I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 959: Cover the moon

"My lord, the angel family, we are the only two of us. It takes too long to reproduce the glory of the past, but I am afraid that what we lack most now is time ..." Zhuo Wen gritted his teeth;

"Oh, isn't time ample for us?" Dorantow said with a raised mouth, chuckling;

"Sir, now there are many black pyramid fortresses in the abyss **** in the entire main world. It won't be long before the channel for the abyss **** will open ..." Zhuo Wen said;

"What, how can this happen?" The eight-winged fantasy angel Doranto seemed to have no knowledge of the news. He stood up sharply and waved his wings, and Doranto's arrow rushed up into the air, from the sky. The city jumped down, and lightning generally began to patrol the air;

Soon, Dolanto returned to the city of the sky again. In the city's main house, Dolanto looked dignified. You must know that the abyss **** and the angel family are opposite camps. Once people of the two races meet, it will be an endless end. ;

"Do you think that those human gods have the potential to fight the abyss of hell?" Dolanto asked after a long groan;

"My lord, the abyss **** has long been attracting these human abyss a long time ago, and now there are a lot of human gods who have become members of the abyss hell, and they will be the main force of the invasion soon!" Zhuo Wen did not A positive answer to Dolanto, but his words made Dolanto's heart stunned;

"Open the city of the sky!" Doranto immediately said: "Open the camp selection and blood test task, select the best of the human gods to join the angel camp!"

"Sir, don't know if you know Song Jian?" Zhuo Wen said suddenly;

"Song Jian?" Dolanto seemed to think of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and nodded, "Know, he is a very powerful human!"

"Master, he has passed the assessment of angel judges, and now he has the qualification to judge angels!" Zhuo Wen said;

"What, how is this possible?" The fantasy angel Dolanto looked surprised, with a look of anger: "He is a human, what qualifications do he have to be an angel judge, and how can he pass the judge's Assessment? "

"Master, he just passed the judge's assessment in front of me!" Zhuo Wen's face was also a little ugly. If the angel family was withered and all died, it would be understandable for a human being to get the title of angel judge. Now that the rise of the angel family is imminent, then letting a human being be an angel judge is definitely a kind of face-beating behavior;

"Find him!" Doranto said solemnly. "Either let him change his blood and become a true angel judge, or let him give up his title and right as an angel judge, otherwise he will always be The enemies of the angel family! "


Song Jian has killed four Dominion-level bosses. Most of the copies of the real difficulty have been cleared. The mobs in the copy, as long as they do not meet three at once, meet Song Jian, all are killed by the spike;

The BOSS, in addition to the one that was killed before, the remaining two were all solved by the yehuo red lotus sword array condensed by a trick of ten thousand swords;

In the previous one, Song Jian used all the skills except the Moonbreaker and the Enemy of Death, the Blue Dragon Sword, which is now at a 30-minute cooldown, and the cooldowns of the other skills are also Slowly recovering;

"Hello, it's getting harder and harder!" Song Jian sighed and the parcel bar opened. At this moment, Song Jian's parcel bar was shining, almost every dominance BOSS dropped an epic item, some even Two pieces burst in one go;

However, I do n’t know if it ’s bad luck. So many epic-level equipments dropped that none of them can be used by Song Jian;

In addition to the equipment, two epic skill books have been dropped, one is the instant stab of the thief, and the other is the fire of the mage profession;

If these two skill books are taken out, they will be extremely valuable, but Song Jian hesitated for a long time and then swallowed both of them, improving Wan Jianju's proficiency;

It is precisely because of these two skill books that Wan Jianjue ’s proficiency has been greatly improved, which has been directly increased to 98%. A maximum of one or two golden-quality skill books can make Wan Jianjue another level. Already

"In the third stage of the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Formation, if Wan Jianjue can be promoted to the sixth level, I am afraid it will not break up midway?" Song Jian secretly hoped that the power of the third stage of Wan Jianjue was faintly expected;

After returning to the full state in situ, Song Jian continued to walk forward, and soon came to the fifth BOSS. This BOSS, Song Jian decided to use a lunar smasher to see the power of this skill. how is it.

This is a BOSS similar to the ancient tree of war. From a distance, it looks like a huge ancient tree. Only when it is close will this ancient tree become a humanoid.

"This BOSS has more than one million qi and blood value. If it can't trigger ten times the damage of the moon-shattering slash, I'm afraid it's difficult to kill this BOSS directly." Song Jian secretly said in his heart;

At this moment, a sudden shock came under his feet, and a small football-sized sapling suddenly appeared out of thin air, sending out a sharp hissing sound, bouncing towards Song Jian;

This is a skill of the fallen and demonized ancient tree. It summons saplings, and the saplings it summons can be invisible while attacking any enemy near it;

BOSS generally uses this trick, covering them with saplings as a warning. In difficult difficulty, Song Jian has seen this trick. At the time, as now, Song Jian was within ten meters of the ancient tree. He was discovered by an invisible sapling and went directly into combat.

But the real difficulty, Song Jian did not expect, when more than 30 meters away from the BOSS, he encountered a sapling;

Uh ~

A more than six hundred points of damage floated from the top of Song Jian. In fact, the saplings could also trigger the deceleration effect, but because of the "cheeky" talent ability was immune, if it is not immune to this effect, BOSS is a similar charge Will directly rush over, and then cast a trample-like skill to directly drop the slowed player;

Banging ~

The fallen and demonized huge body of the ancient tree, like a train, rushed towards Song Jian. Its speed seems to be a lot faster than difficult and difficult ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ In a few seconds, it has already arrived Song Jian approached with a spiked body and slammed into Song Jian severely;

At this time, Song Jian, in spite of his ability to hide the moon and shatter the light, directly applied the spirit walking ability, allowing the boss to run through the body without causing any damage to him;

The whole body of sword energy surged towards the sky breaking sword, and the surface of the blade flashed a little bit of crystal light, like a star, a round of hook moons, which appeared on the top of the fallen and demonized ancient tree. Thin, gradually plump up, becoming a full moon;

The sword in Song Jian's hand swung forward involuntarily, and a dazzling sword light dispelled all the surrounding light and flew towards the BOSS severely;

Just like white clouds, Jianqi completely covered the full moon above the head of BOSS, and the huge body of BOSS was shrouded in dazzling sword light;


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins for "Su Poman".

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