I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1649: God level core

Although the Devil Dragon Turtle had just escaped the seal and its strength was greatly reduced, it was also a god-level boss, and its own rank was placed there, and the quality of the items that fell was naturally excellent.

Song Jian counted it carefully, and a total of 36 items were exploded, and there were more than 20 amethysts. This was the first time Song Jian encountered a boss that exploded amethyst.

Among these blasting items, only legendary quality items, five were blasted, and there were six epic ones, and the rest were almost all gold and silver equipment above level 150. Among the items, blue and green equipment have become rare items, and there are only three in total.

Among these bursting objects, the most eye-catching is an item that exudes colorful divine light. It is a fist-sized crystal with multiple facets. Each facet is bursting with brilliant light. Diamonds are dazzling hundreds of times!

"God-level core, this is the core of the dragon turtle?" Song Jian carefully checked the properties of this crystal and found that this crystal turned out to be the core of the dragon turtle.

If it were someone else, the only god-level item that bursts turned out to be the inner core, which would naturally be disappointed, because among all the broken items, the inner core can only be used as a material item, which is probably the least valuable, but for Song Jian, To be able to burst this god-level core, for him, it was an item he hoped to obtain.

"With this god-level core, the protection of the sea god's array, the effect is absolutely far beyond the legendary quality!" Song Jian held the core, full of joy.

The purpose of this trip was to obtain the core of a divine marine creature. I originally planned to hunt the dragon-horned giant tortoise and use it, a demigod-class marine creature core. Unexpectedly, I finally obtained a divine core. , It is simply a surprise.

"If this is the case, you don't need to keep your hands!" Song Jian looked at the karma furnace in the void, a sharp look in his eyes.

Originally, it took more than 100 hours to refine the dragon horn giant tortoise. In order to get the final kill, Song Jian must ensure that the dragon horn giant tortoise would not be completed so quickly. Therefore, natural refining was always used. It is not too intense, the refining effect is stable, and the refining progress can be controlled at all times. Relatively speaking, the time required is relatively short.

You must know that the Karma Fire Furnace is not an alchemy furnace, but a formation method, a big killer. The purpose is to kill the enemy and extract the divine nature. Naturally, it also has a tyrannical side.

He glanced at the body of the dragon turtle floating on the surface of the ocean. This was the corpse of a god-level boss. The divinity contained in it was not small, and it could not be wasted.

Thinking of this, Song Jian's heart moved, and his spiritual power and chaotic sword aura turned into energy, continuously pouring into the karma-fire furnace. After a while, the flames in the karma-fire furnace were blazing, a surging refining power, almost It's about to become substantive.

Although the dragon-horned giant tortoise inside does not know the external situation, the flames in the furnace are soaring, and the tyrannical aura is coming to its face. It also knows that it may not have much time.

The countdown on the furnace of karma began to beating rapidly, and after a while, it jumped from the original more than 100 hours to 73 hours.

Song Jian smiled slightly, waved his right hand, and the power of the law of time surged out, enveloping the karma furnace.

In an instant, the countdown on the furnace of karma jumped directly from seventy-three hours to fifty hours, and then to thirty hours...

The reason why such a terrifying effect can be caused is also because Song Jian's control of the law of time has become stronger and stronger. After possessing the Heaven-Swallowing Art, Song Jian's refining law essence has all provided the law of time, which quickly improved the law of time.

This is a shortcut. Most people want a small step forward in the power of the law, and the time it takes is probably ten or a hundred years.

"Years..." Song Jian chanted softly, and a strange mist appeared in his eyes, which remained condensed.

It had been beating for thirty hours, but it was beating again quickly, twenty-eight, twenty-five, twenty-three,...

As time goes back, time beats slowly, and Song Jian slowly seeps out of sweat on his forehead, and his right hand that is vacantly gripped begins to tremble slightly, and the veins on his palm also slowly bulge...


A terrifying roar resounded across the sky from the karma furnace in the void. This sound shocked the Sea Clan. The chief of the Sea Clan who originally wanted to come up to be close to Song Jian even held the dragon nervously. Armed by the gods, he immediately withdrew dozens of kilometers backwards.

The roar of the dragon horn giant tortoise is very similar to the dragon tortoise. If the body of the dragon tortoise were not floating on the surface of the ocean, everyone would have thought that the dragon tortoise had resurrected.

As if feeling the coming of death, the dragon horn giant tortoise began to struggle fiercely, hitting the inner wall of the karma furnace again and again, even if the head was broken and bloody.


With a crisp cracking sound, a pair of dragon horns of the dragon horn giant tortoise broke off, fell into the furnace, and instantly turned into coke, and at the same time provided Song Jian with three points of divinity.

Looking at his body, being refined a little bit, this horror makes the dragon horn giant tortoise tremble, if Song Jian wants to surrender it at this time, I am afraid that it will be very easy to subdue it as a battle pet. Unfortunately, Song Jian did not intend to do this.

The refining continued, and the refining time was also rapidly decreasing. When it was reduced to one hour, Song Jian's right hand was already shaking very badly, and his whole body was shaky, as if he was about to fall into the deep sea next moment.

At this time, Song Jian, the confusion in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of determination.


Suddenly, the furnace of karma fired slightly, UU reading www. uukanshu.com originally had an hour left, but it turned into fifteen minutes in an instant. At the same time, the red lotus karma in the furnace burned to the extreme.


Song Jian took a long breath, slowly lowered his sore right arm, and gently rubbed it for fifteen minutes. This was already the limit. If you continue to continue, it may hurt the fundamentals of the law of time.

Continue to wait until there is no more movement in the karmic fire furnace, and the furnace slowly dissipates in the void. Song Jian nodded slightly, revealing a trace of satisfaction on his face.

Looking at the sea clan in the distance, Song Jian put the body of the magic dragon tortoise into the parcel, and turned to fly towards Haitao City.

"Big, sir..." The patriarch of the Sea Clan still wants to keep Song Jian. After all, this is the only real dragon that has been discovered now, but unfortunately, Song Jian is extremely fast, and the patriarch of the Sea Clan has not had time to speak, Song Jian's figure has disappeared without a trace.


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