I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1648: Fall

The Heaven-Battering Sword lost Song Jian's control, and the sword spirit released the Chaos Sword Tome completely. It was already a few minutes later than Song Jian's performance. As a result, it was now faced with a full blow from the Devil Dragon Turtle.

Song Jian is in the form of a giant dragon at this time. If he returns to his human form to control the Heaven-Splitting Sword, although the power of the skill will be a little bit greater, but without the blessing of the Dragon God's weapons, the power may not increase but decrease!

However, Song Jian at this time was not completely helpless. After becoming a giant dragon, Song Jian automatically mastered many Eastern dragon spells!

These spells are all passed on through blood. As long as you have the real dragon blood, you can master these spells!

Song Jian bulged his neck and spouted a breath of dragon towards the magic dragon tortoise. Then, a huge fireball was brewing in his mouth again. This is the natural skill of the dragon race, the dragon flame fireball. The power of this fireball is comparable to that of an ordinary wizard. Forbidden curse, meteorites fall!


The magic dragon tortoise first collided fiercely with the sword aura that bloomed with the god's meteor sword skill, and then was spit out by a dragon's breath, and the whole body was burning with raging flames.

After a while, another huge dragon flame fireball slammed into the body of the monster dragon tortoise, causing it to feel a burst of heart-piercing pain.

Divine Meteorite Sword Qi left a deep sword mark on its tortoise shell, almost splitting the tortoise shell that was about to shatter in half, and then the hot dragon's breath followed the cracks in the shell, Intruded into its body and burned its body, which caused great damage to the dragon turtle. It can be said that Song Jian's attack had completely broken through the defense of the dragon turtle at this time, and it was continuously causing damage to its body. hurt.

The Devil Dragon Turtle looked hopefully towards the Dark Portal, the imaginary picture did not appear, the Dark Portal quietly appeared in the void, and there was no movement behind the door.

A look of despair appeared in the eyes of the Devil Dragon Turtle. It did not know why the Dark Gate had been opened, but no abyssal monsters gushed out. You know, after the Dark Gate was opened last time, countless abyssal monsters gushed out, instantly bringing the sea clan The army was defeated.

"Why, why?" The magic dragon turtle looks crazy, like a wounded beast, rushing toward Song Jian desperately, but Song Jian still keeps dodge the attack of the dragon turtle, using ranged attacks and chaos Swordsmanship, almost in a two-on-one posture, entangled with the dragon tortoise.


In the distance, the patriarch of the sea clan looked very excited. Song Jian, who had turned into a giant dragon, was completely oppressing the dragon tortoise to fight, and victory was only a matter of time.

But after watching for a while, the sea clan chief's brow furrowed.

"Strange, why doesn't the real dragon dare to come forward and fight close to the monster dragon tortoise?" the sea clan chief muttered.

You know, the Eastern Dragon not only has extremely powerful spell attacks, but also has very powerful melee attacks. The power of the claws and teeth of the real dragon is not much worse than that of the artifact.

Moreover, the real close combat of the dragon clan is better than the spell attack, otherwise there would be no legend of "dragon fighting in the wild, its blood is mysterious and yellow".

In fact, the patriarch of the sea clan didn't know that Song Jian was fighting in the form of the dragon for the first time. If it weren't for the strong blessing effect of the dragon god's weapons, Song Jian would have returned to a human form to fight.

The melee attack skills of the dragons, although Song Jian has also understood, in real battles, they are often the slightest difference. Song Jian dare not fight close to the dragon turtle.

It is precisely because of this that the Devil Dragon Turtle has been in a stalemate with Song Jian until now, otherwise, the Devil Dragon Turtle would have been torn to pieces by Song Jian.

However, the current Devil Dragon Tortoise already feels a little bit poor in skills. For Song Jian, its skills have become weaker and weaker. It can't hit Song Fitness at all. Instead, Song Jian’s attacks are given to Devil Dragon. The turtle caused tens of millions of damage.

The vitality value of 300 million is not much. After the defense of the magic dragon turtle shell is broken, the demise of the magic dragon turtle is already doomed.


Another dragon flame fireball slammed into the tortoise shell of the magic dragon tortoise, and suddenly the cracked shell of the tortoise could no longer withstand its huge damage. Numerous shell fragments splashed, revealing the turtle. Cyan skin under the shell.

Song Jian's eyes lit up and his thoughts moved, surrounding the Devil Dragon Turtle's continuous attack on the Heaven-Puzzling Sword, suddenly bursting into dazzling light, and all around him fell into darkness.

The stars flickered in the sky, and the magic dragon turtle looked up at the falling stars, and then at the door of darkness that was still quiet today, and couldn't help but let out a stern cry!


The stars fell, and huge explosive power surrounded the dragon tortoise. At this time, the dragon tortoise had lost the defense of its shell, as if it were in purgatory. Numerous chaotic sword qi whistling noises left scars on its body. Huge damage.

The falling of the stars lasted for fifteen seconds, like a scene of the end of the day, causing the sea clan in the distance to tremble, and the heavens and the earth returned to clearness. At this time, the dragon tortoise no longer had the strength to rise in the air. It seems to be dead, floating on the sea, like a huge aircraft carrier, from under it, black blood is constantly seeping out, rendering the surrounding waters like ink.

The patriarch of the sea clan carefully controlled the blood of the dragon turtle to gather together to prevent it from spreading. Seeing the corpse of the dragon tortoise, the patriarch of the sea clan was filled with a bright smile.

You know, although the Devil Dragon Turtle is sealed by suppression, it looks like a volcano and may erupt at any time. For example, this time, if Song Jian had not appeared, the Devil Dragon Turtle would summon the Dark Portal after breaking the seal. In terms of it, it is definitely a catastrophe, and it may even annihilate the race!

Song Jian regained his human form, and the Dragon God's arms automatically condensed into a halberd appearance, and flew back to the hands of the sea clan chief. The humanoid Song Jian, without the blood of the true dragon, could not control the Dragon God's arms!

But Song Jian at this time, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com also no longer needs the blessing of the Dragon God's armed forces. Although the Dragon Turtle is not dead, it is already in a state of dying that cannot be resisted. It only needs a single sword to understand its life!

"Are you a real dragon or a human?" The Devil Dragon Turtle struggled and raised his head, staring at Song Jian in a low voice.

Song Jian smiled slightly and said, "I am a human, and I am also a real dragon!"

After finishing speaking, the Potian Sword flew out of Song Jian's hand and pierced the head of the Devil Dragon Turtle fiercely until it had no handle.

When the dragon turtle died, his eyes were filled with confusion.


With a loud noise, the body of the magic dragon turtle burst open suddenly, and dozens of objects of different colors bloomed from its body, sprinkled on the ground, and quietly floated on the sea.

"Boom!" Song Jian's eyes lit up, ignoring the body of the Devil Dragon Turtle, leaning over and flying towards the falling objects.


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