I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 974: Beaver warrior

"Task?" Song Jian flashed a thought in his mind, and immediately nodded. "If you can prove that the Dark Lord is evil, I am willing to help you and kill it!"

"Great!" Said the flower elf happily. "To prove it is easy, you only need to see it, you know that it is an evil black dragon. It eats many animals in the forest every day, and it is also imprisoned. Many elves, those elves have to take a heavy labor every day, every day elves die because of overwork ... "

"Black Dragon?" Song Jian stunned, no matter in that world, the dragons are at the top of the food chain pyramid. Although the title of the dragon warrior is glorious, none of the thousands of warriors who want to kill the dragon can succeed;

"Is it an adult black dragon?" Song Jian asked.

"No, it's an old black dragon, it's still injured ..." said the flower elf.

"I can accept this task, but before that, I need to find the human castle ..." Song Jian nodded;

"Yes, as long as you can kill the Dark Lord within three months!" The flower elf nodded and said;

System: You have accepted the commission of the Flower Elf Luna and the destruction of the Dark Lord; Quest requirements: Kill the black dragon occupying the Elven Mountain! Mission duration: three months; Mission reward: spend the gift of Elf Luna, and improve the level of assessment after customs clearance; mission failure: the favorability of the Elf tribe drops to indifference, in the assessment world, you will never be able to recruit Elf tribe as soldiers;

After Song Jian accepted the task, Luna handed him a gem and said, "This is a lucky gem. As long as you take it, you will be favored by the goddess of luck."

Song Jian took a look and a satisfied smile appeared on his face immediately;

"Lucky gem (dark gold), special items, use effect: lucky value +5, led soldiers, morale will always remain high! Item description: This item will take effect in the parcel box, leaving the assessment world, this item will Disappear; Use requirements: Get approval from Flower Elf Luna; "

This is an item that can only be used in the assessment space, but the more such an article, the greater the role it plays in the assessment space. After Song Jian put away the gems and bid farewell to the flower elf, he walked towards the location of the human castle. go with;

According to the position of the human castle by the flower elf, you can no longer see this path, you must pass through a dense forest, and then cross a large river to see it;

Song Jian found that there are no monsters in this world, which means there is no way to upgrade. There are many beasts in the forest, but the level of these beasts is too low. I feel the breath emanating from Song Fitness. These beasts are basically I dare not approach, and Song Jian is not interested in finding them. The most important thing now is to go to that human fort to see if I can find some clues to win the assessment victory.

Soon, Song Jian passed through the forest and came to a large river, which was about ten meters wide. If there were no tools such as a boat, he could swim past.

However, Song Jian did n’t need to take such a lot of trouble, just fly directly, just when Song Jian summoned the flame wing, and when he was about to fly, he suddenly found that there were a lot of messy buildings made of wood on the bank of the river. It's like a lair.

A large group of monsters that look like human beavers, holding simple wooden spears in their hands, patrolling around their lairs. There are young beavers playing in the lairs, and some adult beavers are using harpoons. Catching fresh fish in the river.

"This may be the same place as the dragonfly's nest, and it can be occupied!" Song Jian secretly said, "but these beavers look very weak, even if they occupy it, they don't know any use ..."

Song Jian originally did not intend to ignore the beavers, but after thinking about it, he decided to occupy this place first, and then there may be unexpected gains;

At the moment Song Jian was near the beaver's lair, almost all **** warriors holding wooden spears and wearing crude leather armor looked at him;

"This is the territory of the Black Beaver Tribe, outsiders, please stay away!" A strong **** stood out and shouted at Jian Jian with a spear.

"Serve sincerely, or destroy, and make your decision within ten seconds!" Song Jian said with a broken sword in his hand.

In fact, this group of beavers has realized the strength of Song Jian. The strongest **** warrior who stood out has two legs still shaking involuntarily;

Song Jian is not very interested in these weak **** fighters, even if they are killed, it does not matter;

"We are willing to surrender!" A dozen **** warriors heard Song Jian say this, seemingly relieved, all lying on the ground, with the appearance of surrender;

Song Jian: "..."

Did n’t you say that this is the territory of the black raccoon tribe, why is it so easy to surrender?

System: Forced by your mighty force, a group of **** warriors are willing to join your team to fight alongside you!

System: You can view the properties of this group of **** warriors and assign them to work!

System: Beaver fighters are weak, but they are a group of highly skilled architects. Will these **** fighters be transformed into workers?

"All turned into workers!" Song Jian made a choice immediately after looking at the attributes of the **** fighters;

"Beaver Warrior (14): Normal Soldier, Attack 2, Defense 1, No Skill, Fighting Power 5"

A group of **** warriors fighting 5 slags will not help Song Jian, even the qualifications for cannon fodder, but after being converted into workers, at least in the future, after occupying that human castle, they can be rebuilt. ;

A white light shone, and all **** fighters 'clothes were changed into workers' appearances, and their leather armor and spears disappeared, replaced by simple linen clothes;

System: Human camp appraisers occupy a beaver's lair, and three **** workers will be produced daily for recruiters;

This announcement was broadcast in all the appraisal camps. It was seen that the human camp had occupied another worker's lair, and other real appraisers had red eyes with envy;

"Damn ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Hell races are all good, just can't find a worker who can work, it takes 36 hours to cultivate a blood pool, it's just a waste of time!" Assessing the curved double-angled appraiser, after seeing this announcement, he suddenly sprayed and roared loudly on Mars;

"The fact that there are many construction workers is a characteristic of the human camp, but it is an indisputable fact that the soldiers of the human camp are weak, and each camp has its own characteristics. We only need to give play to the specialties of the **** camp. The others do not matter! A petite succubus glanced at him and laughed softly;

"Sana is right. Geer controls your emotions. You can go to conquer some wild monster lairs and increase the number of our soldiers. Most importantly, explore the surrounding area and at least find us a master. City, as for this blood pool, we don't need to keep guarding it all the time, just send a few little devil here to guard it! "Said Shen Sheng, another **** appraiser.

"Yes, Prince Sara, Geer obeys your will!" After the irritable **** examiner gave a salute to Prince Sara, he strode toward the wild;


s : Thank you for the 1000 starting coins for reward

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