I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1639: Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise

Bingrui felt a surprise look on his face after Song Jian left.

"Dragons, it turns out to be Dragons, there really are dragons in this world!" Bingrui exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, I always thought that the dragon clan is just an ancient legend, just a myth!"

"Hmph, idiot, how could the dragons be just legends? My dad said that we all have dragon blood flowing in our bodies, and all sea tribes have dragon blood, but it's very indifferent!"

"Yes, yes, there is a wall portrait of the dragon in our clan, exactly the same as the adult we saw today..."

"Hmph, the dragon blood in our Qiu tribe is the strongest. I can feel that the blood in that adult resonates with my blood. Although it is very slight, it is really in resonance with my blood. , I want to go back and tell the patriarch..."


A group of sea children jumped up in excitement. Compared with discovering a real dragon family, any legendary sea beasts and trials in the family can be forgotten.

"Go, let's go back and report to the patriarchs!" Bingrui exclaimed excitedly.

Soon, these sea children quickly escaped into the ocean and swam towards their respective tribes.


Following Bingrui's guidance, Song Jian soon came to an island deep in the ocean. This island is not big, only two to three thousand square meters. It floats high in the sky and can see the entire island at a glance.

The island is surrounded by rocky cliffs. Only in the southwest, there is a small sandy beach. The jungle is dense and there are many tall trees. The strange thing is that the island is silent and there is no animal or beast, which looks a little strange.

"Floating Tortoise Mountain, this should be the Floating Tortoise Mountain, but, where is the divine creature Bingrui said?" Song Jian perceives it. This small island doesn't even mention a divine creature. There are no ordinary small animals.

"Bingrui can't lie to me, since there is really an island here, the divine creature he said must be nearby!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, the distant ocean suddenly burst into a dazzling light, which was like a thick beam of light, protruding from the sea level, piercing the sky.

This beam of light appeared without warning, as if it had always been there.

Song Jian couldn't help but be attracted by this beam of light. This strange beam of light suddenly appeared in the empty ocean. Anyone who was curious could not help but step forward and explore it.


Song Jian suddenly felt a roar behind him. He turned his head and saw that the whole island seemed to have been in an earthquake. Trees broke, mountain peaks collapsed, and huge gullies cracked on the ground.

The Floating Tortoise Mountain in the center of the island suddenly collapsed like a skyscraper. The entire island began to slowly bulge upwards. After a while, a huge ravine cracked open, revealing an uneven black carapace. .

"The divine creature Bingrui said is hiding under the island?" Song Jian asked in surprise.

In just ten seconds, a small island in the depths of the ocean broke apart and sank to the bottom of the sea. Instead, it was a huge turtle floating on the sea.

This sea turtle is almost as big as the previous island, and there are countless sand and broken trees on the dark carapace on its back.

On the huge sea, there is a horn protruding forward, looking from a distance, it is like wearing a hat.

Song Jian thought, a huge eye of perception emerged in the void, looking towards the turtle, and soon, the attribute information of the turtle appeared in front of Song Jian.

"Dragonhorn giant tortoise? It has the bloodline of the ancient beast Xuanwu, the demigod pinnacle BOSS..." Song Jian said to himself: "Unexpectedly, this little guy Bingrui pointed me to such a terrifying existence! "

What Song Jian didn’t know was that this dragon-horned giant turtle has always been a taboo among the sea clan. It often hunts the sea clan as food, and has been hated by the sea clan. It’s just that this giant sea turtle is powerful and only stays there. In one place, don’t walk around, as long as you don’t get close to it, there is no danger.

After making a decision, the sea clan listed the place where the dragon horn giant tortoise was located as a forbidden place, and they were all in peace.

"Waiting for a thousand years, finally opened!"

The dragon horn giant tortoise let out a roar, looked at Song Jian coldly, and then swam towards the position of the beam of light.

"Human, this is not where you should come, leave quickly!" Longhorn turtle roared lowly.

"Leave?" The corner of Song Jian's mouth was slightly tilted, and the Heaven-Patching Sword appeared in his palm, and laughed softly: "Kill you, I will leave naturally!"


"Human, looking for death!"

Accompanied by a loud noise, the surrounding space vibrated violently, countless sword auras in all directions, Song Jian instantly appeared in front of the giant tortoise, and the sky-breaking sword in his hand burst out with a sword aura of about five or six feet long towards the giant tortoise with dragon horn Cut across his neck.

The dragon horn giant tortoise and Song Jian are both demigod pinnacles. Feeling the sharpness of this sword, the dragon horn giant tortoise snorted coldly, and his whole head shrank back.

With a loud "bang", the Heaven Breaking Sword slashed at the edge of the dragon's horn giant tortoise's carapace, and suddenly a strong vigor swelled away. This sword was as if it had been slashed in cotton. Under the force, even a white seal was not cut off on the carapace, and even the swallowing characteristics of Chaos Sword Qi didn't seem to be effective.


A look of surprise appeared on Song Jian's face. This was the first time that the Chaos Sword Qi returned without success. The thick carapace on the Dragon Horn Giant Turtle seemed to completely withstand the Chaos Sword Qi's damage.

Just when Song Jian was surprised and suspicious, the dragon horn giant tortoise suddenly poked out his head and bit towards Song Jian. At the same time, a force of law quickly spread. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is in the force of law. Under the blessing, Song Jian seemed to be locked invisibly, and he couldn't even move.

The void freezes?

Song Jian was shocked. He looked at the dragon horn giant tortoise’s mouth full of fangs. It felt as if the abyss of **** had opened up to him. A strong spiral suction was applied to him, pulling him and entering the dragon horn. In the mouth of the giant tortoise.

"The law of swallowing..." Song Jian felt the power of the dragon's horn giant tortoise's law. With a thought, the whole person disappeared, and he escaped into the broken kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is empty, and Song Jian has a solemn expression. This giant tortoise is considered a relatively formidable enemy among all the enemies he has encountered. As soon as he fought, Song Jian was forced to display his hole cards at the bottom of the box, broken. The Kingdom of God, if there is no broken Kingdom of God, this time, Song Jian is really going to trigger the "Enemy of Death" skill.

"Law of Swallowing, it's no wonder that my Chaos Sword Qi is not effective. If that's the case, then try my Karma Fire Red Lotus Ten Thousand Sword Art and see if my Karma Fire Furnace can refine you!" Song Jian Secretly said in his heart.


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