I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 970: upgrade

"Citylord, this is the equipment that Vice-Chancellor Wang asked me to bring to you!" The captain of this squad pulled out a breastplate with a purplish red light from the parcel and handed it to Song Jian;

"Epic equipment, how is chain mail?" A team member glanced at the equipment in the captain's hand and whispered;

是 "Yes, isn't the owner of the city using leather armor?"

"Maybe there are other uses ..."

While others were whispering, Song Jian directly put on this epic chain mail. At this time, everyone guessed that Song Jian could even wear chain mail;

Warlord's Armor (Epic), Mail Armor, Item Level 50, Equipment Effects: Physical Defense +316, Spell Resistance +180, Damage + 10%, Battle Experience Gain + 15%, Strength +15, Dexterity +10, Constitution +10; Special Effect 1: Reduce 30% of the damage suffered, increase the user's Qi and blood value recovery speed, the more severe the damage, the faster the recovery speed, the fastest increase of Qi and blood value recovery speed by 50%; Special effect 2: War yoke (active), after using the target, you can limit all the target's movement acceleration skills, teleport skills, disappearing skills, etc., for 15 seconds; this skill can only be used once in 30 minutes; special effect 3: war roar ( Active). Using this skill can increase the attack power of all team members within 30 meters by 15% and the attack speed by 10% for a duration of 180 seconds. This skill can only be used once within 5 minutes. Equipment requirements: level 45, Whether to bring out the game: No

After putting on this epic-level equipment, Song Jian's strength has been greatly improved. The most important thing is that this equipment can increase the combat experience by 15%. It is too suitable for Song Jian who is now a monster. Nevertheless

In the time of Song Jian's recovery, the elite group has already divided five or six teams, and they will be responsible for attracting monsters. In this case, it is several times more effective than Song Jian alone to attract monsters.

大家 "Everyone, be careful. The monsters here are all above 55. If the situation is not right, use the Frost Marsh Scroll!" Song Jian said aloud, giving the Frost Marsh Scroll to everyone;

The aggressors are all agile occupations. Although the level of the wooden claw polluter is high, but the speed is not fast. Just be careful, don't be surrounded, these monsters can never catch up with them.

In other legal systems, occupations such as warriors can only have experience on the side and cannot help.

Several agile professional players have entered the depths of the foggy forest. After a while, the sound of attack and monster roar sounded in the depths of the forest, and the ground began to shake slightly, as if thousands of horses were attacking. .

A few thieves have begun to use the acceleration skills to run towards Song Jian. They all entered the monsters into the open space in the forest. When they were almost the same, they disappeared directly and left the battle;

The monsters are too slow. These thieves do not need to use the Ice Swamp Scroll at all. For them, the Scroll is just a precautionary measure.

At this time, Song Jian ’s Wan Jianjue was also released, covering all the monsters. This time, there were more monsters attracted than Song Jian himself, at least seven or eight hundred, crowded together. Blockbuster damage numbers rose, and the layers weren't clear at all;

怪物 All the monsters rushed towards Song Jian. A player next to him ripped a scroll of ice swamps and threw them at the monsters. The speed of the monsters was greatly reduced, and a cold muddy swamp also appeared under his feet;

寒 The area of ​​one ice scroll is not enough. Two players tear the scroll apart and throw it at the monster. The three scrolls finally cover all the monsters.

At this time, Wan Jianjue has also set off the industry fire Red Lotus Sword Formation, a huge flame lotus slowly blooming, powerful suction, so that all the monsters around it flew towards the lotus, some monsters are even attracted In the process, it is directly reduced to ashes, and the experience value of all people is rapidly increasing;

Gold light flashed, five or six players even directly improved one level, and Song Jian ’s experience value also increased by about 8%. As the number of people increased, Song Jian ’s experience rose without falling, on the one hand because of the team brush There is a strange experience bonus, on the other hand, there are more people attracting strangers. The number of monsters introduced each time is several times that of Song Jian alone. The experience gained is naturally much more than that of a person;

After running in a few times, everyone ’s speed is faster. Song Jian ’s Wan Jianjue has a very fast cooling down time, but each time it takes up the sword ’s energy value to start the sword array, it makes the recovery of the sword ’s energy value not catch up with it. Cooling speed of Wan Jianjue;

Therefore, every time a batch of monsters is cleared, Song Jian has to wait for the sword value to recover, but during this recovery time, several players who attract strangers have led out monsters deep in the forest;

A group of people frantically scatter monsters in the foggy forest. These monsters are more than ten levels higher than others. Although there are dozens of people, each person is also assigned a great deal of combat experience. After each wave of sprites ends, the team will Several upgrades of golden light came out;

The monsters cleared all day in the foggy forest ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Song Jian's level has been raised to 48. The extra skill points are Song Jian's point of imperial swordsmanship, which is a passive skill. Wan Jianjue can improve its proficiency. After brushing it down one day, the proficiency of other skills is almost unchanged, and the proficiency of Royal Sword Skills is once again increased to 100%, which is just another level;

Most of the other people's levels have also been upgraded to about forty-two. The stoneman's grunt level has been upgraded to forty-five. The experience of upgrading pets is much less than the player, so the level of grunt is also the highest. of;

The forty-fifth-level stone man murmured, and his size has become larger. The original two-meter head has grown to nearly three meters. The muscles of his body have a rocky texture, and his face has become more angular. The appearance of scratching your head and brain;

Guru's blood value has exceeded 30,000. For a forty-five lord boss boss, the blood value of 30,000 is not high, but this is also because it is Song Jian's pet and its attributes are weakened. Many, but in terms of skills, Guru has mastered six skills;

Three active skills, stone throwing, stabbing jungle, shaking the ground, two passive skills, rock skin, body regeneration, and another skill similar to the big move, ground split, long cooling time, and great consumption , Easily cannot be used;

The only thing that makes Jian Jian a bit regretful is that although Guru already has the strength of the boss-level boss, but the boss-level boss's signature skills and summon mobs, it does not grasp at all, I am afraid this is also a limitation of the game against pets;

Uh ...

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