I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1456: Weird Taoist

Xin Ling just asked casually about the Broken Kingdom of God, and she knew that this was Song Jian’s secret. Seeing that Song Jian didn’t say anything, she didn’t ask, she smiled and said, “Unfortunately, if we can get the real thing, we will get rich if we take it out. The method of making the god-punishing arrow has long been lost, and getting it can really threaten the existence of the god!"

Song Jian nodded. There are almost no restrictions on the use of this kind of treasure. Even if people with Tier 2 and Tier 3 battle power obtain it, they will have a chance to kill the gods. The existence of this kind of treasure is impossible for gods to let it. The production method is handed down.

"Let's go in, there is a secret passage in the treasure chest to leave. Once Ao Tian obtains the Dragon Emperor Orb, he will leave through the secret passage!" Xin Ling said.

Song Jian nodded, glanced at Zhu Shenjian again, turned and walked quickly toward the depths of the cave.

In just a few hundred meters of the passage, there were more than a dozen traps, all of which were similar to Zhu Shenjian. Once triggered, even with Song Jian's strength, they would be instantly killed.

Broken eyes!

Song Jian's heart moved, and the dark golden vertical pupils appeared, looking towards the depths of the cave, and soon, the trap of the cave appeared in his eyes.

"It's useless, these traps all have automatic identification functions. As long as they are not dragon bloodlines, they will be automatically triggered once they get close!" Xin Ling glanced at Song Jian and said in a low voice.

Xin Ling had seen a lot of similar investigative skills, and she even possessed a detective skill herself, but her rank was not as high as Song Jian's delusion-breaking god.

"Dragon blood, ha ha, I have it too!" Song Jian smiled.

With that, Song Fitness's breath quickly converged, and then flipped his wrist, a puddle of pale golden blood appeared in his palm.

Before breaking the light curtain at the gate, Song Jian felt that the dragon blood should also be used behind it. He hid some of it privately. Ao Tian lost a lot of blood and became confused. He didn't even notice that Song Jian privately intercepted some of its blood.

"If the blood is removed from the body, the activity will quickly dissipate. Even if there is Dragon blood, we have to be faster." Xin Ling said.

The two smeared some light golden blood on the center of their eyebrows and ran quickly toward the passage.

Along the way, all kinds of traps were looming under the detection of the eyes of the broken delusion. When they sensed the arrival of the two, the traps were slightly touched, but they felt the faint dragon blood aura emanating from them, and then slowly fell silent without moving.

Soon, Song Jian and Xin Ling came to a vast cave. Here, there was a palace exuding dazzling light. The two of them stepped into the palace. They saw that the hall of the palace was filled with jewels and precious metals. The shining light can't open the eyes of anyone who shines. Corals as tall as a person, pearls with big heads can be seen everywhere, and gold and silver are thrown away like garbage.

"Hurry up and find out, where are those dragon exercises, dragon equipment and Dragon Emperor Orbs hidden? The real dragon palace treasures are not the worthless things in front of them!" Xin Ling was full of joy.

For the secular world, these treasures are invaluable in front of them, but for the legendary realm powerhouses, these are just like rubbish, and they won't be seen by the roadside.

Any piece of epic-quality dragon palace equipment is worth all these things in front of you, even the big monsters behind them will not put these things in their eyes.

Continue to walk in, on both sides of the palace walls, rows of weapon racks appeared, on which were placed equipment shining in various colors, silver, gold, purple red, and even purple gold equipment. For players Said that this is a valuable treasure!

"Oh my God, legendary quality equipment, thirty, thirty-five, forty,..." More than fifty pieces, if this can really be taken back, the amethyst obtained is enough for me to immediately rise to the threshold of the legend! "Xin Ling's eyes lit up, her face full of excitement.

"Let’s go, find Ao Tian and talk about it!" Song Jian pulled Xin Ling and said, the equipment in front of him can’t be taken away, he can only enjoy the eye addiction, but the equipment in the Dragon Palace collection is all high-quality goods, even if it is of silver quality. The gold-quality equipment is also the top of the same rank. Even Song Jian has seen two sword fairy suits hanging on the equipment rack. It is hard to imagine that the sword fairy suit has passed on hundreds of Wannian equipment.

"What kind of equipment is it made of? It can go through millions of years of training and has not been damaged. The sword fairy suit looks more precious than I thought!" Song Jian glanced at the sword fairy suit more. , Secretly said in my heart.

Going forward, turning a slender corridor, the two came to a stone house. This stone house looked very simple and incompatible with the surrounding luxurious palaces.

The door of the stone house opened, and it seemed that someone had already entered. Song Jian and Xin Ling looked at each other and quickly rushed into the stone house.

The stone house is even more primitive, with almost no furnishings. A dozen scrolls of bamboo slips are placed on the bookshelf beside it. It looks like it should be a treasure such as a skill scroll, but it is a pity that it has long been decayed and there is no light on the surface. Will be reduced to ashes.

In the center of the stone house, sitting cross-legged is a human elder. This elder wears a crown on his head and a starlight robe. Underneath sits a straw-woven futon. He sits down and meditates. There is no breath of life on his body. It's like sitting down.

However, his face was ruddy, and there was no sign of aging on his entire body. He looked lifelike, like a real person.

"How could a human race appear in the Dragon Palace Treasure?" Xin Ling asked in surprise. It seemed that this old man was not in the secret records of the Yujianzong collection.

Song Jian frowned slightly and couldn't help saying: "It's normal that there is no record in the secrets, after all, it is impossible to record all the details!"

"No, it's not like that!" Xin Ling seemed to have thought of something, with a horrified expression on her face, she couldn't help but backed up two steps, and said loudly: "It's not just that the secrets have not been recorded. The disciples who have entered the Dragon Palace treasure before, they There has never been a record of such a human race in the Dragon Palace treasure!"

There is no record in the historical scrolls that this Taoist is still forgiven, but the disciples who have entered the Dragon Palace treasure will never conceal the existence of this Taoist. After all, it is very strange that a human Taoist appears in the Dragon Palace treasure. Things.

At this moment, a strange thing happened. The Taoist who was already breathless slowly raised her head. Xin Ling let out an exclamation, but soon covered her mouth again, just staring in horror. Taoist.

"Ao Tian shouldn't have seen this Taoist. It only appeared after we got closer!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and secretly guessed in his heart.

At this time, the Taoist, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to have every movement, as if a thousand tons of power are involved in him, it looks a little weird.

After a long time, the Taoist raised his head and slowly opened his eyes, two starlights bloomed from the Taoist's eyes.

"I finally waited for you!" A smile appeared on the Taoist's face, and then two lines of blood and tears flowed out of the Taoist's starry eyes, and cracks appeared on the Taoist's face, body, and hands. .

The Taoist sitting cross-legged, like a piece of porcelain, his body was covered with cracks, and then, with a soft "bang", the whole was broken.

Suddenly, flesh and blood and white bones splashed, Xin Ling closed her eyes with a cry of "Ah", while Song Jian stared at everything that happened before her eyes.

The flesh and blood splashed in the air, slowly disappearing, as if retreating into the void, a transparent phantom figure appeared where the Taoist sat cross-legged, looked at Song Jian and nodded slowly, then pointed to the futon on the ground and turned around. Leave, step by step into the void.


PS: Thank you "Bread84" for rewarding 500 starting coins~

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