I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1613: All off

The bronze puppet beast swallowed the blood of the behemoth boss, the scars on his body began to heal slowly, and the bronze shell became bright as new again. At the same time, its body shape seemed to begin to swell, and the surface of the body appeared. Strange dark red lines.


The bronze puppet beast with a mouth full of blood made a roar. It was originally only the strength of the initial stage of the legendary realm, but it suddenly increased to the middle stage of the legendary realm.

Zhao Yong looked at the puppet beast, his jealous expression became more intense, and there was also a flash of fiery greed in his eyes.

Qian Fei's heart was scared. When the bronze puppet was out of control, the eyes that looked at him were still in the bottom of his heart. The look that wanted to pounce on him to tear him into pieces made Qian Fei's bladder tighten. Find a place for immediate convenience.

Seeing that the puppet beast can be upgraded, Qian Fei was delighted at first, and then, a deep sense of fear came to his heart. The stronger the puppet beast, the more difficult it is to control. The time required to swallow the blood is also shortening, and it needs to be swallowed. On the contrary, the amount of blood has greatly increased. Now, Qian Fei is not even sure that the next time the bronze puppet beast needs blood, an Gu Qing can satisfy it.

The bronze puppet beast stopped after devouring one third of the blood of the behemoth boss. It was not that it could not eat it, but the blood of the behemoth boss, which gradually cooled down and lost its vitality. Such blood, the puppet The beast cannot swallow it.

The bronze puppet beast that had swallowed enough blood became obedient again, and slowly walked to Qian Fei's side, lying on the ground, with his head held high, with a very well-behaved appearance.

After seeing the bronze puppet beast leaving, Zhao Yong walked slowly to the corpse of the giant beast BOSS, and after a while, he took out a bronze token from the corpse of the boss.

Looking at the attributes of the token in his hand, Zhao Yong shook his head slightly, looked at the other people, and said softly: "Level 4 permission token!"

After hearing what Zhao Yong said, everyone else looked towards Gu Qing. At this time, Gu Qing's expression became very difficult to look at. After a moment of silence, he took the initiative to say: "I'm outside the palace. I hope that if you seniors gain something in the alchemy palace, they can give me one or two pills to improve my cultivation so that my cultivation can break through to the legendary realm!"

Gu Qing himself knew that he couldn't get the same gains as the others. Now he only hopes that the other four people can gain huge gains when they enter the alchemy palace. Then, they will leak something out of their fingers.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Gu is a joke. Senior Brother Zhao has already said that if there is a harvest by then, the trophy will be divided into five parts. Even if you don't enter, you will have one!" Qian Fei laughed loudly as he hugged his arms. Gu Qing smiled on the neck of Gu Qing: "Don't worry, I will keep your share temporarily for you. I will give it to you when it comes out. I will definitely not let you suffer."

Gu Qing's face became more difficult to look, but he still showed an ugly smile towards Qian Fei.

Zhao Yong and the other two looked at each other, smiled slightly and said nothing.

Holding the token, the four of them walked towards the alchemy palace together, and the transparent light curtain on the surface of the alchemy palace was filled with ripples, concealing the four figures.

Song Jian looked at the fourth-level permission token in the parcel box, hesitated for a long time, and finally decided not to enter this alchemy palace with the four people. He wanted to see if he would be more worthy of him in the secret realm in the future. The place to enter.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the alchemy palace, and the entire palace trembled, and the defensive light curtain on the surface also appeared, shaking violently.

In a short while, countless bronze parts flew out of the alchemy palace and scattered all over the ground. A ferocious bronze beast head rolled down in front of Gu Qing, shocking Gu Qing.

"Well, isn't this Qian Fei, Senior Brother Qian's bronze puppet? How, how could it be like this..." A look of astonishment appeared on Gu Qing's face.


A roar of a giant beast came out from the alchemy palace. Above the alchemy palace, a phantom of a flame troll suddenly appeared, with raging flames burning around its body, and several people were caught in its right paw. Ying, these figures emerged from the hands of the flame troll, and when he looked closely, they were the four Zhao Yong who had entered the alchemy palace before.

At this moment, these four people were not dead. They kept twisting their bodies in the palms of the flame trolls, struggling hard, and uttered a burst of outcry, but it was a pity that all of this was illusory, and they could not be heard at all. Yelling something.

The flame troll seemed to be very excited, and laughed with his head held high. The flame on the surface of his body, with a "boom", rose tens of meters.

In a short while, the four figures in the hands of the flame troll were all roasted into humans by the hot flames, and finally all turned to ashes, floating down from its fingers, and four translucent phantoms floated. When he came out, he was violently sucked by the flame troll, all sucked into his mouth and chewed.

This scene frightened Gu Qing. His complexion changed drastically, and he backed away again and again. If there were no scattered parts of the bronze puppet beast, he would still not believe what was happening in front of him, but with the parts of the puppet beast in front of him, the scene before him, He couldn't help but convinced that Zhao Yong and Qian Fei had died in the alchemy palace.

"No, no, it's impossible..." Gu Qing yelled in disbelief, but immediately turned around and ran, hating that he would have two legs, and immediately moved away from the alchemy palace.

"These four people are very strong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, is it really that easy to fall?" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, looking towards the alchemy palace.

Originally looking at the simple and atmospheric alchemy palace, at this moment, in Song Jian's eyes, it became a little weird.

"This flame troll phantom, its aura seems to be the pinnacle of the legendary realm..." Song Jian stared at the flame troll phantom above the alchemy palace and felt it carefully.

After killing the four, the flame troll had a very satisfied expression, laughed, and slowly disappeared into the void.

After Song Jian hesitated for a moment, he walked towards the alchemy palace without hesitation. In the game world, the stronger the guarded BOSS, the more precious the treasures inside. Among the four Tier 3 disciples, two of them are capable A person stronger than the legendary realm, but now he is easily killed by the flame troll. All this tells Song Jian that there are absolutely rare treasures hidden in the alchemy palace, which makes Song Jian's curiosity win.

With demigod level strength, he would naturally not take into consideration a BOSS with the pinnacle strength of the legendary realm. Soon, holding the level 4 authority token in his hand, he was hidden in the transparent light curtain of the alchemy palace.



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