I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 967: Blame

Coming to the edge of the misty forest, Song Jian found that the gray mist diffused from the forest did not contain any toxins. It only affected the sight and suppressed the perceptive detection. The original perceptual detection range of Song Jian exceeded 15 meters, but entered After the forest, Song Jian found that his field of vision was only one or two meters, and the perceptual investigation was suppressed to within five meters;

"Even if the player is leveled up, I'm afraid I won't like to upgrade monsters here!" Song Jian secretly said, after accustomed to long-range investigation, the perception was suddenly suppressed, this feeling is really bad.

There are many trees in the foggy forest, and they all seem to have mutated. Most of these trees are thick and seem to be at least three hundred years old;

In this forest, there are some monsters roaming around. Their names are "Forest Rover". They are taller than ordinary adults, about two meters, and they look like a tree that can walk. The facial features and limbs look a bit dull, but the sharp fangs in their mouths show that these monsters are definitely not good people;

There are many such monsters in the forest. Under Song Jian's perception, there are more than a dozen of these monsters within a range of only five meters. These monsters have a level of 55 and a blood value of only 16,000 points. Attack The method is not yet visible, but the defense must not be weak, and Song Jian saw the mottled bark on the surface of their bodies, even with a metallic luster;

Song Jian's mind moved, and the flame wings emerged from behind. Flying low in the woods is not a good idea, especially when visibility and perception are so low. Even with Song Jian's physical fitness in this foggy forest If you fly, you may bump your nose and face.

But Song Jian is only to increase his own speed and does not intend to fly;

Summon Skybreaker Sword, and a fierce slash in the foggy forest. Numerous spirit swords appeared around his body. The seventh-level Wanjianjue can summon up to two hundred and twenty spirit swords. The power is improved than before. Three or four times, this time Song Jian did not use all his sword qi and never performed Wan Jian Jue, so it would not trigger the industry fire red lotus sword array.

Hundreds of spirit swords flew towards the depths of the foggy forest. Everywhere they went, there was a booming explosion and the angry roar of monsters;

Song Jian turned his head and ran, his body was almost off the ground, almost flying against the ground, and soon, a group of "forest rover" rushed out of the foggy forest, and Zhang Yawu's claws chased towards Song Jian, number amazing;

After Song Jian glanced behind him, the dense monsters dragged into a long line, and frowns suddenly. These monsters were located near and far away. After being alarmed, the team dragged too long, which was not conducive to gathering monsters.

A cold scroll was found out of a parcel box, Song Jian tore open and threw it behind him;

These scrolls are the "Frost Marsh Scrolls" purchased by Song Jian at a high price. They are made by the magic scroll master, which is a peculiar branch of the magician and belongs to a rare profession;

They do not have any attack power. They can only attack the enemies with their own scrolls. The early scroll masters are very sad and often make ends meet, but in the later period, the scroll masters who can make great scrolls are the most powerful and most powerful in the entire game. Rich occupation

A powerful scroll of forbidden spells can often sell tens of millions of doomsday coins. When attacking the enemy, while other magicians are still singing the spell, the magic of the scroll masters' attack on the scrolls has already killed all the enemies. ;

The Frost Swamp Scroll has no attack power, but it can cause an Frost Swamp with a diameter of more than ten meters, which will cause a "slow" effect on the enemies that enter it. Because of the dual effects of frozen and swamp, the slow effect of the Frost Swamp is extremely Good, can cause a deceleration effect of 60;

This kind of auxiliary scroll is highly targeted, so the price is also very expensive. One scroll will cost 20,000 doomsday coins. Most players will buy one or two for self-defense. Three hundred sheets

Looking at a difficult walk in the ice swamp, the more monsters gathered behind him, a smile of joy emerged from the corner of Song Jian's mouth. This scroll was definitely worth the money for him;

Holding the sky-breaking sword, the whole body's sword gas rushed towards the sky-breaking sword, Wan Jianjue spit out, and the figure of two hundred and twenty spirit swords floated densely by the side of Song fitness. If people with dense phobia look Then, I ’m afraid I ’ll turn around and leave;

The sky-breaking sword slashed forward, and more than two hundred spirit swords flew over. There was no collision of such a dense spirit sword in the air, as if they had their own flight trajectories, without disturbing each other.

The fierce sword air enveloped hundreds of "forest rover" who were caught in the ice swamp. A strong energy spread like a ripple on the water surface, which swept the ice swamp for dozens of meters. Area, covering all monsters;

Boom, boom, boom,

A strong explosion sounded among the monsters, one by one, more than two thousand points of damage, floating densely, and layering on top of each other, making it impossible to tell how much damage each monster has suffered;

Watching these monsters fall to the ground like straw, Song Jian's heart was dark, and the monsters here really have very low fire resistance. Originally, each spirit sword only added a thousand points of fire damage, but attacking these monsters could cause 1,560 fire damage;

Before Wan Jianjue had formed a sword array, these monsters fell into pieces, and when a huge red lotus bloomed in this group of monsters, within a few seconds, hundreds of monsters had no one. Being able to stand, the Red Lotus Sword Formation slowly dissipated, traces of ice swamps remained on the ground, monsters' crisscross bodies, and spoiled loot scattered on the ground;

Hundreds of forest wanderers ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ directly increased Song Jian ’s experience value by 6, so it ’s too fast to upgrade the monsters. Song Jian, who has Wan Jianjue, is just like opening. .

Song Jian picked up all the loot that these monsters dropped. Most of the monsters exploded were a level 5 material called "firm wood". 37 pieces of equipment were dropped, all of which were level 50 or higher. Most of these equipment are some blue-green equipment, which is of no use to Song Jian. Even if it is sold, no one will buy it. It can only be used to decompose materials;

In addition to equipment, these monsters also dropped one gold and one silver skill book, which suddenly surprised Song Jian. It ’s important to know that the probability of ordinary monsters dropping high-quality skill books is very small. Silver-quality skill books For Level 7 Wan Jianjue, there is not much improvement in proficiency, but the golden quality skill book can still provide considerable proficiency;

After swallowing the two skill books directly, Song Jian once again walked towards the foggy forest. This time, he was ready to attract more monsters. The power of the Red Lotus Sword Formation was not fully exerted, even in the second stage. There is no way to trigger it, let alone the third stage. Regarding Wan Jianjue who has been upgraded two levels in a row, Song Jian is looking forward to what kind of power will erupt in the third stage;


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