I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 972: Tier 2 combat effectiveness assessment

刷 After brushing for four or five days, Song Jian's level was finally raised to level 50;

Xi Xuanyue Streaming Sword has been increased by one level, sword shadow avatars have been raised by one level, the damage of each sword of Xuanyue Streaming Sword has been increased by 5%, and sword shadow avatars can already inherit 50% of Song Jian's attributes;

At the 50th level, Song Jian, even with 50% attributes, is much stronger than ordinary 30-level players, and a few levels higher, the role of the sword shadow avatar in the battle will become greater and greater;

The stoneman Guru has risen to level 55. In the past few days, the number of monsters in the foggy forest killed by Song Jian has no idea how many, and his body has even appeared a "deterrent" effect. Within the range of the foggy forest, as long as Monsters within a hundred meters of him will feel his presence and be scared away from him;

Ordinary players brush monsters in one place, it is difficult to brush out this "deterrence" effect. You know, if you brush too many monsters in one place, you will alarm the elite bosses in this area. Ordinary players will be able to deal with ordinary mobs. , But when encountering elite BOSS, unless it is a team, they usually change places immediately;

But in Song Jian's eyes, the elite BOSS and ordinary mobs are not much different. Wan Jianjue is overwhelming and directly wipes out the elite BOSS and ordinary mobs.

After brushing the elite BOSS several times in succession, the boss-level boss and the dominance-level boss were alarmed one after another, but in Song Jian's eyes, they are just the difference between applying one million swords and two million swords. Over 100 meters of dominance-level BOSS, the moment when the ancient trees of the foggy war "thundered" fell, Song Jian achieved this "deterrent" effect;

效果 This effect can only take effect in the foggy forest. After leaving the foggy forest, this effect will disappear;

This makes Song Jian unable to continue brushing in the foggy forest, otherwise, I'm afraid that Song Jian will brush up in the wild;

Wan Jianjue is too horrible. After the level is raised, as long as it is not surrounded by a group of governing bosses, Song Jian can be said to be flowing in this game. Even the strong with second-order combat power, Song Jian also confidently fought, but with the third-order combat power, Song Jian saw that he still had to hide away.

Back at the Manor Castle, Song Jian directly applied for the second-tier combat capability assessment. At this stage, he can apply for the second-tier combat capability assessment. I am afraid that he is the only one. That is, the second-tier assessment with him will be all NPCs. Professionals, no one player appears;

In the castle management interface, Song Jian directly chose "Apply for the second-tier combat power assessment", a white light flashed, and Song Jian was directly transferred from the main city hall to the assessment hall;

Still the same as before, a group of people around the different portals, constantly picking;

At the moment Song Jian appeared, all the second-order combat portals disappeared at the same time, replaced by a scarlet blood-colored light gate.

Bian Songjian frowned slightly, and there were no abnormalities in the other portal light portals. Only the portal light portals in the second-order combat power assessment had changed. He faintly felt that this seemed to be aimed at himself;

He stepped towards the blood-colored light gate of the second-tier combat capability assessment. After reaching out to touch, the content of the second-tier combat capability assessment suddenly appeared in front of Song Jian.

"After entering the world of the second-level combat performance assessment, camps will be allocated based on the strength of the appraisers, and the strength of each camp will be as balanced as possible ..."

"After entering the world of the second-level combat performance assessment, the appraisers will be subject to the mainline task, and the mainline task will pass the assessment. If the mainline task fails, the assessment will fail ..."

Uh ...

After reading all the information, Song Jian stepped directly into the Scarlet Light Gate without hesitation;

The abnormality of the second-order combat power transmission light gate has shocked almost all NPC professionals. Many professionals who are preparing to participate in the second-level combat performance evaluation have begun to hesitate. They do not know that this change is for them. Good or bad, so most people choose to wait and see;

很快 But soon, in the wait-and-see of everyone, a group of people appeared in the assessment hall and saw the blood-red gate of the second-order combat power assessment, their eyes were bright, and they entered the gate without hesitation;

"Hey, brother, what's going on, why are so many people running for the second-tier combat capability assessment?" Someone wondered;

"The transmission light gate has changed, indicating that the content of the assessment has also changed. Do you know what this means?" Another person asked rhetorically;

"Assessment risk will increase? Is it the same as BOSS mutation?" Some people speculated;

不错 "Yes, in battle, if the boss suddenly mutates, the danger will indeed increase a lot, but correspondingly, if the mutant boss is killed, then the loot ..." The person who answered earlier laughed;

"The quality and quantity of loot will also improve a lot!" The eyes of people around them suddenly brightened;

"You know, there is no real death in the assessment world. Do you know who those people were just now? They have the eldest son of the Earl, the legendary mercenaries who have battled through hundreds of battles, the lords on the hegemony side, their strength, In fact, it is already possible to perform the second-order combat performance assessment, but it has been dragging on, just to wait until the moment when the transmission of the light gate is mutated ... "

"So what are we waiting for, go in quickly, maybe there will be a limit on the number of assessments!" Some people who are preparing for the second-order combat strength assessment are suddenly anxious, and start to swarm towards the portal of light;

Soon, some people entered the portal, but others were blocked;

"Damn, only one hundred people can enter ..." The person who was stopped ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ suddenly became difficult to look, this was an excellent opportunity to enhance his strength, but just missed Already.

"It's not a bad thing not to go in. You must know that there will only be one winner in such an assessment. If you are not very confident in your strength, wait for a day and take part in those ordinary assessments with lower difficulty. At least the success rate Will be higher! "Someone comforted;

"Yeah, all the people who go in are powerful people. Even if we go in, we will only be reduced to cannon fodder ..." Someone said with a sigh, but he looked unwillingly at the closed blood-red portal. .

At this time, Song Jian felt like he was falling from a height. This weightlessness made him feel uncomfortable. He couldn't help wanting to summon the Flame Wings, but soon he found that he couldn't seem to do anything. , Skills can not be released, even the body can not control;

"What the **** is going on, I have fallen for ten minutes ..." Song Jian thought with some depression, to know that through the portal before, this has never happened;

After a long while, Song Jian finally felt that the speed began to slowly decrease. Soon, his feet were stepping on the ground, but his eyes were still dark;

At this moment, a translucent light curtain appeared in front of Song Jian, which wrote the content of the second-order combat power assessment and the way of attention;

"Why, how can this be?" Song Jian's face suddenly showed a surprised look, feeling that he seemed to be targeted by this game.

Uh ...

PS: Thanks to the author, "I Give You Motivation" for a reward of 100 starting coins ~

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