I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1614: Flame Troll

Song Jian came to the alchemy palace. In the center of a huge alchemy hall, there was an alchemy furnace as tall as a small mountain peak. Under the alchemy furnace, the fire was raging and the heat wave was rolling, forcing people to be unable to approach.


In the pill furnace, there was a bang from time to time, as if something was about to come out of it. A strong medicinal fragrance diffused from the pill furnace. The whole hall was filled with medicinal fragrance, forming a thick layer. Thin white mist.

Song Jian took a deep breath, and suddenly felt refreshed. There was also a buff effect of "Pill Addition" in the status bar, which increased the speed of vitality recovery and mental power recovery by 10%. As long as you are in the hall, this effect The blessing will last for 30 minutes even if you leave.

"Just by smelling the medicinal scent from the pill, you can have such a terrifying gain effect, then what kind of anti-sky effect will the pill being refined in the alchemy furnace?" Song Jian's heart suddenly became hot.

But he also knew that the four disciples of the Divine Sword Gate died immediately after entering the Alchemy Palace, and they looked like they were killed by a flame troll, so Song Jian was also cautiously exploring the surroundings.

"The more precious the treasure, the stronger the guarded BOSS is. You must be careful." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

However, the empty hall, except for the alchemy furnace, was not covered by any obstructions, and it could be seen thoroughly at a glance, and there were no monsters nearby.

Song Jian was a little confused, bracing the heat wave, slowly approaching the alchemy furnace. In his opinion, this alchemy furnace might not be a common grade. He wanted to touch it to check the attributes of this alchemy furnace.

However, just as he approached, the flames under the alchemy furnace suddenly turned into a palm and flew towards him. During the flight, the palm of the hand was clenched with five fingers, forming a huge fist, and slammed at Song Jian.

"There is even a sense of self-protection. It seems that this alchemy furnace has also formed a spirit, haha!" Song Jian didn't care about the huge flame fist hitting him. Instead, he stared at the alchemy furnace with excitement in his eyes. Look, can't help but laugh.


The flame fist hit Song Fitness, sparks splattered, and after a roar, the flame dissipated. Song Jian just lost some insignificant vitality value. After a while, it was filled with automatic recovery.

If you want to harvest this alchemy furnace, you have to subdue Qi Ling. Song Jian stood still and let it fight, just to let Qi Ling see the gap between them and automatically surrender.

"This kind of damage is only slightly stronger than the peak of the three-quarter combat power, but it still fails to meet the requirements of the legendary realm. I can stand still and let you fight for a hundred years." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

It seems that he felt Song Jian’s strength. The flames under the alchemy furnace all gushed out of the alchemy furnace and fell on the ground, transforming into a flame troll over three meters high, and roared towards Song Jian. , The breath of the flame troll body instantly reached the pinnacle of the legendary realm.

Song Jian was shocked, and his body trembled slightly. As soon as he entered the alchemy palace, he knew that the most precious treasure in the entire alchemy palace was the pill that was being refined at this time, although it was not yet I know what kind of pill, but judging from the fact that the scent alone can increase the gain effect, this pill is probably not simple, and conservatively, it is also a legendary quality pill.

But now the pill is being refined, but the fire has all left the pill refining furnace, transforming into a flame troll, if this causes the refining of the pill to fail, I am afraid Song Jian will cry to death.

Summoning the Potian Sword, Song Jian pointed to the pill furnace and shouted loudly: "Get me back!"

The flame troll roared, his body suddenly expanded more than two meters high, and he rushed towards Song Jian in strides. As the flame troll's body continued to expand, the temperature in the alchemy palace hall rose by more than a hundred degrees. Ordinary people cannot hold on for long in such an environment.


The flame troll slammed his fist at Song Jian. Song Jian gave a low roar and swung the Sky-Breaking Sword towards the flame troll's fist. The chaos sword light condensed into shape and protruded along the blade of the Sky-Breaking Sword. Five or six meters away, he directly smashed the flame troll's fist. For a time, sparks splashed, and the flame troll screamed, practicing backwards.

Song Jian frowned slightly, "It looks a bit like an abyss troll, but how can the smell of abyss **** be so weak, but there is a pure and refined taste!"

The flame troll in front of him is almost exactly the same as the abyss flame troll Song Jian had encountered before, except that the aura of the abyss flame troll is mixed with the smell of abyss hell. This smell is deep and thick. If ordinary people inhale a little, it will Degenerate into an abyssal creature, extremely domineering.

But the breath of the flame troll in front of him, the smell of abyss and hell, almost disappeared, but there was a very pure smell of flame.

"Could it be that this flame troll, the owner of the alchemy palace, was caught from the abyss of **** and was specially used as the flame of the pill furnace?" A look of shock appeared on Song Jian's face.

You know, the flame troll in front of you has the pinnacle strength of the legendary realm, and it can be captured as the big boss of the fire, at least it is a demigod, or even a god-level powerhouse?

"Humanity, get out of here!" Although the right hand of the flame troll was smashed by Song Jian, as long as the core is not extinguished, this kind of injury is nothing to the flame troll. In an instant, a brand new flame arm, Re-growth.

It seemed that he felt Song Jian's strength, and the flame troll actually made up his mind to persuade him to retreat. Instead of continuing to attack Song Jian, he roared loudly.

"Leave here, UU reading www.uukānshu.com. This is the place where Emperor Xietian refined the pill. This furnace of ascending heaven pill is the pill that Emperor Xietian has refined for 100,000 years. If it is destroyed because of you From now on, there will be no place for you anymore!" The flame troll roared angrily.

"Mietian? What a big tone!" Song Jian snorted coldly. When he heard "Dengtian Pill", his heart moved, but soon, he began to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art, and countless spirit swords appeared around his body. Following Song Jian's order, the spirit sword rushed towards the flame troll like a fish.

It was just a flame troll with the pinnacle strength of the legendary realm. It didn't need Song Jian to pay too much attention to it. A single move of the Ten Thousand Sword Art could make it disappear.

Puff puff puff~

Countless spirit swords passed through the flame troll's body, and every time they passed through, they would take away a handful of flames, each with tens of thousands of damage numbers, floating from the top of the flame troll's head. For a time, the alchemy palace The scream of the flame troll came from within.


PS: Thank you for the 1500 starting currency rewarded by "Oh Dee"~

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