I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1460: Treasure advancement

The figure of Xin Ling slowly disappeared from Song Jian’s eyes. Song Jian was shocked, thinking that he was under attack. For a moment, the sword energy surged, and the breath of the whole body spread out like a deep sea, and the sense of consciousness shrouded in an instant. An area with a radius of one thousand meters.

Ordinary powerhouses with Tier 3 combat power, even at the peak of Tier 3 combat power, the perception of God's consciousness cannot be enveloped in the kilometer area, and hundreds of meters at most are already very impressive.

Song Jian’s current physical attributes are already higher than those of most early Legendary Realm powers. In addition, the main attribute of the Imperial Swordsman is spirit, which makes Song Jian’s sense of consciousness higher than that of ordinary Tier 3 powerful players. Many out.

After searching for a long time, within the range of Song Jian's perception, he did not notice any hostility, not even the breath of creatures.

"No one? How could it be, what is going on? Could it be that Xin Ling was forced out of the secret realm?" Song Jian was surprised.

You should know that if a player like this suddenly disappears, either the player is offline, leaving the game world, or killed by someone, and the body will disappear.

But they are in the secret realm now, if they are forced to leave the secret realm, such a situation will also appear.

"Leaving, how is this possible..." Song Jian was puzzled, but soon, the time and space in front of him began to change, and the vicissitudes of life changed in just a few seconds.

"This is..." Song Jian stared at everything dumbfounded, as if he was a spectator, unable to do anything, he could only watch for thousands of years of time, passing by in a few seconds.

The imprint of the law of time on the chest seemed to be touched in some way, like a second heart, beating slowly, the inexplicable breath was attracted by the imprint of the chest, and a sharp pain came, as if all the muscles and bones of the whole body were crushed.

Before Song Jian's eyes became dark, he even fainted. Only the time imprint symbol on his chest was left, and the light slowly bloomed. The light grew stronger and wrapped Song Jian's whole body. In the end, it turned into a light cocoon, floating in the big At sea, in the end, the surface of the sea descended, and peaks rose up, and the light cocoon was buried deep in a mountain.

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, thousands of years of time have passed, ten thousand races are vying for battle, and the war between the human race and other races is about to start.

On this day, several demon races chased a young man through the air, full of energy in the air, and the rumbling sound was endless. These people actually possessed the strength of the legendary realm.

"Chen Dong, your guardian has already besieged and killed, put down the sand of time, and save you a life!" a big demon roared wildly, slashing with a knife.

The human young man in front was flying forward with all his might, and his whole energy was used to fly in the air, unable to speak at all.

Feeling the attack coming from behind, the young man gritted his teeth and fell towards the mountain below. In the air, he couldn't escape the chase of the big monsters behind him, and could only escape with the help of the mountain terrain.

"I discovered the sand of time first, and got it first. You big monsters dare to kill and snatch, let Xuan Tianzong know that they will avenge me!" Chen Dong shouted loudly.

Hearing the words Xuan Tianzong, several big demons seemed to hesitate.

"What are you afraid of? His protector has been besieged by us and has already forged a vengeance. Now he can only be killed and his body destroyed. As long as no one knows about this, how could Xuantianzong find us? !" A big demon with red eyes whispered.

"Yes, the Crimson Eye Demon King is right. As long as we kill him, who knows that we killed the people, we snatched the sand of time!" the other big demon echoed.

"Want to run, dream!" A big demon saw Chen Dong rushing towards the mountain below, a coldness appeared on his face, and his speed exploded. With a bone gun in his hand, with an extremely powerful evil intention, he shot at Stabbed Chen Dong behind his back.

Chen Dong suddenly turned his head and roared: "Sky Shaking Fist!" A fist was swiped towards the big demon holding a bone gun.


A huge fist mark rushed towards the big demon and collided with the bone spear in its palm. There was a roar, and the air was full of energy. The big demon's hand stirred, and the bone spear immediately dispersed the fist marks, and continued. Coming towards Chen Dong.

Chen Dong couldn't dodge, and was pierced with a gun in his shoulder. His vigor was shocking. He only felt that his whole body was about to separate, his internal organs vibrated, and Chen Dong spouted a blood arrow from his mouth, his breath suddenly wilted.

After gritting his teeth, Chen Dong took out a black bead and threw it towards the demon.

"Let's die together!" Chen Dong shouted, with a hideous expression on his face, as if he was going to die with the big demon close at hand.

At this moment, how could the big demon who had had the upper hand end up with a dying person, sneered and pulled out the bone spear, smashed Chen Dong directly away.

And that black bead, floating in the air, suddenly became red, and a strong scorching breath filled the bead.

"Shaking the Sky Bead?" The big demon's expression changed, and he quickly backed away.


With a loud noise, the black beads exploded, covering an area tens of meters in radius, and a dark red mushroom cloud rose into the sky. Several surrounding peaks were blasted by fierce explosions. The peaks of a mountain peak, directly A large part was cut off, turned into a boulder and rolled down from the mountain.


A mouthful of blood spurted out. Although the big demon holding the bone gun reacted quickly, he was still affected by the shaking dzi beads, and was shocked by strength. There was a tearing pain in his chest, and his internal organs seemed to shift a bit.

"How about the Bone Demon King?" Several big demon hurried forward, staring at the Bone Demon King holding a bone gun and asked.

"Hmph, I didn't expect this guy to have a Dzi-shaking Bead. He wanted to die with me. Without paying attention, he actually followed this kid's way and received serious injuries!" The Bone Demon King paled, and his breath became unstable. .

"Hahaha, that kid was shot by the Bone Demon King. Even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured and near death. The Bone Demon King would take a rest and recover. When I went to catch the boy, I would interrogate the whereabouts of Shi Shaosha! "A demon king laughed loudly and was about to rush down to search for Chen Dong.

"Together, together, be careful that the kid still has a hole card, and then throw out another Dzi Shaking Orb. I'm afraid you can't stand the Iron Bull Demon King alone!" Several demon kings around said one after another. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"Haha, okay, let's go together!" Tie Niu Demon King's eyes flashed, and he laughed.

At this moment, a mountain not far away suddenly burst out with a dazzling colorful divine light, and went straight to the sky. The demon kings who were planning to rush down to search for Chen Dong suddenly stopped and looked into the distance. .

"The treasure was born?" The Scarlet Eyed Demon King asked in surprise.

"Haha, it is estimated that the previous explosion broke the mountain peaks and made the treasures come out ahead of schedule. Those who are destined for the treasures will get them. It seems that we are the ones destined for the treasures!" The Iron Bull Demon King laughed loudly.

"Together, together!" several big monsters shouted one after another, even the Bone Demon King's eyes showed a trace of greed. You know, treasures that can bloom with colorful rays are definitely more precious than time sand.

Several great monsters flew towards the mountain peaks with colorful rays of light. Chen Dong, who was seriously injured on the side, had flickering eyes. He lowered his head and glanced at a small bottle in his arms, clenched his teeth, and quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests. Away.


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