I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 971: exposure

In the rank honor list, almost all players who can enter the top ten are players above forty, but except for Song Jian, the next nine people are all forty, the difference is only how much experience they get;

But one day later, the top fifteen on the rank glory list were all occupied by the players of the City of Hope League, and even thirty or thirty, 90% of them were people of the City of Hope League. The city is now a dominated city, and no war alliance can rival the city of hope;

"Are there any golden quality skill books?" Song Jian asked;

There are too many strange creatures, and there are too many explosive items. Song Jian can't pick it up alone. Those occupations that don't need strange creatures start to be porters. After the monsters die, a group of people start to pick up loot;

"I have a copy here!"

"I have two books here, one golden and one dark gold!"

Uh ...

Song Jian made a count. In one day, he actually played more than a dozen golden-quality skill books. These skills books are available in various occupations, but only at least 50 people are required to use them. This makes one of the elite members present. I secretly decided in my heart to upgrade as soon as possible;

After Song Jian Jian engulfed Wan Jianjue with more than a dozen golden-quality skill books, Wan Jianjue's level has been increased by one level to reach eighth level.

Eighth level swords, the number of spirit swords has been increased to 30 to 250, each spirit sword can now cause more than 2,200 points of damage, if you add 1,000 points of fire damage, even Can trigger more than 3,000 points of damage without triggering critical strikes and damage deepening;

In this way, even without triggering the karma red lotus sword array and 250 spirit swords, it can cause more than 700,000 injuries. The boss of the dominance level can be said to have suffered a blow in front of Song Jian. There is no strength, as long as a battle occurs, it is the end of a spike;

"The Scroll of Ice Swamp has run out, let's go back first!" Song Jian said;

I was blamed for a day. The dozen or so people in these elite groups not only did not have any fatigue, but were energetic one by one, waiting for three days and nights;

But unfortunately, if there is no Ice Swamp Scroll to restrict the movement of the monsters and gather the monsters, Wan Jianjue will not be able to exert the maximum effect, and there will be a lot of missing fish;

Except for Song Jian, the level of everyone else is too low. Just level suppression can make most of their attacks are MISS.

Wang Qi has begun to send people with the equipment out to the auction houses in various cities for auction;

The level of players in Doom City is too low, but there are many professional NPCs in other cities. For these equipments above level 50, these NPCs are very generous;

He waited until Song Jian returned to the city's capital, and Wang Qi excitedly sent him a message;

"City Lord, guess how much we made this time?"

"How much?" Song Jian asked. He wasn't very interested in Doomsday. The items he needed were all things that Doomsday could not buy. Many people only accept barter, such as epic-level equipment, even if they want To buy, it also depends on luck.

"56 million Doomsday, and two batches of the best quality equipment, to be purchased tomorrow, and the materials I typed are all deducted, used to train our own professional life players, I estimate , There will be at least ten life professional players, reaching the expert level! "Wang Qi said;

"Yes!" Song Jian laughed. "Now the funds for urban construction can be alleviated a little?"

"Of course, city master, you should go out and brush up high-level monsters, even if you haven't encountered BOSS, come a few times like today, we hope that the City League will never run out of money!" Wang Qi Laughed

那 "Then you don't hurry to train the players who make magic scrolls? Today's Ice Swamp Scrolls are all used up. Without it, it will affect the brushing efficiency." Song Jian said;

There is no Ice Swamp Scroll to limit the speed of monsters, which not only affects the efficiency of brushing monsters, but also greatly increases the danger of strangers. They are all forty-two and three-level players, and they are forty-seven and eighteen-level monsters. It's too dangerous. Today, several players who attracted strangers were entangled by the sudden emergence of monsters entangled with tree roots because of perceptive suppression. They almost lost their lives. If there were no ice swamp scrolls limiting their speed, I am afraid that many people will die today;

"You don't know who spread the strange news. The price of the Ice Swamp Scroll has doubled several times. It will take a while to train your own scroll master ..." Wang Qi said;

Song Jian's face sank, knowing that the people he brushed today are almost all members of the League of Legends League. It is reasonable to say that the news will not be leaked out, but before they are brushed, the price of the Ice Swamp Scroll has increased. Several times, apparently the news of their spamming was leaked;

"Find out what's going on and see who's leaking the secret. This kind of ethics must be contained!" Song Jian said in a deep voice;

"I understand, I have started to intervene!" Wang Qi said, as the actual manager of a war alliance, this kind of thing happened, and he has an inescapable responsibility. Most of the elite group are old players, and those Players who rely on their own strength to enter the elite group also cherish the hard-earned opportunities, and the entire city of doomsday, there is no war alliance is the opponent of the city of hope, so it is difficult to betray in the war alliance;

Because there is no Ice Swamp Scroll ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ in the next few days, Song Jian will only be able to brush monsters alone, with the cooperation of stone people, even if there are some missing fish, you can take care of it, but if you Bring those people before to blame, the number of monsters is too large, and it is easy to cause group destruction;

A day later, Wang Qi also found out that the news was leaked. He was a forty-three thief player. When he passed the foggy forest, he unintentionally noticed the movement of Song Jian's mobs and secretly touched them;

Because of the special environment of the foggy forest, the perception and vision of all people were suppressed, so no one noticed his existence, so he observed Song Jian's strange behaviors.

Seeing them so strange, the thief was suddenly stunned, took a video and posted it to the game forum, causing a sensation. This thief is actually a treasure hunter. The favorite thing to do is not to upgrade the monster, but to upgrade. Explore the area of ​​the game;

越 The more no one is involved in the game, the more there are good things, treasure chests, herbs, precious ore, these are like gold thrown on the ground at will, waiting for the first person to bend over to pick it up;

The treasure hunter made a lot of money by relying on this. This video has also brought him a lot of benefits, and at the same time, the City of Hope has been pushed to the cusp again;

Knowing that the player who was not in his own league leaked the secret, Song Jian was relieved. This thief is not a person in the doomsday city. Even if he wanted to trouble him, there was no way, but his name, Song Jian, was in his mind. On, Dou Deshang!

"I hope there will be a day to meet again!" Song Jian secretly said.

Uh ...

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