Jian pulled Xin Ling out of the broken kingdom of God. This time, he no longer dared to stick his perception out of his body, and carefully looked around with his eyes.

At this moment, the three long arrows are floating quietly over the passage. If you don't observe them carefully, it is difficult to find them. At this time, they seem to fall into a deep sleep, motionless in the air.

Song Jian took Xin Ling and walked forward cautiously. After a long time, the feeling of tightness and catastrophe slowly disappeared.

"Zhu Shen Arrow, those three arrows seem to be Zhu Shen Arrow!" Xin Ling suddenly whispered, she was scared enough, her face pale, even if she left the attack range of the three Zhu Shen arrows, her body still kept moving. Trembling.

"Zhushen Arrow?" Song Jian was taken aback, UU reading www.uukanshu.com this is the first time I heard the name of this weapon.

"The arrow of the gods, locked in the consciousness, chasing up to the sky, falling into the yellow spring, the gods and demons are inevitable..." A strange color appeared in Xin Ling's eyes, staring at Song Jian and asked: "Where did you take me before, I was able to escape The lock of Zhushen Arrow?"

Song Jian shook his head. He didn't want to tell anyone about the existence of the Broken Kingdom. This time it was compelling, and it was his first feeling. If he didn't enter the Broken Kingdom, he would definitely die. Even if he possessed the enemy of Death passive skills, he couldn't get rid of it. , Brought Xin Ling into the kingdom of God.

"This is also a remarkable treasure. It would be great if it could be obtained." Song Jian's eyes lighted up. This weapon can be used without a long bow, and it must be a god-level powerhouse if it can deliver a blow from a god-level powerhouse. Treasures, I didn't expect that the gatekeepers of the Dragon Palace Treasures are all this kind of god-level treasures, and the treasures inside will definitely be more precious!

"These three God-June Arrows can kill at least five or six legendary great monsters. Unfortunately, this kind of treasure should be used against a god-level powerhouse..." Song Jian looked at the God-June Arrow and laughed in a low voice. .


PS: Thank you "Bread84" for rewarding 1,000 starting coins~

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