I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 958: development of

There are several stages in the yehuo red lotus sword formation, and Song Jian does not know, this is the first time he has triggered the third stage;

"It looks like a palm ..." Song Jian secretly said;

However, just when the faint shadow of the palm of the hand had just condensed, the entire sword array flickered a few times, shaking slightly, and after a short time, the entire palm broke apart directly, and countless sword gas burst, covering a dozen meters Area;

A series of hundreds of damages floated over the head of BOSS. This damage was not a big deal to a dominance BOSS, but it became the last to overwhelm a camel for a seriously injured BOSS. straw;

Bang ~

With a loud noise, the entire body of the BOSS broke apart, and a translucent white ghost image floated from the broken body of the BOSS and flew directly towards Song Jian;

This is the soul of the BOSS. It screamed in horror, but could not pass a trace of sound. It could only passively fly towards Song Jian, as if there was a strong suction controlling it.

"There is a Domination Boss, this is already the fourth one. It seems that if you can clear this copy, this task of Jianxian Road can also be completed for most of it." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, a thought, a sage Entered into the broken kingdom of God. At this time, the kingdom of God has begun to rain. The rain fell on the ground and nourished everything on the ground. Many dried up ground also began to slowly recover. The soul of the master BOSS The energy is powerful and unmatched. With each kill, the broken kingdom of God can be restored to the original speed with the naked eye;

"Unfortunately, the third stage has appeared, but it has no power or even can't take shape at all ..." Song Jian shook his head. The palm that the sword array condensed before gave out a breath more terrifying than Honglian Sword, but Unfortunately, maybe because of the low level of the Yehuo Honglian Wanjianjue, although it triggered the third stage of the sword array, it eventually collapsed;

"It is necessary to raise the level of Wan Jianjue as soon as possible!" Song Jian secretly said.

Level 5 Wan Jian Jue, sword skills below the golden quality, it is difficult to improve its proficiency. Even the golden quality skill book can only improve a little proficiency. I want to quickly improve Wan Jian Jue. Level, you must consume epic and even legendary skills;

However, do not say that such skills are valuable and have no market. Many people have not even heard of them. Such high-quality skills will never appear on the market. They can only be obtained by hunting and killing bosses by luck;

Song Jian's gaze was looking at the item dropped by the BOSS, hoping that this BOSS could drop one or two high-quality skill books, but unfortunately, he found items without books or scrolls for a long time;

"An epic scale armor, unfortunately, I can only wear leather armor, **** it, the sword swordsman should also be considered a swordsman profession, why can't he wear scale armor?" Song Jian looked at this superb scale armor, Annoyed thoughts in my heart;

Scale armor is a type of mail armor, which is a lot higher in defense than leather armor, but not as good as plate armor, but in terms of flexibility, it is a lot higher than plate armor, and many melee occupations that cannot wear plate armor , Will choose chain mail equipment;

"Maybe it's because my damage is too high, and the system doesn't allow me to wear chain mail for the sake of balance?" Song Jian secretly said, but with his current attributes and equipment, even many plate armor professionals are not as high as him. Of blood and defense, let alone Song Jian's unmatched attack power;

The copy of the first BOSS did not bring much pressure to Song Jian. The newly acquired moon-breaking and light-slicing skills did not need to be cast. A five-level Wan Jianjue triggered the Red Lotus Industry Fire Sword Formation. It is already easy to kill the first BOSS. Although the latter BOSS is stronger than one, but in general, it is still on a horizontal line, and the increase in strength is not large, at most it is first-order combat power. The gap between the initial and first-order combat power will never break through the first-order combat power to reach the level of second-order combat power;

After seeing the strength of the first BOSS in real difficulty, Song Jian suddenly felt in his heart. He originally wanted to try a copy of real difficulty, but now it seems that he has a high probability of being able to clear this difficult copy. After all, The CD of this copy is too long. If I miss it once, I am afraid that I will delay another territorial expansion campaign.


At this time, in the closed city of the sky, the eight-winged fantasy angel Doranto is sitting in the city's main palace just established in the center of the sky. Next to him, Zhuo Wen, who has advanced to the six-winged war angel, is Standing respectfully,

"Zhuowen, the entire city of the sky, there are only you and me two angels now ..." The fantasy angel Doranto sighed and looked up into the distance.

For so many days, he and Zhuowen have cleaned up all the monsters in the entire city of the sky. Now the entire city of the sky is as quiet as a dead city, but those copies are still kept.

"Master Doranto, how to develop the city of the sky in the future, you still need to decide!" Zhuowen said respectfully. If it were n’t for the heart of so many angels in the Temple of the Holy Spirit, Zhuo Wen would not be able to progress from an ordinary biplane angel to a six-wing angel. However, at this time, Zhuo Wen still thought about being taken away by Song Jian. That legendary angel's heart, if he could swallow that legendary angel's heart, then it should be him who is sitting on the throne of the city's main government.

Such thoughts are like poisonous insects that have been biting the heart, biting his heart every moment, but he dare not show the slightest expression on his face, because he knows that legendary angel heart, In the end, it was acquired by the eight-winged fantasy angel Dolanto, otherwise he would not be able to restore his previous strength;

"Hehe ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The development of the city of the sky ..." Dolanto smiled slightly, seemingly not interested in developing the city of the sky;

"How do you think we should develop this city?" Doranto asked with a smile;

"Sir, I don't think we should close the city of the sky ..." Zhuo Wen gave a glance at Doranto and found that he did not look angry, and continued: "We should encourage those who are gods to come to this city, With their strength to develop this city, maybe we can select some outstanding talents from them and give them the opportunity to change camps and bloodlines ... "

"Do you mean, choose angel candidates or even war angels from them?" Dolanto suddenly became serious, staring at Zhuo Wen, and asked word by word;

Zhuo Wen suddenly felt the pressure coming to his face, and the breath emanating from the fantasy angel Lorento was like a sea, making Zhuo Wen feel a sudden heartbeat;


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