I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1638: Inquire

"Sea Race?"

Song Jian stared at the children and observed carefully. Sure enough, these children had curved horns on their heads, and there were fine scales on the skin exposed on their necks. There were several children, and there was a fish-like thing behind their buttocks. The tail looks weird.

"These little guys from the Sea Clan have a keen perception..." Song Jian smiled in his heart.

You know, although he didn't deliberately hide it, Song Jian is the pinnacle of the demigod. These little guys have just stepped into the legendary realm, and they can detect his existence. It's amazing.

"Huh, hiding the head and revealing the tail is not a good thing, Ao Qian, use the Five Thunders Right Method to bombard a range of about 50 meters ahead!" One of the children with golden scales on the eyebrows pointed to the location of Song Jian and shouted. Tao.

"Okay, Brother Bingrui!" A girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old with a pair of small jade horns on her head nodded and agreed.

Song Jian was silent, he wanted to see what kind of methods these sea children had.

"Emperor, five thunders, sick!" Ao Qian's voice was clear, and she quickly chanted the mantra, a light blue rune gleamed between her fingers, this rune appeared empty, and when she chanted the mantra, it appeared with the spell , The surface of the rune is beating with blue thunder and lightning.


Above Song Jian's head, the sound of thunder suddenly blew up, and an area tens of meters in radius suddenly became an ocean of thunder, like a thunder pool, with plasma overflowing everywhere.

"So fast!"

Song Jian was surprised that the little girl's lightning spells were released without any lag, as if they were the spirit of lightning, and the speed was almost instantaneous.

"Let me feel the power of these five thunderstorms!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

In fact, when Ao Qian locked this area, Song Jian was aware of it. It was only a momentary thing to avoid it, but Song Jian did not avoid it. He wanted to personally feel the sea clan’s Strength, how powerful is it?

The thunders seemed to be smashing aimlessly. The void was filled with the power of the tyrannical thunder. The surface of the ocean also set off huge waves, as if it merged with the thunder.

"Strong!" Song Jian felt the damage of the power of thunder around him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Each of these legendary sea races was even stronger than the Black Mist Demon he had encountered before. Compared with the Black Mist Demon, then in this sea area, I am afraid it will really be a dominant existence.

Silently endured the thunder bombardment for more than ten seconds, Song Jian’s vitality value dropped by one-fifth. At the moment when the Thunder spell dissipated, Song Jian’s powerful own vitality recovery effect began to take effect. The recovery numbers of dozens or hundreds of points popped up constantly on the top of the head, and it seemed as if it had brought its own healing skills.

"Hey, there is no response, Brother Bingrui, you read that right, there is no one!" Ao Qian stared at Song Jian's location with a look of surprise on her face.

"Impossible, someone is spying there!" Bingrui snorted coldly, and the golden scales on the center of his eyebrows suddenly burst into light, forming a translucent eye in the void, and his gaze enveloped Song Jian's location.

Sure enough, after a short while, under the gaze of the translucent eyes, a phantom gradually emerged.

"Sure enough, someone was watching!" a group of children suddenly exclaimed, all looking towards Song Jian. At this time, the scarred beast suddenly roared, and set off a huge wave towards several sea races. The child rushed, but plunged into the ocean and took the opportunity to escape.

"Ah, the sea beast ran away, this trial is going to fail!"

"Woo, I'm going to be hungry for another three days, I almost killed the sea beast..."


Several children of the sea clan suddenly burst into tears when they saw the sea beasts running away.

"Okay, don't cry, there is nothing to cry, let's get rid of this messenger first!" Bingrui shouted, the trident in his hand pointed towards Song Jian.

Several children of the Hai Clan were immediately filled with righteous indignation, and approached Song Jian angrily.

"Who are you, trespassing into the sea clan realm!"

"Grab him, grab him!"


"Human, just grab it!" Bingrui waved his trident and stabbed towards Song Jian.

Song Jian looked at these Hai Clan children, his heart suddenly moved, and he shouted: "I am the Dragon Clan, you children, who are the younger generations, are so rude!"

For an instant, several children were stunned and looked at each other. Bingrui stared at Song Jian and looked up and down, with a vigilant expression: "You said you are a dragon, but what evidence is there?"

Song Jian shouted: "Whose junior are you?"

In an instant, the breath of Song Jian's demigod peak strength overflowed, and suddenly the expressions of several sea children changed greatly.

"Big, sir, I am Bingrui of the Qiu clan, these are my friends, eels, and disciples of the lynx clan!" Bingrui pointed to the children behind him, anxiously said.

The sea tribe is a collective term, and there are thousands of different races under it, the Qiu tribe and the eel tribe are all members of the sea tribe.

"You little guys, what are you doing here?" Song Jian shouted.

"My lord, you said you are a sea clan, why is there no sea clan aura?" a little girl behind Bingrui suddenly shouted.

Song Jian looked at him, and it was the little girl who bombed him with the Five Thunders, with a smile on her face.


With a thought, Song Fitness began to change. After a while, an oriental dragon about a hundred feet long appeared in front of a few children. The cyan scales shone with metal-like luster. The powerful pressure caused a few seas. The tribe child shivered, this was suppression on blood, not suppression on hierarchy.

"Dragons, dragons, it turned out to be really dragons!" The faces of several sea children changed drastically. Song Jian, who turned the dragon after reading the book www.uukanshu.com, had the pure dragon breath on his body, so that they never had anymore. Any doubts.

With a thought in his heart, Song Jian regained his human form and glanced at a few people lightly. Although Song Jian, who returned to his human form, exuded non-bleeding coercion, several Sea Clan teenagers did not dare to move.

"You little guys, what are you doing here?" Song Jian asked again with a calm expression.

"Master Hui, we are doing a trial mission within the clan to besiege a legendary sea beast, but unfortunately, let it escape..." Bingrui replied.

"Do you know that there are divine creatures in this sea area?" Song Jian asked.

"My lord, from here to the south, about one hundred and fifty kilometers away, there is a floating turtle mountain, where there is a demigod peak divine creature..." Bing Rui said, pointing to the south.

"Floating Turtle Mountain?" Song Jian nodded, jumped, escaped into the void, and disappeared.


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