I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 960: Mato

After the release of the cover of the moon and the broken light, Song Jian went directly into the broken kingdom of God without even looking at the effect. Just after his figure disappeared, a surge of energy passed the place where he had just stood;

A huge sword mark appeared on the surface of the fallen and demonized ancient tree, almost splitting its body in half. This blow caused more than 300,000 damage to the fallen ancient tree, but it did not trigger a tenfold violence. Hit the damage without dropping it;

"This, this feeling, is too painful!" Song Jian was weak, lying on a piece of grass weakly, his whole body was out of force, and he couldn't even do it with a finger;

And not only the qi and blood value, but even the mental strength and sword qi value are exhausted. Song Jian feels as if he has been hollowed out. The state of weakness is locked. It must be kept in this state for five minutes.

At this time, Song Jian was extremely grateful that he had a broken kingdom of God. Although he had entered the kingdom of God, he still had a touch of contact with the outside world. He could feel the impact that almost killed him just now. The power of vigor is no less than that he releases a sword air with all strength, and it is much stronger than sword air in both range and impact. The sword air released by him will be slightly better in cutting and sharpness at most;

"This skill is only used for finishing, can not be used to blame!" Song Jian summed up the experience of trying to hide the moon and the light;

For five minutes, Song Jian was a torture that was even more painful than Ling Chi. Every cell in his body was frantically sending him a warning that he needed nutrients, but he was powerless;

This torture is simply the best test of his willpower. If he is a person with less willpower, I am thinking about how to commit suicide at this time to be free from this torture, but Song Jian in this state, Even trying to commit suicide has become a luxury;

Five minutes is just like seconds. Fortunately, there will always be an end. After five minutes, Song Jian feels his qi and blood value, his psychic value and sword qi value begin to recover slowly, and his body is full of strength again. It was like pouring fresh water into a dry river, making him feel like he was born again;

After more than half a minute, Song Jian's state finally recovered again. The moment he left the broken kingdom of God, Song Jian saw that the blood value of BOSS had also recovered by more than 100,000. Damage is equivalent to being offset by more than half;

Yehuo Honglian, Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian drank softly, and the sky-breaking sword in his hand struck forward fiercely. The sixty-handed spirit sword traversed a crimson arc in the air and flew towards the fallen magic tree;

Banging ~

The power of Wan Jianjue was even greater than expected. A series of crit damage floated from the head of the fallen demon tree. Even if it did not trigger the second stage of the karma red lotus sword array, the sixty-handed spirit sword was also right. It caused more than 300,000 injuries;

A huge red lotus wrapped the fallen demon tree boss, and numerous flames of the sword flaming, constantly strangling it;

"The Red Lotus Fire seems to have a strong restraint on it, and the damage caused is even greater than other bosses?" Song Jian touched his chin, watching the flames burning like a huge torch. Magic tree with a thoughtful expression on his face;

The fallen demon tree didn't even adhere to the second stage of the Red Fire Sword Formation, and it was directly burned to ashes. It seems that the fire of this fallen and demonized ancient tree must be a negative number, otherwise it would not be fired. It became like this when it was burnt;

In a pile of ashes, two items emitting purple-red light were prominent in a pile of blue-green items. Song Jian rushed directly towards the two items because he saw one of them and turned out to be one. Scroll, it looks like a skill book;

"Wan Jianjue can finally rise to the sixth level!" Song Jian's heart was dark, if Wan Jianjue was raised to the sixth level, it is estimated that it can support the third stage of the Red Lotus Sword Formation. Song Jian would like to try , How powerful the palm of the third stage is;

But when Song Jian picked up the skill scroll with a purplish red light, he suddenly hesitated, his face hesitated.

This scroll turns out to be a special general skill scroll with only one effect, which is to increase the player's equipment defense level by one rank;

Equipped with a defense level means that the cloth armor class can wear leather armor, while the leather armor class can wear chain armor, the chain armor class can wear plate armor, and the plate armor class has reached the highest level and cannot be improved. If it is A plate armorer, only gains this skill scroll for sale;

However, Song Jian is reluctant. This special general skill is very rare and much more valuable than the professional skills of the same rank. If it is used as a consumable that improves the proficiency of Wan Jianjue, it will be a bit violent.

"If I use it, I will be able to wear chain mail ..." Song Jian secretly said, after hesitating for a moment, he decided to use this skill scroll himself;

A fuchsia light flashed, and Song Jian didn't feel anything unusual. There was an epic chain mail corset originally in the parcel. It was originally unable to wear the words, and now it can be put on;

Song Jian did not hesitate to change this chain of armor, other attributes do not say, just defense and resistance, beyond two pieces of leather of the same quality, if there is a set of such equipment, then with Song Jian powerful Without fart's attack power, I am afraid that even if he meets the strong second-tier combat power, Song Jian has the confidence to fight with each other;

Another epic item is not a piece of equipment, but a dark red seed the size of a fist. This seed is called "Magic Vine". The effect is to increase the rank of the wood pets and increase the level of "associates". "Magic vine" additional effects;

"Associated magic vine? Isn't this the pet of the player's war pet?" Song Jian looked at the attributes of the magic vine and laughed; the associated magic vine can only attach to the wood pet, once the wood pet dies , Then the magic vine will die, and even if the wood war pet is resurrected later, the accompanying magic vine will not be resurrected, so its biggest role is to improve the rank of the wood war pet;

Song Jian doesn't have a wooden pet ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But in the manor castle, there is a **** ghost tree, Alix, which is actually the biggest guardian of the whole manor castle. Compared with those arrow towers and trebuchets, The defensive structure of this type is much stronger. Alix is ​​now an elite BOSS. Its root system is developed and it has spread throughout the underground of the manor castle;

Before, Alex could only guard one wall, but now, the entire wall of the manor castle is covered by the thick root system of Alex, and it looks as if the wall is covered with a layer of hard armor;

If this magic vine is used for it, Alex will become more powerful, so the defense force of the manor castle, that is, the main capital of the entire city of hope, will also be greatly improved;


PS: Thanks to the "Supperman" for the 300 starting coins ~

PS: Thank you for the "100% starting point coin" of "Book Friends 20200119155634890"

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