I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1458: Dragon Emperor Proud World Jue

The Panlong Imperial Formation was broken, the last line of defense against the Dragon Palace Treasure collapsed, and all the big demons rushed forward laughing wildly. At this time, Song Jian was running forward while opening the skill bar to check.

Xin Ling seems to have lost the memory of entering the stone house before, but Song Jian has a deep memory, and the sentiment on the futon, the rhyme of Taoism still remains in her heart, and almost all skills in the skill column have been improved by two. At level three, even the most difficult talent skill "Holy Sword" has also been directly increased by two levels. In addition to increasing the attribute close to 50 points, the probability of triggering the "Indestructible" effect has also increased a little.

Other skills, such as Sword Shadow Clone and Imperial Swordsmanship, have been upgraded to full level 12, and their skill effects have been further enhanced. Karma Red Lotus Wanjian Art has been upgraded to level 18. The number of spirit swords summoned has increased to 500-2000. , The eighteenth level is still not the limit of the Ten Thousand Sword Art. It looks like it will really be like the name. At full level, it can summon ten thousand spirit swords.

However, Song Jian vaguely feels that summoning ten thousand spirit swords is not the strongest state of the Wanjian Jue skill, and can be further improved. However, this feeling is very vague. It seems to be felt on the futon, but how is it? , You also need to upgrade your skills to the full level before looking at it.

"Hey, why did my Moon Refinement Skill disappear?" Song Jian read the skill bar from beginning to end. Most of the skills have been improved, but the Moon Refinement skill disappeared from the skill bar.

Song Jian hurriedly looked through the system information records, and found that when the Wan Jian Jue reached the sixteenth level, he actually swallowed the Moon Jinglun skill, which immediately made Song Jian feel speechless.

The improvement of Wan Jian Jue has already swallowed many of Song Jian’s skills. The previous Wanxiang swordsmanship, sword fingers and other skills have been swallowed by Wan Jian Jue to increase its power. Unexpectedly, this time, the moon wheel is not a swordsmanship. His skills were swallowed, which made Song Jian feel a little helpless.

"Forget it, the moon spirit wheel is very powerful in close combat, but my current attack method is already biased towards long-range attacks. There are not many opportunities for the moon spirit wheel to play. If you swallow it, you can swallow it." Song Jian secretly said.

This time, Song Jian saved more than a dozen skill points. Most importantly, he saved a lot of training time. Now Song Jian’s strength has increased by at least one-third more than before. It was the fact that the holy sword of the talented skill had increased by nearly 50 attribute points, which had already allowed Song Jian to earn a profit, which was equivalent to passing a B-level combat strength assessment reward.


The fragmentation of the Panlong Imperial Formation also passed to Song Jian's ears, which made him feel tight.

"We are going to be faster, the defense formation has been broken, and the big monsters have already rushed in!" Song Jian whispered.

"It's okay, don't forget, the traps in the passage behind you, huh, if you don't lose more than a dozen lives, they can't get in unless they also have the bloodline of the Dragon clan!" Xin Ling said with a cold snort.

Song Jian smiled slightly, did not speak, and the two rushed forward quickly. After a while, a wall appeared at the end of the passage.

There is a blue dragon carved on this wall, lifelike, a pair of dragon eyes looking forward with murderous intent, as if they are about to come out of the wall, swallowing two people.

"Yulongbi! Behind this is the real Dragon Palace treasure!" Song Jian whispered, all the information about the Dragon Palace treasure, after passing the stone house, seemed to naturally appear in his mind, the Yulong in front of him. Wall, he had never seen it before, but he felt very familiar.

The last trace of Ao Tian’s blood in his hand was sucked onto the Imperial Dragon Wall. The Imperial Dragon Wall suddenly became illusory. Song Jian took Xin Ling and rushed forward. He went straight through the Imperial Dragon Wall and entered a strange one. space.

This space is tens of meters in size. In the center, there is a milky white spring water that is much higher than the ground. It is constantly spewing, and a pool of several meters square is formed around it. The inside is not bottomless, and the surging spiritual energy blends into the spring water. The ordinary spring water contains a high concentration of spiritual energy, which is extremely viscous. If you practice here, the cultivation speed will probably be ten times, a hundred times faster than the outside world!

Around the spring, there is a medicinal field, and a few exotic flowers and plants are exuding a strong fragrance.

"The spring water is a spiritual vein. After years of dragon qi gestation, it has become the top dragon vein. This dragon vein alone is not much worse than the Dragon Emperor Aotian Art!" Song Jian shook his head and exclaimed.

For some sects, the value of this dragon vein is still higher than that of the Dragon Sovereign Aotian Jue. This dragon vein is enough to allow a three-tier sect to develop into a first-class sect in just ten years. If you get some opportunities , Accumulate some foundation, can become a super sect!

"The herbs around this Lingquan are all the top-quality elixir, and I don't know who got cheaper in the end!" Xin Ling said brightly.

Although they can't get these things, they don't prevent eye addiction. Such treasures are usually rare.

"You, how did you come in?" In the distance, Ao Tian looked at Song Jian and Xin Ling standing in front of the Yulong Wall with a shocked expression on his face, rubbing his eyes vigorously, and couldn't believe they would appear here.

You know, many levels along the way require the bloodline of the dragon family. Even if dozens of legendary great monsters want to enter here, it will not be possible to enter within an hour or two, and there are many specifically targeted at intruders along the way. Trap, even if it is a legendary powerhouse, it is impossible to break in intact.

"It's impossible for those legendary big monsters to break in now, how did these two Tier 3 human races get in!" Ao Tian trembled slightly, his expression unbelievable.

Song Jian’s gaze fell in Ao Tian’s hands. A gem radiating colorful light was being held in the palm of the opponent. You could feel that traces of domineering energy full of dragon breath were being transmitted from the beads to Ao Tian.

"Hey, did you get the Dragon Emperor Orb?" Song Jian walked forward slowly, with a smile on his face, and said as he walked: "Our previous agreement should be fulfilled. As far as I know, we are absorbing the dragon. When the Emperor Orb has energy, you can’t be disturbed by the outside world, otherwise, hehe..."

Ao Tian’s expression became difficult to look at. He pointed to the bookshelf next to him, and said, “The Dragon Emperor Aotian Art you want is on the first floor. This is the exercise method that our dragon family collects. If there are other exercises If you can see it, you can also make a copy!"

"Go on the road, hahaha!" Song Jian laughed loudly, stepped forward with Xin Ling, and began to read the various exercises on the bookshelf.

Ao Tian was gnashing his teeth while watching, but there was nothing he could do. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com these exercises are all collected by the Dragon Clan. They are all superb exercises, at least they are of epic or higher quality. Come out, it will cause a **** robbery.

"Dragon Emperor Aotian Jue!"

Song Jian grabbed the ancient scripture placed on the top. This ancient scripture was made of special materials. It was neither gold nor copper, nor paper nor bamboo. It even felt warm to the touch.

Taking a hasty glance, Song Jian showed a trace of regret in his eyes, and the system prompted that the skill Scroll Human Race could not be used.

At this moment, Kamata applied to Song Jian to leave the pet space. After Song Jian agreed, Kamata appeared beside him, grabbed the ancient scriptures, and laughed: "I can learn, I can learn!"

As he said, Kamata pressed her hand on the ancient scripture, and suddenly a purple-golden light burst into a stream of light, which penetrated into Kamata's forehead, and the ancient scripture of the Dragon Emperor Ao Shi Jue seemed to have suffered endlessly. The years have generally washed away, the light is dim, the texture has become crispy, and a hint of decay has been passed from the ancient scriptures.


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