I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1459: Vicissitudes of life

A dragon chant erupted from Kamata, and Kamata's breath became thick in an instant. A ghost of an oriental dragon surrounded her body. After a few laps, it merged with Kamata.

The level of Kamata, who climbed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, would increase by one level in almost five or six seconds. The speed was so fast that Song Jian was dumbfounded.

"This Dragon Sovereign Aotian Art, isn't it a bit too exaggerated? Is it so fast?" Song Jian was surprised.

You know, the player level increase will only increase one skill point, but if the NPC and the creatures in the game world do not increase a level, the corresponding strength will also increase a bit. The top creatures like Kamata do not need training. , As long as you live long enough, your strength will continue to improve. Now that after learning the Dragon Emperor Aotian Jue, Kamata's strength will definitely improve faster than those of the dragon sacrifices before.

One hundred and twenty, one hundred and twenty-five, one hundred and thirty...

Kamata's level quickly climbed, and in just a few minutes, it had already risen to level 148. After that, the speed of combat experience improvement began to slow down.

"Haha, let's get started!" Kamata waved forward with a joyful expression, and suddenly a huge golden dragon claw phantom appeared in front of her. With her fierce wave, the golden dragon claw Also rushed forward, with a loud bang, directly crushing a coral tree seven or eight meters high into powder.

"Haha, amazing!" Kamata happily prepared to continue trying the Dragon Emperor Ao Shi Jue, but Song Jian stopped him, and let her try again, and the whole cave would collapse.

At this moment, there was a scream from the entrance passage in the distance, and then there was a sound of fighting.

"Those big monsters have already come in, and it looks like someone was shot by the God of Punishment Arrow, but I don't know if they are killed!" Xin Ling whispered.

"The things are already in hand, do you need anything else?" Song Jian asked.

"Most of the exercises above have been collected by people, and they are of no value!" Xin Ling flipped through the bookshelf and checked the exercises, and said helplessly.


A muffled noise suddenly rang out from Ao Tian's body. Its level has been directly elevated from the early stage of the legendary realm to the middle stage of the legendary realm, and its aura is still rising.

"Ao Tian is about to break through, we should leave as soon as possible, otherwise, once it breaks through to the pinnacle of the legendary realm, we are not his opponents!" Xin Ling glanced at Ao Tian and said in a low voice.

Song Jian nodded. There was a secret passage in the cave that could lead to the outside world. Xin Ling picked up a book on the shelf and threw it to Song Jian and said, "You should need this."

With that said, Xin Ling walked towards a corner of the cave where there was a giant dragon stone sculpture hovering in the clouds, probing forward with a front paw. This is where the secret path is located, which was recorded by a disciple before. And even the method of opening the secret passage is also recorded.

Song Jian took a look at the booklet thrown by Xin Ling, "The Wooden Escape of the Five Elements Escape", he couldn't help but smiled. This is the third Five Element Escape Method he has collected. He didn’t expect it to be in the Dragon Palace Treasure. Get a copy.

With a palm slap, Mu Dun Shu disappeared immediately. This skill book can only be learned once, and will disappear after using it. Unlike the Dragon Emperor Ao Shi Jue, it will disappear after learning at least three times.

Xin Ling grabbed the front paws of the giant dragon stone sculpture and twisted it lightly, and a sound of gears was heard, and the giant dragon stone sculpture moved aside, revealing a hole that could only accommodate one person.

"This is the secret road, you can go out!" After Xin Ling finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at Ao Tian, ​​a treacherous expression flashed in her eyes, and said softly: "Would you like to take the opportunity to kill it, maybe you can burst out about the Dragon Palace. Secrets..."

Most of the exercises have been collected by the former Yujianzong disciples, and Xin Ling only got two books similar to biographies. Although such books are valuable, they do not have the exercises. Books such as secrets are valuable. The contribution value in exchange is not much.

Song Jian turned his head and glanced at Ao Tian. At this time, Ao Tian had already seen a giant dragon phantom behind him. This giant dragon turned out to be a nine-clawed golden dragon. Its golden scales shone with a faint luster and exudes endless majesty. , It's just that the eyes of this giant dragon phantom were slightly dull, without a trace of anger.

Ao Tian's breath is rising rapidly. If he wants to kill, now is the time. Otherwise, after a while, its level and strength will rise to a level that even Song Jian can't resist.

"Kill!" A flash of killing intent flashed in Song Jian's eyes, he fumbled out the Heaven-Splitting Sword, and was about to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art. At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the passage, and several big demons charged with a corpse. Into the treasure house.

"Why so fast!" Song Jian looked surprised. You must know that he and Xin Ling secretly obtained Ao Tian's blood to enter the treasure house so quickly. These big demons actually held the bodies of their companions as shields. , Broke in all the way, and Song Jian simply didn't know what to say!

"Leave quickly, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave if you don't leave!" Song Jian said regretfully, and Xin Ling glanced at it with a regretful expression on her face.

In the story of Dragon Palace Treasure, Ao Tian is the main character. Once killed, good things will definitely burst. Although there have been disciples of the Imperial Sword Sect who have entered the treasure house before, they cannot kill Ao Tian at all with their strength. Tian killed, some of them kept hiding, until Ao Tian swallowed the Dragon Emperor Orb and left, then he dared to continue searching for some things that Ao Tian couldn't see in the treasure house.

This time, I am afraid it is the most likely to kill Ao Tian, ​​but I did not expect that the group of big demons behind him would come so quickly.

Xin Ling jumped into the hole in the ground. Song Jian followed closely. The two of them walked along the narrow passage for about three hundred meters. The passage in front had been invaded by sea water. Continue to swim forward through the passage of the sea water, and within a short while, he swam out of a cave in a large mountain under the sea.

When they returned to the sea, the two looked backwards, the beam of light that opened up to the sky still did not dissipate, but the light had dimmed a lot, and the white mist around it had also disappeared. After a while, this beam of light might disappear.

The beam of light disappeared, and the people in the Dragon Palace Treasure of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will probably also be driven out. At that time, if there is no harvest, it will be a trip for nothing.


At this moment, there was a vague roar in the beam of light, and it seemed that there was a violent explosion. The beam of light that was already dim also shook slightly, and it looked more illusory.

"Let's go, there is nothing worthy of nostalgia here!" Song Jian glanced at the beam of light and said indifferently. This trip to the Dragon Palace has been a great harvest for him. His strength has increased by at least one-third. Now Song Jian has the strength to overcome even when he faces the mid-Legendary Realm powerhouse.

Xin Ling nodded and was about to speak, but saw that Song Jian's whole person became illusory, and everything around him began to become strange. It seemed that the flow of time accelerated, and she looked like a spectator, from the perspective of a spectator. With the ebb and flow of the tide, the vicissitudes of the sea, the original rough sea, swelled up a number of peaks and turned into a vast land.

"The vicissitudes of life, time is accelerating? This is, is going to open the battlefield of ten thousand races?" Xin Ling said to herself in surprise.


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