I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 961: Keeping the boss

"Huh, there is only the last **** boss, which is also the most powerful boss in the entire copy." Song Jian walked down the channel and looked forward.

The entire copy of the abyss is a true portrayal of the abyss hell. There are lava and flowing lava rivers everywhere. Except for the abyss creatures, no creatures can survive here. If the player does not reach more than sixty points, Even standing here, you will continue to lose blood;

The last boss of the Abyss Shadow is in a lava lake, looking far away, just like a human, hanging out on an island in a lava lake;

In fact, there are three forms of this last boss, one is the human form, the other is the elven form, and the last is the dragon form;

The boss in human form is a magician, the boss in elven form is an elf swordsman, and the dragon form is the ultimate form of the boss, with powerful defense and attack, if it is not permanently locked in blood value At 30, Song Jian felt that even if it was an ancient dragon family, it could not be the opponent of this dragon.

In the real difficulty copy, the alert range of all bosses has been expanded a lot. Song Jian didn't dare to get too close, so he could only observe the attributes of this boss from afar.

"His, actually has a blood value of 2.8 million?" Song Jian couldn't help taking a sip of air, watching the long blood strips of the boss, which immediately made him feel a sense of despair;

It's too thick. Even if it is a team of forty people, it can resist the attack of the boss. I'm afraid that the mental value and mana value can't persist to the end;

Song Jian took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the Magma Lake. This is the last boss of the copy. If he gives up, he will have to wait another seven days to try to clear the difficult copy, then the territorial expansion campaign will continue. Postponed seven days later

Song Jianyin has a feeling that it seems to be in great danger and is slowly approaching it. Now he must do everything possible to strengthen his strength. One-time customs clearance, preferably one-time customs clearance, even if it fails, as long as he can return to the broken in time. There is no danger to the kingdom of God.

The first sword of ten thousand swords, more than a thousand points of sword value, all the brain poured into the sky-breaking sword, epic sky-breaking sword, blooming dazzling swordman, even if at this time did not enter the final boss's alert range However, this amazing sword spirit also attracted the boss's eyes and looked over to Song Jian;

The sixty swords burning the raging red lotus industry fire cut through the sky, issued a sharp whistling sound and flew towards the boss, and numerous swords were hanged, which directly caused the boss to lose more than 200,000 blood values;

Hum ~

A dazzling white light emerged on the surface of the boss's body. This is the magic shield of the French system. It is an epic skill coveted by all players of the French system. A full-scale magic shield and even a defense not weaker than the plate armor are all methods. Department of professional life-saving defense skills.

The most important thing is that the magic shield consumes mana value. As long as the legal class has mana value, the magic shield will never break;

For others, this is a very headache skill, but for Song Jian, this is simply a bug. A human mage. If its "blue bar" is empty, can it still be called a mage?

If it is another team and the damage is not enough, there is no way to exhaust the mana of the boss at a time. After a period of time, the boss will actively release the magic shield;

But now, Song Jian does not give the boss the opportunity to actively dispel the magic shield. A huge red lotus flower slowly blooms. The fire red lotus sword array triggers. The mana value of the boss drops rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was like a flood that had sluice.

In the second phase of the yehuo red lotus sword array, the moment the yehuo red lotus sword appeared, the mana of the boss was nearly 100,000, which was immediately evacuated;

A huge long sword, chopped down towards the boss, **** flying sword, this sword chopped directly on the neck of the boss, triggering crit damage and cut off the boss's head;

The boss's head flew into the air, and after showing a sinister smile toward Song Jian, it slowly disappeared and collapsed, turning into a little white light, disappearing;

Song Jian has never encountered such a situation before, but it is so simple to hit the boss to the second stage, or to Song Song's surprise;

The boss body that had lost its head did not fall, but after standing for a while, the entire body collapsed and disappeared.

A grand voice sounded in the lava lake;

"This world is just a springboard. The target of the abyss **** is the real world!"

"We are all poor puppets ..."

"Humans, fear, scream, death is your destination, but me, the eighth demon of the abyss is immortal!"


Boom ~

A black flame of flames burned out of thin air, and an elf warrior wearing a black body suit appeared in front of Song Jian, with a handsome face and an evil smile;

The boss raised his sword and pointed at Song Jian with a smile: "Human, you don't know what great enemy you are against!"

Song Jian frowned slightly, and the bosses on the difficulty difficulty level, but there was not so much nonsense!

At this time, the cooling time of Wan Jianjue has ended, but the sword energy value will not be able to return to the maximum at 1:30. Song Jianying flashed, and rushed towards the boss like a lightning;

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Suddenly, Song Jian, who was more than ten meters away, didn't even use it for a second, so he appeared in front of the boss, and the sky-sword in his hand pierced the boss's chest;

Clang ~

A crisp impact sounded, and Song Jian suddenly felt that Xuanyue's streamer skill was interrupted. Looking up, the sky-breaking sword was parried by the opponent;

If the first sword does not hit the opponent, then subsequent sword moves will not be able to perform;

"The speed is good, but the damage is a bit low!" The boss smiled slightly, the figure turned, and slashed his sword towards Song Jian;

The boss can parry the Xuanyue Streaming Sword, which is already anticipated by Song Jian. After all, in difficult difficulty, the boss has resisted. The true difficulty of the boss is stronger, and the resistance is natural. www.ltnovel.com ~ Song Jian just wants To make a rapid advance, approach the boss, and see the boss slashing his sword at him, Song Jian wields a sword and fights with the boss;

The boss's sword skills are higher than Song Jian, but they have not reached the level of completely crushing Song Jian. In terms of attributes, Song Jian is even stronger than the boss in the elf state. The two are on the island of Magma Lake. You come and go, and you fought a dozen times in an instant, Song Jian lost nearly 2,000 points of blood value, and the boss also lost 5,000 or 6,000 blood;

In comparison, Song Jian still suffered a small loss. After all, the boss still had more than two million qi and blood values. For it, a few thousand points is almost the same as tickling, but for Song Jian, two Thousands of qi and blood values ​​are already nearly one fifth of the qi and blood values;

Hum ~

The boss's slender sword suddenly burst into a bright light. Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously performed the soul walking skill. After his body became a transparent soul state, a dazzling sword was seen in front of him. The thorns can't open their eyes, Song Jian can feel that the speed of the sword of the boss has reached an amazing level, even more than 30 swords can be stabbed in one second. Jian directly spike!


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