I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 968: Wooden claw polluter

Misty Forest is a monster area that players have never walked in. There are a lot of monsters in it. Forest ramblers are just the most common monsters on the edge. The deeper you go into the misty forest, the more monsters you encounter, the higher the level;

Song Jian brushed the forest rambler over and over. The Ice Marsh Scroll has been used for more than a dozen scrolls. A group of forest ramblers fell to the ground, and near the edge of the foggy forest, there were broken bodies of forest ramblers everywhere. , Endless, even the flames of death can not keep up with the speed of Song Jian brush strange.

The refreshing speed of the forest walker can't keep up with the speed of Song Jian's monster killing. Each time it attracts hundreds of monsters. For more than two hours, the number of forest walkers killed by Song Jian exceeds 10,000. only;

The process of brushing monsters is very boring, and after being proficient, the whole process becomes very mechanized and no fun, but if you want to be a strong person, this is a process that must go through, and no one can avoid it;

Song Jian ’s level of proficiency has skyrocketed very quickly. In more than two hours, he has already reached half of his position, and fewer and fewer forest walkers are drawn. Song Jian begins to explore deep into the misty forest;

Further down, it is the refresh area of ​​the 57-level wooden claw polluter. The appearance of the wooden claw polluter is almost a replica of the forest rambler, but its size has become much larger. If the forest rambler is a ten-year-old monster , Then the wooden claw polluter is at least fifty years, or even a hundred years old monster;

In addition to a pair of exaggerated wooden claws, the wooden claw polluters also have a pale green poisonous mist floating on the surface. Song Jian can feel that these mutant tree people are full of evil magical powers, and it seems that they have been transformed by someone. It looks like this.

The strength of the wooden claw polluter is much higher than that of the forest rambler, but the movement speed is lower than that of the forest rambler. For Song Jian, this is good news, but after deep into the misty forest, there is no open terrain, allowing Song Jian It's more difficult to attract strangers and gather strangers, but it's not difficult to beat Song Jian. There is no open area, and it is enough to artificially create a piece;

The fire rose into the sky, and the huge flame red lotus bloomed in the deep forest. While killing a large group of wooden claw polluters, a large area of ​​ancient trees was destroyed by the industry fire red lotus sword array, and soon an open area with a diameter of more than 100 meters , Was created by Song Jian. Then, Song Jian began to repeat the process of attracting monsters and killing monsters, and his proficiency increased rapidly at an alarming rate;

During the leveling, Song Jian also summoned the stone man who slept in the battle pet space, and let it also upgrade with some experience. The level of Guru is a bit lower for Song Jian now, and it is getting less and less, but Guru's The potential is great and it is worth training.

In fact, the most worthy of training is the black dragon, but now the black dragon is guarding the dragon head monster tree in the poisonous swamp. It is estimated that it is waiting for the dragon head monster tree to produce another result. Song Jian has no way to deal with it.

Song Jian's combat experience is rapidly improving, which once again caused the noise of players in Doom City;

Now many players have risen to the forty level. Looking at the desperate experience value of forty to forty-one, many players have temporarily given up the idea of ​​upgrading and turned to explore other aspects of the game. .

"City Lord, can the monsters in the foggy forest fight? Can you bring an elite group with a war alliance?" Wang Qi has been paying attention to Song Jian's level since Song Jian said he wants to upgrade his monsters. So fast, Wang Qi couldn't sit still.

For a whole day, Song Jian was promoted from forty-six to forty-seven. Four large 120-pack backpacks were also filled with all five-level materials and various fifty. Above equipment

The skill books below the silver and silver ranks are too small to improve Wan Jianjue. Song Jian decided to keep them to enhance the strength of the brothers of the League of Nations. You know that even the silver rank skills are for ordinary players. , Are also very rare skills;

"Here are all monsters above level 55. It is dangerous to upgrade here before level 50. There are too many monsters here. Once they are surrounded, it is easy to die!" Song Jian said.

Don't look at Song Jian's so happy, but even if ordinary players have risen to level 50, they dare not come here to brush monsters. The monsters here have the most basic winding skills. Once they ca n’t beat them, they ca n’t even run. Drop

There are poisonous mists on the wooden claw polluters. For long-range occupations, it ’s okay to say that the melee professionals must always fight with the wooden claw polluters in the poisonous mist. Countless ants crawl on the body, it is really uncomfortable;

这样 "This way, it seems that the elite group can't go there to upgrade the monsters ..." Wang Qi was a little disappointed;

Although Doomsday City has a lot of mobs, there are many players from low to high, but there are many players in Doomsday City. The upgrade speed is not fast, which is why Song Jian went to upgrade outside the City of Doom.

Tong Songjian thought for a while and said, "If they can come here by themselves, I can take them for a few days!"

Most of the elites are the old men who followed Song Jian to build a city of hope ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ They are loyal to the war alliance, and they are also the main force of foreign operations. It is necessary to ensure the rank suppression of the elite group

Upon hearing this, Wang Qi immediately said, "Okay, now I will organize an elite group to find you in the past. Right, do you need any supplies? Let them bring you together!"

Tong Songjian looked at the number of scrolls in the Ice Swamp and said to Wang Qi: "Not needed for the time being, right, call two brothers with big backpacks, my parcel bar is full!"

"Okay, by the way, the brothers at the auction house today saw an epic chain mail suit that suits you well. I bought it for you. I will let the brothers of the elite group bring it to you. Yes, the item level is 50, and it needs 45 to be equipped! "Wang Qi said;

"Forty-fifth-level equipment? Is anyone now able to kill lord bosses above the forty-fifth?" Song Jian was a little surprised. It ’s important to know that only the boss-level boss has a small chance to drop epic gear. Song Jian fights Almost all of the epic-level equipment arrived were dropped by the dominance-level boss;

Also, bosses above level 45 are not huntable by ordinary players. Just being able to summon mobs will make a lot of headaches for many people;

"It is said that it was reached by a five-man squad. Instead of forming a war alliance, they formed an elite squad to hunt down BOSS ..." Wang Qi said;

After a moment of groaning, Jian Song Jian said, "Try to contact them to see if you can pull them into the City of Hope, and treat them as core members!"

Uh ...

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