I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 975: Human castle

"Prince Sarah, the appraiser of the human camp should be the most powerful player. Do we want to unite with other camps and kick him out first?" Succubus said in a respectful manner;

"No!" Prince Sara shook her head and said, "The soldiers in the **** camp are the strongest attackers of all camps. We only need to assemble the **** army to sweep all other camps!"

"The human camp is the farthest from the **** camp. We just need to wait and see how it changes. Now our task is to capture as many wild monster lairs as possible while exploring more unknown areas!" Prince Sara Watching several other appraisers say;

There was a look of worry in Sanna's eyes, but she did not insist on her own opinion, and after a ritual toward Prince Sara, she slowly backed away;

The same scene was staged in each of the other camps. Each camp almost became the leader of the camp with the most noble status appraiser, and all other appraisers performed divisions of labor around him;

Except for some players who are too far away, the appraisers from various camps have almost gathered;

Most of these appraisers are elite members of various major forces in the game world, and they are full of self-confidence. Except for their own appraisers, they do not trust people in other camps. After all, appraisers from other camps come to them. Said, all are enemies;

Therefore, there is no large-scale alliance yet. Although they all know that the human camp in this world has a powerful assessor, they are confident that they can defeat that powerful assessor;

"The key to this assessment is the soldier and the army! No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be an opponent of the army! Now our task is to explore and develop!"


Almost all camp appraisers are exploring unknown areas. Their exploration efficiency is several times that of Song Jian. The occupied nests are also much more than that of Song Jian, but so far, there is still no appraisal appraisal for the camp. Found the main city of the camp, some of the appraisers who found and occupied the field, have been considered good luck;

After conquering this group of **** workers, Song Jian found that he had a building interface where he could build a variety of buildings;

Arrow tower, trebuchet, city wall, fortress upgrade, blacksmith shop, spear barracks ...

There are dozens of buildings in total, but to build these buildings, there must be a prerequisite, that is, to have a main camp city;

"Hope that the abandoned human castle is the main city of the system!" Song Jian thought to himself;

"You build siege vehicles first, as many as possible, and send some people to logging!" Song Jian ordered;

Of all the construction interfaces, the only **** worker that can be built without the main city of the camp is the siege vehicle, but the construction of the siege vehicle requires a lot of wood resources.

Song Jian could only sort out some **** workers to collect wood;

"Observe, Lord Lord!" A group of **** workers began to get busy. Song Jian came to the beaver's lair and found that three **** workers could be recruited, but recruiting a **** worker required 100 gold coins. There is nothing, but I can't recruit for the time being.

"You still need to build a bridge. Otherwise, even if you build a siege vehicle, you won't be able to transport it!" Song Jian glanced at the wide river and said secretly, "But now I'm not busy, I can build a bridge that can transport The simple bridge of the siege vehicle should not be a problem for the **** workers. The key now is the lack of resources. I must also capture several wooden yards or mines! "

"The first problem now is to occupy a main human city first!" Song Jian summoned the flame wing and flew towards the human castle directed by the flower elves;

Along the way, Song Jian encountered a group of mountain thieves and a doghead lair. The moment the mountain thief saw Song Jian, he broke up and ran away without the courage to fight Song Jian at all;

System: You defeated a group of robbers and got five hundred gold coins and two hundred units of stone;

System: You find another Kobold Lair. The Kobold is forced by your force to surrender to you. You have occupied the Kobold Lair. This lair can produce 2 Kobolds every day for recruitment;

These Kobolds have more fighting power than beavers, but they are not half that of ordinary adults. There is no need to become a soldier at all. However, because Kobolds have a talented skill and the mining efficiency is increased by 5, Song Jian has all these Kobolds. Transformed into a Kobold miner;

There is an abandoned mine next to the Kobold ’s lair. There is no monster guard in it. After Song Jian directly occupied the mine, he ordered all Kobold miners to go to the mine;

Although it is an abandoned mine, every hour, Song Jian can still provide 10 units of iron ore;

Song Jian took a look at the game interface in this assessment world. In this world, there are six basic resources, namely grain, wood, iron ore, stone, gems and gold coins;

Timber and iron ore have been growing slowly because of the mining of workers, and beavers can also catch fresh fish, which can increase 2 units of food per hour. The consumption of these workers is very low. One hundred workers only need one day. One unit of food is therefore slowly accumulating food resources;

As for gold coins, as long as you defeat the enemy, you will have the opportunity to seize them. Song Jian now has 500 gold coins, but the two resources of stone and gemstone Song Jian have not yet found how to collect them;

"In addition to basic resources, there are many advanced resources in this world, such as Adamantite, Sulfur, Mithril, etc. These are the resources needed to recruit senior soldiers, and if they are encountered, they must be occupied!" Song Jian Secretly walking while walking;

Continue to walk forward ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Soon, a human castle made entirely of white granite appeared in front of Song Jian;

"It looks a lot like my manor castle, but looks much humbler than the manor castle ..." Song Jian frowned slightly, staring at himself in a distant castle up to five or six meters tall;

Just then, a roar of a beast suddenly came out of the castle, a beast that looked like a unicorn appeared at the gate of the castle;

This beast is about the same size as an adult mustang, with a spiral unicorn on his forehead, covered with purple-black scales, and a pair of black wings on both ribs;

"Variable unicorns, elite beasts, and leader templates. After defeating, there is a certain chance to recruit them as hero mounts!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at its attributes;

At this moment, a large group of wild beasts emerged from the castle, and a large number of wild wolves, wild boars and brown bears appeared behind the mutant unicorns, looking like an army of wild beasts;


s: Thanks to the "Little Monster Lin" for the 500 starting coins!

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