I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1640: Unbreakable

The defense of the dragon horn giant tortoise faintly restrained Song Jian's chaotic sword aura, which gave Song Jian a feeling of a tiger grabbing a hedgehog and being confused.

Fortunately, the Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise has a strong defense, but its attack is relatively weak. If Song Jian does not grasp the law of swallowing, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break Song Jian's defense even if Song Jian is standing and letting it fight.

After staying in the Broken Kingdom for a while, Song Jian returned to the game world. Sure enough, after discovering that Song Jian had disappeared, the Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise did not stay in place, but continued to swim in the direction where the beam of light was.

It seems that the reason why the dragon horn giant tortoise stays in this sea area is the weird beam of light.

"Do you want to run before you finish the fight!" Song Jian shouted loudly. With a wave of the Heaven Breaking Sword in his hand, countless spirit swords burning the red lotus karma fire appeared to his left and right, as if a meteor fell, passing through the air. In every arc, he slashed towards the dragon horn giant tortoise.

Bang bang bang~

Countless sparks bloomed on the carapace of the dragon horn giant tortoise, and tens of thousands of spirit swords almost encircled it, continuously cutting and cutting, but apart from a series of sparks, it could not cause much damage to it.

In Song Jian’s vision, countless "MISS", "-1", and "-2" damage numbers floated up from the dragon's horns. Such damages simply subverted Song Jian's cognition. Sword Jue, even Dragon Horn Giant Turtle's defense can't be broken.

Karma fire melting pot!

With a thought, countless spirit swords gathered together, and a huge furnace appeared in the void. The raging fire was continuously burning at the bottom of the furnace, and a refining power continued to boil in the furnace.


The strong suction burst out from the furnace, enveloping the dragon horn giant tortoise. However, the dragon horn giant tortoise's body is too large, and the suction from the furnace only slightly slows down its movement speed. Only a few, it is impossible to take it into the furnace.

The Chaos Sword Qi and mental power in Song Jian's body were quickly consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The Ten Thousand Sword Art that was originally thought to be powerful had nothing to do with the Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise, which made Song Jian somewhat unacceptable.

"The furnace is turned upside down!" Song Jian shouted loudly. In the void, the huge karma furnace was slowly turned upside down, like a pot, covering the dragon horn giant tortoise.

The dragon horn giant tortoise didn’t care about Song Jian’s harassment at all. It didn’t care whether it could kill Song Jian. Its goal was the pillar of light. For the appearance of this pillar of light, the dragon horn giant tortoise was here. The sea has been waiting for thousands of years, and now there is a small bug. Although it is a bit annoying, it does not take it seriously.

However, at this moment, the dragon horn giant tortoise suddenly felt dark around him. Something fell from the sky and covered it inside!

Then, countless dark red flames emerged around, and they began to scorch it continuously.

There is darkness all around, only the endless red lotus karmic fire, which is constantly burning. The karmic fire furnace has isolated the world. The space in the furnace is equivalent to an alien plane. If you want to break the furnace, you must have the means to break the barriers of the plane. Ability is good.

The Karma Furnace slowly rises. In Song Jian’s vision, above the furnace, there is an 180-hour countdown. In other words, as long as the Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise has no ability to break the furnace, after 180 hours, It will be thoroughly refined.

"Refining it in the karmic fire furnace will only gain divinity, but what I want now is its core..." Song Jian was floating in the air, frowning involuntarily.


In the depths of the ocean, there is a huge trench that stretches for thousands of miles. On one side of the trench, there stands one piece after another, rolling palaces. This is the residence of the marine tribes. At least hundreds of marine tribes are stationed. The number of families exceeds one million.

At this time, in a palace, a few children of the sea clan were chirping around an old sea clan.

"Elder, elder, we didn't lie to you, it's really the dragon clan, we really met the dragon clan..."

"Yeah, he also showed us his true body, a hundred-foot-long dragon, just the coercion makes us unable to move!"

"Elder, the dragon is really exactly the same as the one depicted on the mural, except that the dragon on the mural has white scales, and what we see are blue scales!"


Ao Qing looked at these little sea clan guys with a serious face, and secretly judged whether they were telling the truth.

"Ao Qian, shouldn't you just find an excuse to escape punishment because the trial mission was not completed?" Ao Qing asked, staring at the only girl among the children.

"Grandpa Qing, Qian'er won't lie to you." Ao Qian waved her hand again and again, anxiously said: "Grandpa Qing, what we said is true, he has really become a hundred-foot-long blue dragon, and , And I can feel the resonance of blood!"

Ao Qing was shocked, blood resonating? If you can really feel the bloodline resonance, it means that even if the opponent is not a real dragon, there is a rich dragon bloodline in his body.

"Maybe it's because of his high strength, you can't tell the illusion that he uses?" Ao Qing couldn't help asking.

"No, no matter how true the illusion is, the suppression on the bloodline, we all feel it personally." Bingrui said unconvincedly from the side, "He is really a dragon!"

"You know, where did he go?" Ao Qing suppressed the excitement and asked.

"Fuguishan, he said he wanted to hunt a divine creature, so I told him that there is one in Fuguishan." Bingrui said embarrassedly.

"What, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, did you let him go to Fugui Mountain?" Ao Qing's face changed drastically, and said anxiously, "Floating turtle Mountain is a forbidden place. Although the big turtle is a demigod, it has strong defense. , Even if it is a god-level powerhouse, it may not be able to break its defenses, plus it masters the law of swallowing, even if it is a god-level powerhouse, it dare not resist..."

The sea clan had fought with this big turtle before, and many people died. In the end, I saw it stayed there motionless. As long as it didn’t provoke it, it wouldn’t want to kill. The sea clan finally had no choice but to extinguish the battle and kill the sea turtle. The area where it is located is designated as a prohibited area.

"Grandpa Qing, that's the Dragon Clan, the real Dragon Clan would still be afraid of a big turtle!" Ao Qian asked curiously.

Ao Qing is a little speechless. For so many years, the Sea Clan has been mythical about the Dragon Clan. In ancient times, the Dragon Clan ruled the four seas and was a royal clan. But now, the Dragon Clan has long disappeared, leaving only legends. However, no matter how noble the bloodline, a strong How did the born Dragon Clan fight a legendary ordinary sea clan?

"No, I'm going to check it out!" Ao Qing couldn't sit still. If the Dragon Clan really appeared, but was killed by the big turtle, I am afraid the entire Sea Clan would regret death.


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